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Posts posted by AzirAphale001

  1. Yes, people are still playing Morrowind.

    I'm not sure of the official figures, but I imagin is would be similar. o put it in context, my current character is at level 40+ and I usually play at about 75-90 difficulty.

    To start of at 100% would be hard, ad I wouldn't want to try it, but I suppoe it could be done.

  2. Exit polls are in and, woo, looks like the Lib Dems have lost 3 seats rather than gained them like everyone thought. Thank god.

    I don't believe the exit poll. The Lib Dems have been ahead through all three debates, and suddenly they're behind?

    I can't vote yet, but I'm still staying up to see what happens.

  3. Possibly it was meant to be in the game, but was never implemented. Similar to some of teh unique Artifacts (description of the enchantments doesn't match the enchatment).
  4. NAME: Gormonk

    AGE: 20

    BIRTH:nov / thenth / nineteen eaghty nine


    "Optional" Where do you you hail from:New Zealand

    REASON FOR JOINING THE ORDER:. im adragon fanatick

    SUBMIT THE TITLE YOU WISH TO BE KNOWN BY: Luneressant Gard of Dracona, the land of dragons

    As Grand Dragon Knight I welcome you to the Order of the Dragon. As soon as Aeryn comes back she'll add you to the scroll.

    All clicked.

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