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Everything posted by Skree000
Heres mine lol Creeper from Minecraft. Total build time, 10 hours. Lots of cardboard and duct tape http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbHXgJeVQMw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YLsqP-AOxY Show me yours!!!!!! Lots of gaming-related costumes this year, I saw!!
Porting Content From Other Games - What's allowed?
Skree000 replied to gmillar's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
if the models are entirely your works, they are fine (homage or 'based-on') if any of the meshes originated whole or in part from any other game, it is strictly forbidden to upload that here. -
dont worry, there are other bodymods coming... Caliente was just one of the fastest to release one. think back to oblivion and how far along after it was released when some of the (to this day) popular body mods came out... we dont even have a CK for skyrim yet... the future holds a lot of body mods dont ya worry :)
Fountain of Youth - Female Beauty Project
Skree000 replied to Skree000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
lol yea The big issue im seeing now, and this is a staggeringly annoying blow... Khajiit and Argonians use the same body as humans and elves....sooooo terrible... the main bargaining chip I was going by was that the texture distortion would be undetectable because I was planning on keeping textures very low detail around the main areas of deformation between morphs (bust, armpits, thighs).... however.... Effing Khajiit and their ridiculously detailed fur, and argonians and their ridiculously textured skin.... terrible... CK where are you???? i wannan change this up so bad... -
Fountain of Youth - Female Beauty Project
Skree000 replied to Skree000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Looks like Max wanted to completely corrupt the skinny version, verts all over the place for no reason upon loading it up... good thing i exported just an hour ago, source files i save incrementally (not save overtop, new ones each time)... stepping back in the save history, all of them are now corrupted also... effing terrible program ugh... max i thought better of you! this is something Maya would do,.... to be safe, uninstalling and reinstalling max and niftools ><. terrible in other news, found out the neck-seam verts are all weighted 100% to Spine2 bone... interesting, that makes things easy... was wondering why the neck seam was ripping apart when i manipulated the weight slider :) -
Fountain of Youth - Female Beauty Project
Skree000 replied to Skree000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
im all for it, but lets get atleast this done first 8-) cool link, thanks! just exported both skinny and thick versions to nifskope, now to test in game with the Weight slider for the first time, w00! -
Fountain of Youth - Female Beauty Project
Skree000 replied to Skree000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
thanks, that depends on a few factors. Ideally bellas and other face mods dont have seams where they meet the body (at the neck), and have matched their textures to blend with vanilla textures there. (havent really tried out too many but im assuming they dont have neck seams), This occurs when their own custom texture does not match with vanillas, so where the two textures meet, they are different, and a seam is observed. Because im going to be matching my neck, wrist and ankle seams to blend with the vanilla textures of the head/neck, there's a very high chance of compatability. My body mesh has its own custom unwrap so this mesh will not be compatible with other FULL BODY skin mods, but in the end it should be fully compatible with Face textures from other peoples texture packs. But dont worry, i plan on releasing varying degrees of body textures, from clean to dirty etc... we'll have to see how it goes, but areas of high deformation between large and small sized morphs (ie. breasts, buttocks, armpits) will likely be victim to severe texture stretching if i dont plan out my textures properly... doing that now 8-) But fear not, I have some really slick supersecret software and tools that im pretty damn sure nobody else has that will ensure things should look good in the end lol. OH additional update: Thin version is complete except for wrist and neck vertex-matching, doing that after dinner. The Placeholder texture seems to be holding up quite well across both thin and 'thick' models... we'll have to see.. im vEry VERYYYY excited to get this to you guys, so im trying my best to do a great job 8-) -
