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About Shantih

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  1. Funny vid. Merry Christmas! :happy:
  2. It looks slick but I'm afraid I find it a bit cumbersome... It will take some time to get used to the new layout.
  3. In response to post #46973515. #46981800, #46982930 are all replies on the same post. Couldn't get into it either. The game play killed it for me and I got terribly bored after a few hours unfortunately.
  4. I salute Dark0ne's take on the issue. All I can say is that it's hard to be hopeful regarding the future. I wonder how things will turn out once the big players come into play regarding the issue of copyright infringement. It's my understanding that free mods get a pass when it comes to things like that but once money enters the equation I doubt the people holding the rights to some franchises will just stand by and watch without sending their lawyers to get a cut or taking down mods.
  5. If you don't feel like using the console you can use this little mod of mine: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37494
  6. Interesting thread and points. I have yet to complete the House questline... The part about blowing up the BoS irks me, there should be a way around that. I've been meaning to play a merc with no conscience and see how it goes. The Legion is brutal but enjoyable as long as you don't overthink it (Caesar is the only one with acual brains if you ask me). The NCR is despicable and corrupt (consider the fate of Cassidy Caravans and the fact that the NCR won't do anything unless you go out of your way to make it happen). That leaves the Yes Man route which is let's face it is tantamount to anarchy and chaos... Still my "favourite" because I root for the underdogs most of the time and House is a capital jerk (Vault 21 anyone?) and the Bear and the Bull only oppress people (they do it differently but still). Of course my Wild Card Courier's last move would be to make sure the Securitron army is disabled once both the Legion and the NCR are pushed out from the Mojave (not sure Yes Man would play ball on that one though). The good thing is that there is no "good" ending no matter what. House is as obnoxious as they get but he is striving for stability and independence (if not from him from other factions). I still have a hard time coming to terms with his demands though.
  7. I look forward to trying this out in the game, keep up the good work. Just bear in mind that many players don't like the idea of adding the InCombat reference as it makes it less easy to abuse the disguise (it's not that hard to provide the original script as an option however). :happy:
  8. This is really interesting. :) I'm not familiar with the character you're referring to. I assume that when you recruit him you get a perk that makes the faction non hostile so it would be a real pain with my modified Ghoul mask script (hiring and firing wouldn't be practical). My idea works well with an object that can be equipped it doesn't work well with a follower IMHO. I don't remember how it worked in Skyrim and I never had a look in the editor while I was still playing the game. I assume it would be possible to make it so that the game doesn't keep track of your character's offences. It may be a bit tricky however (just like the Grey Cowl in Oblivion remember?) and it can be used to abuse the game which is one of the reasons why I didn't like the original implementation of the ghoul mask in Fallout 3. I would be more concerned about breaking the game and messing up quests though. I'd suggest having a look at these mods that try to do the same thing: Invisible for No Reputation by sagittarius22 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41943 Invisibility for no Reputation by Sagittarius22 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39347 I haven't tried them myself so I can't comment on the differences but check out the comments there are some ideas that you may find interesting.
  9. Simply by adding this condition: Where XXXXXXXXXXFaction is the name of the faction (of course). It's only three lines but the difference is huge because whenever the PC is in combat the ghouls will become hostile. It means that if a Bloatfly attacks your character it will blow his/her cover. It also means that unless you kill a ghoul with one shot you will have initiated combat and they will turn hostile until you break out of combat and equip the mask again. I understand that what I'm suggesting isn't for everyone but it feels much less cheesy. I've been using this condition for my Fiend Friend mod for FNV and before that for my Infiltrations mod for Fallout 3, it's simple and it has the advantage of forcing you to be careful whenever you're around enemies posing as one of their own. Last but not least you can't abuse them anymore since initiating combat will make them hostile again (but it's fun to sit back and let them do the dirty work while you watch). The ghoul mask gets really cheesy when you start using it to slaughter ghouls. I thought about making everyone hostile while your character is wearing it but this has the potential of seriously messing up the game (especially in FNV with the reputation system). I've been meaning to explore a bit further the disguise system in FNV. It's much more interesting that the simple ghoul mask script but I never got around to it. As long as it is working and doesn't make a mess of things why not keep it simple? :happy:
  10. It will probably be sorted in a while. Too much traffic maybe? I did delete my cookies first just to be sure. ;) Doing something else sounds like the right idea. Maybe I'll just play the game instead of browsing for mods. :happy:
  11. Have you tried this mod: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/46685 Looks incredibly good for a leather face character. :) Regarding the script, I've been using a modified version of the ghoul mask script for years, I find that adding an "InCombat" reference helps making it (much) less cheesy.
  12. Same thing here, but I don't think it is cookie related as I've noticed I can log in the Fallout 3 Nexus or the Dragon Age Nexus but not the New Vegas Nexus. It's annoying as I was logged in a couple of hours ago.
  13. A Merry Christmas to everyone, Peace on Earth and everything. :happy:
  14. Some games still look pretty good especially with wide screen mods but the ones that used 3D graphics and not painted environments tend to age badly. It's a pity because some of the old games have much to offer to demanding gamers. I still love the look of Fallout and most Infinity Engine games as I don't feel they look that bad. I used to love Might and Magic VI the Mandate of Heaven and I still love the gameplay but I have a hard time playing this game because of the graphics. I can understand players who won't play a game because of the graphics. The idea of spending dozens of hours looking at pixellated screens does not sound very appealling. I personally love playing Arcanum but I don't play it because of the way it looks (although I love the art direction) and I understand that many players can be turned off by the graphics... It's a pity because this game is an amazing CRPG that no modern game can be compared to.
  15. Kudos to you Blaa.nOx for posting this link. Anything that makes Skyrim play a little more like Might and Magic is a good thing. :thumbsup:
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