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  1. Sounds to me like you need to take your own advice. Page after page of this. And then when you are forced to refresh or skip the imagesets too many times, enjoy a "flood protection" timeout. I won't even go into the situations where they show 10% or less of an object with no identifying cues and expect you to identify it.
  2. These hcaptchas have become so difficult to solve even with good eyesight, I had to go through 15 pages of "boat" captchas to login. Nowadays, I just wait in anticipation to see what the Nexus will implement next to punish users with.
  3. There should be an OMOD record for the .308, change the MUL+ADD value to get your desired damage.
  4. You need to add your vault suit to her default outfit, not her inventory. Edit: I re-read the post and am not sure what the issue is. Does she have the armor equipped or not? Use console command openactorcontainer 1, force equip the armor and see if it appears. If it doesn't appear, you may have a problem with your armor addon.
  5. You can do material swaps to change textures on the same mesh, but I'm not sure how you could apply this worldspace wide randomly. Let's say you make a Marlboro material swap, you would need a new cigarette carton record to call on that MSWP. If the carton was spawned on a leveled list it could be randomized by adding new records with your MSWP. Randomizing cartons would be easy for leveled list containers for example, but I don't know how this could be done for handplaced references in the worldspace.
  6. Yes, if I remember correctly all workshop linked refs with a scrap recipe are bypassed during the precombine process.
  7. You need to exclude the doorframe from the precombine. Snapping nodes are part of the NIF, and during the precombine, CK will automatically combine NIFs into a "super NIF" for the previs system. This not only breaks snapping nodes, but also often breaks collision for stairs and certain statics. Add the doorframes to a new layer, disable visibility for that layer, then regenerate your precombines and previs. This will do the precalc for the cell while excluding the objects in that layer.
  8. I'd prefer an early release, but that's probably more work on your part. If you aren't editing vanilla lights, there shouldn't be many conflicts. The one mod you should probably take a look at is Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul. It fixes some meshes, added snap points, and changed how the lights project. For build menu integration, injecting a new category is best, but that requires scripting and again extra work. It is safer to uninstall that way for rookies, and easier to navigate, but if it's integrated that way, not a deal breaker. With the fake light idea, I meant craftable lights that are invisible for fill lighting. For example it could be an omni light, like the hanging lightbulb, but with transparent textures. You could place it anywhere with Place Everywhere so it can provide fill lighting in a scene. I wouldn't even worry about it honestly. Edit: Forgot to mention, Relight makes a bunch of changes to lights as well.
  9. The Randolph stuff is like Randolph -> Misc RR Quest -> Randolph 2 -> Misc RR Quest -> Randolph 3, and this can be interrupted by some key RR sidequest like Tico or something. The misc quests are like DIA cache, or rogue variable, and the such.
  10. Sounds like very laborious work, so I'm gonna thank you in advance because I've always felt scalable lighting was something that was lacking in this game. In the far future maybe you can consider adding fake lights for fill lighting. The lighting in this engine is far better than in previous games, but it still doesn't match up to physically based rendering. If you go to prewar sanctuary worldspace, it's a shocker how many fake lights were placed in the character creation scene to achieve proper luminosity. I think that is the single instance where Beth actually put appreciable effort into properly lighting the scene. Anyhow, just bouncing thoughts. Don't treat it too seriously or you might end up in project hell haha.
  11. Yes, super interested actually. If I may make a request, some color temperature choices would be great. Such as "Incandescent", "Daylight", like you see at the LED bulb section at the hardware store. It would be killer to have a few shadow casting options also. These many choices would create a lot of permutations, so maybe limit the extra options to the hanging lightbulb, and limit the radius options for these?
  12. If you have uninstalled any mod that modifies vanilla workshop menu, it can break the menus and remove categories. Some, but not all of these workshop mods have uninstall procedures to prevent this. Try a workshop menu fixer: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22205
  13. No. NPC accuracy is controlled by an internal accuracy stat within their assigned combat style in Creation Kit. It is further modified by the cone of fire of the weapon they are using, and also by any relevant perks they possess. SPECIAL stats have no effect on NPC accuracy. Coursers, with the exception of X6-88 (the worst courser in reality), are by far the most accurate NPCs in the game.
  14. Now that's what I'm talking about. Looks like you got everything covered from here. At some point, you should probably push something out to the youtubers and streamers. They love content, and have a dedicated following that is still playing the game. Btw, roughly where geographically, is this world space based on?
  15. Use the method you learned, and use the following line. It should download the new executable. download_depot 377160 377162 2144426079840954483
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