there are workflow habits and knowing the softwares quirks and ins and outs helps. Its these expedious workflow tricks and tips that make things fast and easy. Due to the custom nature of 'what everyone wants to do to meshes in max', there is no way a script could possibly handle all of the choices/decisions people would make when modifying meshes. Would be the equivalent of writing a program that drew pictures, unless you feed it some pictures to draw in advance to pick from (cat, horse, tree), it would just make random scribbles. But then, you are just doing the work twice anyways right :) For example, rather than move every vert, try selecting a bunch of polygons then enable 'soft selection' mode, which will grab all the polygons around it, (can adjust this soft selection falloff, its colorized, so its easy to see), and you can make large changes to broad areas in a hurry without having to touch a million little vertices. Workflow habits and tricks will win the day here. The tools already exist, the tricks are knowing the particulars of them
there is no simpler way, have to get your hands dirty in a modelling program ie max or maya if you want to manipulate the vertexes in the meshes, which thereby necessitates following import/export guidelines as well as nifskope work
Fountain of Youth - Female Beauty Project
Skree000 replied to Skree000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Probably NSFW... (butt warning!) ------- obligatory spacer space Bear in mind this is the 'large' (maximum weight slider) version of the body here. For decency reasons not showing front right now, but there you go.. some seams which im working on right now, also hands and feet havent been done yet so there are seams currently, will all be smooth and slick in no time. NORMAL maps are first-pass, these are straight from RTT from max's Turbosmoothed version just to get a good base before Zbrush now the question is, should i pack this with fountain of youth? or just make a new bodymod? Im thinking the latter incase people dont want new bodies as well as faces, all in one --- -
Run this process, should work for you, just got a full on body replacer working ingame flawlessly. The MOST IMPORTANT step is the final one, about the renaming of node Zero. And it has to match the mesh names of BOTH _1 and _0 versions, for the engine to know which mesh is which. Have custom mesh open in MaxImport matching Vanilla mesh with partial skeleton (remove unused bones)Skin wrap from vanilla to my ownremove vanilla meshin skin modifier on my own, remove-zero-weights, just to be safe (this seemed to stop the CTDs)export to nifskopeopen second copy of nifskope with vanilladelete material block in modifiedpaste branch of the material shader branch from vanilla to modifiedset HasNormals to none in modifiedset HasVertexColors to yes in modifiedrClick'd 'Center/Radius', Mesh>Update Center and RadiusBSDismemberSkinInstance > Partitions > BSDismemberBodyPartType set to the numbers to match vanilla, rather than whatever Max spits outIgnore BSPartFlag entries, did not seem to matter (?)Nifskope>View>Block List> Show Blocks in ListOpen the "Header">Strings arraymodify entry 0 (root node), rename it the mesh you are saving as. ie in this case, FemaleBody_0.nif, save, then change name to FemaleBody_1.nif and save as that one. I used caps to match vanilla, not sure if important
What happened to the Silly Level of Detail potions mod?
Skree000 replied to Grub's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
its probably because he made BOATloads of money, serious dollars upwards of a few thousand (speculating here), because he had a donate here button, and his mod was so hot it was on the front page, generating Hundreds of Thousands of hits, and tens of thousands of downloads.. at that point you might start to have reservations i guess, profiting from modding a few little textures... but.. thats what Steamworkshop will let us do soon anyways no? ah well -
Fountain of Youth - Female Beauty Project
Skree000 replied to Skree000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
rough highpoly made in max with TS, RTT'd the normals and have the first run of the textures. tempted to zbrush the crap out of the highpoly but, ill hold off til i know things are proper with proportions, scale and tweaks... better to work incrementally rather than waterfall -
Fountain of Youth - Female Beauty Project
Skree000 replied to Skree000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
unwrap complete, im sooo pumped... now just the 'small' version of the body, then a few rigging tweaks, and its time for textures 8-) unwrap is not the 100% ideal arrangement, but, i really really wanted to maintain an orthogonal layout for the torso... last thing we need are diagonal texels lol -
i dont think theres too many mods, but one issue that Exists is the popular mods get more popular, and the newer mods get ignored. there are SO MANY undiscovered mods out there that are totally awesome, but the ones that stay at the top are the ones that are already there. Its a bit funny really, but its quite similar to the distribution of wealth in North America, 1% of the mods have 99% of the endorsements.... but its not because that 1% of mods are the only thing worthwhile, its because 1% of the mods are the ones that are continuously shown on the 'top 100, or best of the best' leaderboards. I found a bunch of tiny little unheard of mods with 1 endorsement that are freaking phenomenal.. sad, but, what can you do.
( Video Tutorial) How to Get Custom Weapons Into Skyrim!
