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Posts posted by AzirAphale001

  1. Avatar was good, and so was Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. I'm very much looking forward to seeing The Prince of Persia and The Wolfman.

    I get to go the the cinema quite a lot since it's less that a fiver with my student discount.

  2. Hmm May have to rejoin and get more eggs, be warned Mad Man is more a description then title, Have just been diagnosed with Bipolar (manic depression). :biggrin:

    My aunt had bipolar... Just a bit of trivia...

    Thanks ytsejam.

    Clockout1, you need to fill in the form before you can be official welcomed.

    All clicked.

  3. I started playing Oblivion after my friend introduced me to it. I had finished the main quest and most of the guild quests before I discovered mods. From there I found TESNexus, from there Morrowind. I wouldn't have played it if my computer hadn't gone through a series of unfortunate events and my disk got scratched. I ended up buying Morrowind because Oblivion wouldn't have worked on my laptop. Since I started on Morrowind I haven't looked back, although I've never actually finished the main quest...
  4. congrats Azir for the Alt

    Thanks, I've got my alt blacks sorted.

    Thanks Aeryn for the ER.

    All clicked (if anyone's on in 4 hours then Aeryn's hatchlings will be needing the ER and one of Wasder's egg in 6).

  5. how did you do the animated one? i have like 3 i would use but dont know how.

    You need to make sure it's the right size so that it doesn't get automatically scaled.

    I've had this one for quite a while, and I can't remember what I had before... I've have a look of my archives when I get home.

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