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Posts posted by AzirAphale001

  1. dezdimona, is that a cloud in your sig?


    I've got a new egg, a dua-head this time. My white Dragon has hatched, and two eggs have cracked. It's looking good! Have clicked everyones eggs, and am stealing a few names for a mod I'm making (hope on-one minds).


    EDIT: Only one egg has a crack, but two have a hole.


    EDIT: All four of my eggs have hatched.

  2. My babys dont have much time left and all of them have to 2.5 days and less to live


    They've all grown wings except for the thorny one, but something happening to that one as well, so they should be maturing fairly soonish.

  3. http://i35.tinypic.com/10z2ubs.jpg


    That is COOL!



    My Hatchling should hopefully be maturing soon, and what with everyone's Eggs hatching and cracking and Dragons maturing, 'tis a good time to be alive...


    EDIT: He (or rather, she) has hatched! Yay!

  4. I don't know if there is something up with my computer or what but sometimes my eggs don't show up in my sig. I have four but only three show up.


    I'm fine Sophie, how are you? Busy with wrapping your Christmas pressies?


    EDIT: The pink egg's hatched. My sister named her Obliviana...

    EDIT 2: Got an incubator, now they all show up. My only concern is, is my sig still within limits?

    The time lag happens to me too.They show up eventually,nothing to worry about


    Okay, that's good, thanks.

  5. I don't know if there is something up with my computer or what but sometimes my eggs don't show up in my sig. I have four but only three show up.


    I'm fine Sophie, how are you? Busy with wrapping your Christmas pressies?


    EDIT: The pink egg's hatched. My sister named her Obliviana...

    EDIT 2: Got an incubator, now they all show up. My only concern is, is my sig still within limits?

  6. I know what you mean, my eggs have 3, 3, 4 and 6 clicks. And a lot more views. Which leads me to think that the same 3, 3, 4 and 6 people (the good people) are clicking them.


    I always backtrack to my last post, and click on all the Dragons I see (having 20 tabs open is a difficult thing to do).

  7. I would just like to thank everyone who helped to prevent my hatchlings from dieing. It was, alas, for nothing, but I would still like to thank everyone.


    I now have four new eggs, and I am determined not to let them die.


    P.S. No more soft shell, so that's good.

  8. did you read my thread telling you your egg has soft shell?


    Yes, I did. Thanks for the advice. I'm removing the link from my sig as we type. I think the problem is that it has more clicks than views.


    EDIT: Changed the link. The image address had /1.gif instead of .gif. Thanks dezi, I would never of noticed that otherwise.

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