Skree000 replied to somuchmonsters's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
those are just the envelope visualisations, ignore them, the bones are in their normal place. Happens everytime and it cannot be prevented, its a problem with the plugin skewing the rots just pretend those arent even there, the bones are where they need to be, thats what matters skin with vertices :) -
well said. very quoteable lol
Heya gang, just creating this stub where I can post updates to the project. This is more for me personally so I can set goals and stick to them rather than procrastinate. Currently busy working on a body mod replacer that will come with the Fountain of Youth once im done. The days of crusty lumpy darkskinned blotchy giant-pored bethesda default bodies will soon be over (for females atleast) Progress so far, "Big" (1) body completed, in game, working great. Quick and dirty unwrapping for now, then onto some rigging adjustments, then the morphs to make the small one. id give an ingame screenshot but... you guys would judge me. Im a huuuge fan of the Speedbuster bodymods from Oblivion, so mine looks like that... and maybe even more voluptuous, this is the idea for the 'big' body (max right-end of the slider). luckily Bethesda was so generous as to do morphing with Skyrim, so if you people arent into ridiculous proportions, fear not, the 'small' body (0) size will be quite reasonable. idea is to give people closer to the higher end of voluptuous options rather than confined to simply athletic/fit and skinny as we currently have it (vanilla) current model is about 2.5k triangles compared to vanilla which is about half that... most of the polygons are for defining the silhouette, ill say that much. WIP!
i remember the days of having a significant other in Fallout 2.... that was great. Carry these for me please.. *thunk*
That depends if you want to have 2 dimensional (evil evil evil villains) or multilayer believable villains (there are many kinds but imho those are the main two types) for the former, it doesnt really matter what they do as long as its evil, doesnt matter the scope or motivations or intentions, they are just cardboard cutouts for the heroes to defeat. for the latter, that gets fun (and tricky) Believable villains need to have a believable backstory behind their actions. They need to have motives, real ones that people can relate with. They need to have a Story, just as much as the hero does. imho the best villains in literature are the ones that you love to hate, this is because of their multi-layered tapestry of a backstory that you learn the more you hear and see about them. (unless you just love to hate them because they are so corny and unbelievable, just being evil for evils sake) There are a lot of websites talking about villains, a lot of sites devoted to writing for example, check em out there are TONS of resources on the nets, ive barely scratched the surface here
for cheap armor dyes all you really want to do is apply a color tint to your texture. before moving forward I would investigate the depth of script control over materials. worst case scenario is have a premade selection of armor dyes and all the diffuse textures for em, and a version of the armor with each permutation of the dye result. (end result would be a massive fat mod hundreds of megs in size, but you could do it easily that way) however, as mentioned above, if you could apply tints on the mats at the script level, that would be a cheap solution. Needs poking around though i dont think out of the box scripts can manipulate mats in that way, but im no expert there.
looks neat. :) @Sk8on yup, if you drop the spec on the rock-parts it would read better as a different material, standing apart from the metal bindings holding the stone. critique-wise looks very cool, great details, i would just get rid of that bottom-all wood part and make the part wiht the wraps go right into the pommel. (unless of course you are restricted to a specific length for two handed polearms and hammer instruments) great design, love the metal binding at the top edit: Also id fill the backround of any diffuse or specular map 128x128x128 grey, because at lower mips of those textures youll see insane sparkles or white artifacts, since low resolution textures will cause edge-bleed around all of your UV islands. 128 grey is safe because its the middle ground between the highs and lows, usually.
best of luck with this very ambitious mod!
How to redirect custom armor to custom dds-files?
Skree000 replied to Frisicus's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
to help the right people with the right knowledge get you an answer quicker i reccomend renaming your thread title to better describe your actual problem. currently the title describes meshes not properly receiving textures (dds format) might help you get an answer faster if you rename it to how to redirect custom armor to custom nif-files while they might seem like very related problems, they are very different and each require different programs to fix sorry i cant help with your problem, but, that might help you get an answer faster -
Need Some Great Female Voice Acting in Your Mod?
Skree000 replied to Deleted560004User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
good samples there selty, irish is notoriously tricky, yours is pretty good! been doing VO scratch at my work attempting to set the tone and pace of a scene for animators to get rough ideas of timing down til the actual voice actors can get recorded, it IS a lot of fun :) you'll find a lot of prospective mods on the go around here im sure :)