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Posts posted by AzirAphale001

  1. hehe.my red's gonna hatch soon!

    "sigh"i wish i knew another language.but the school program i'm in doesn't offer any classes :verymad: and no one in my family speaks another one.....that and i really don't have the time to learn one.

    I did French in school (and very nearly failed). I wanted to do German, but couldn't, so I'm trying to self teach myself (in the form of listening to Rammstein songs and reading the English translations) with some success.


    Irish and Welsh are some of the hardest languages in the world (after Vietnamese) to learn, and I respect anyone who knows even just a few words. Hats off to you.

  2. Yes Necromancer, you should be worrying about you hatchlings. But as Gamerbird said, if you put them into the Emergency Room then you'll have nothing to worry about.


    Update on my eggs. The twins, Chineth and Mimeth, and my magi have matured, and the Black doesn't have long to go. I've adopted 4 new eggs. A Guardian, a Red, a Water and a Green (I think).


    Done my clicks of everyone in the past few pages.

  3. Congrats Aeryn on the two Winter Eggs. Xedeth has matured, my twins have grown wings, as had my magi, and my black has hatched.


    I haven't been on for a couple of days, so I have lots of clicks to make up for...! Everyones Eggs have been clicked, and Sophie has asked me to remind everyone not to forget her Eggs (that are actually Hatchlings now). They're on page 80...


    EDIT: Apparently Aaron got there before me. Oh well.

    If we're going to do the whole where is everyone from thing then I'm a Scottish/English mix with a wee bit of Irish (although not much) back down the line somewhere.

  4. rounds completed...10" of snow and more expected...woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...not...lol

    I was told 8 inches, and what did we get? Frost and hail. Oh well.




    Clicked everyones Dragons and Eggs. Named my dual-head.


    Three eggs have hatched, and one has a big hole. Dual-head should mature any day now. So thanks to all who have clicked and viewed.

  5. I have a question about breeding. Dragons I mean.

    When you breed two Dragons and get an egg (or is it more?) do they get added to your scroll even if you already have four eggs?

    Just got my first male so I want to try breeding them.

  6. Can the Grand Crone Goddess get some acknowledgement from members that this has been read and Understood please!!!!!

    So this last minute desperation, and death of dragons, does not have to happen, to you..


    ~Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn~

    Heard and understood. I have sworn that no more of my Dragons will die.



    I swear I clicked those yesterday. Couple of times. Unfortunately, school means I can't be clicking as much as others can.

    Same here. Darn education...!

  7. My White matured, and I've adopted 3 new eggs.

    I was apalled to see so many Eggs (and Hatchlings) on the abandoned eggs page.


    I have clicked everyones eggs and hatchlings, and since I haven't been on in a while and I backtrack to my last post that's a lot of eggs and hatchlings...

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