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Everything posted by Hadanelith

  1. Site feature request: for the 'New Files Today' RSS feed, could we *please* only get 'published' files pushed? It's really irritating getting the 'This file has not been published by its authors yet' message, and then having to mark that entry unread. More awkwardly, my RSS reader only stores posts for 30 days, so I've had to create a big folder of not yet published mod pages in my bookmarks and check them every once in a while. Alternative idea: add the ability to tag an unpublished file, to receive an alert when the page goes live. Many thanks.
  2. Question: has anyone found a way to either A) increase your stats in such a way that it gives perk access on level up, or B) give perks without leveling, so I can just level the (foo) training perks? using modav and forceav both give the changes as bonuses, like clothing, rather than changing your raw stat value, so that when you level, you do not gain any perk access. I just wanna boost my SPECIAL by a few points, and then play the game normally. Beth, why you gotta make this so hard? EDIT: and I am a doofus. player.setav does the job just fine. Problem solved!
  3. Another note: the 'new files' RSS feed is down. While I'm at it, the 'updated files' RSS feed hasn't worked for me for ages - it was always a direct copy of the 'new files' feed, which seemed rather pointless. Please fix. Thanks.
  4. A simple request: the tracked files page is now not nearly as useful, since it seems to be ordered based on last file upload, and only file uploads. Can we get it back to at least ordering by latest update of any kind? News posts and image uploads can be just as interesting/important as new file uploads, and there is currently no way I can see to check those things without going to each individual mod's page, and no indication that anything has changed on the tracking page. That's all I've got for complaints, really. Thanks.
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