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Everything posted by sajuukkhar9000

  1. And those things did alter the world...... which is exactly why I made mention of them........ and why I said that everything else, such as all the smaller guild questlines, would have to be of that same magnitude to make a noticeable effect on the world.......seriously..... if you aren't going to bother to follow the conversation, dont reply. I really can't tell if you are being serious, or you didn't look at the entire conversation, and just cheery picked a comment and made a response that had nothing to do with what I said, because you didn't understand what was being said, because you lacked content.
  2. -Failure isn't a bad thing when its player caused, however, in a living, breathing, dynamic world, the deaths of many would naturally be on hands other then the player. It's very easy for NPCs to die, in many logical situations, such as bandit attacks on towns, a shop keeper going out and hunting deer for his stall, only to get attacked by mountain lions, hell if they had implemented the original version of the civil war, there would be battles in all cities, and farms, and mills, that would logically result in MANY NPCs dieing. but that doesn't make the game more fun, nor does it makes different playthroughs fun, it just mean you lost out on content for something beyond your control. -Are you...... are you serous? It's a freaking ad, i've seen Coca Cola adds say it's the best drink ever, but does it mean the human language makes no sense because it isn't? No, because its an ad, and they lie, all the time. Really, that was one of the worst straw-man argument I have ever seen. -Saying he is "over there" isn't much of directions considering it lacks and sort of direction, or magnitude, or anything else that actually quantifies any distance or direction. -Right..... because after living in an area for years, knowing where places are, and being able to mark it on your map for you, is lazy writing? Really? so people knowing where places in the area they live in and telling you is lazy writing? -Considering as long as you play within your character, i.e. if you make a warrior, you only use warrior skills, the only way to become a moat in Skyrim is to willingly, and intentionally, raise all your skills to 100, and requires you plan in advance which perks to take, your plan is redundant. It's hard to get your points when your points make no sense, or are already in the game. -Except you dont have more freedom and diversity in your system, all your system does it change leveling into a far slower grind. I hold Skyrim's perks up because there are enough of them to be dabble to dabble without messing up your character, they are good tools for defining yourself, while at the same time, you get enough of them that putting some into a skil you dont like doesn't affect you that much. -I am sorry but, there is no way to slow down leveling, and not make it a grind. Skyrim is already a grind, and that game throws opportunities at you every other step to use your skills. Furthermore, the only way to get to 100 in all skills, is by doing some SERIOUS grinding, really ,there is no way to naturally get your skill up to 100 in just a few hours without using massive exploits, and while you can use massive exploits, dont just try use that as evidence that the game is somehow flawed if you were to play it naturally. -So, the same man who said fair and balanced means nothing in a single player game, is now complaining that a 100% optional exploit shouldn't exist? which is it doc, you cant have it both ways. Also, the skill only become pointless it you willing CHOSE to use the exploit, you want to exploit, that's fine, and indeed, Bethesda loves leaving in exploits because they know people like it, but dont use your choice to use an exploit and try to compare it to using the skill normally, and claiming that it makes other skills pointless. it's a disingenuous argument. Ive actually lost track because we dont do posts quote by quote, but I assume the part I "skipped over" was the point about Skyrim becoming a EXP system? well guess what, both Morrowind and Oblivion WERE THE EXACT SAME WAY. Using skills = hidden skill exp bar going up = once you get enough bar up you level up. Skyrim changed NOTHING about the ES leveling system in this regard. -It's actually the combination of unique powers + skill level bonuses that make each race unique, it really is not different then Morrowind in this regard. And I hae gotten much use out of my races power, your choice to not use it is your own. -Its hard to get what you are saying when you are speaking nonsense, also, So, you need a mage birthsign that increases your magicka to be a perfect mage, yet magicka isn't needed to be a mage because of willpower? Your points are becoming increasingly contradictory. -Then what was the point of a class if the game did nothing to prevent you from going off of it? at that point the class is literally nothing more then a label. Using your logical I could ignore all of my warrior skills, and level up my mage skills, and be a mage, despite my class being warrior? your arguments lack logic. -No, I was expecting you to use examples that could actually be explained in a detailed manor and make sense, dont say you want to see something happen, even as an example, if you have no means of actually describing how it would work. If you cant explain your examples, you cant explain your point. -I never said open world meant static world, wtf are you talking about? I pointed out that the things you do in game dont have a large impact on the world because they logically shouldn't, most things WOULDN'T and to do so would mean everything would have to be some terribly contrived "THE WORLD IS ENDING/DAEDRA ARMY INVASION" type event, which is fake, and artificial. -How does people saying normal things to you in Skyrim mean they dont have a mind? how does NPCs doing nothing but acting like a help menu on a computer program with a list of help topic that are wirritin only in the most stale, emotionless, and encyclopedic, manner make then have any mind or soul at all? What world do you live in where people act like Morrowinds NPC? who you can just walk up to and ask them about everything and they act all normal and respond to you? because in the world I live in...... people act more like the NPCs in Skyrim, then they do Morrowind, you go up to a shop keeper, all they will talk to you about is buying stuff. go up to a random person on the street and they will tell you to go aay, or make some common remark like "ohh, I am busy right now". Most people in Skyrim dont have deep dialog because they are people, normally people, and thus, wouldn't. what you want is the exact opposite of normal, or real, or believable, you want a world where everyone bows to your every question, and responded to anything you could possible ask them, you want a world full of NPCs who serve no purpose beyond serving as info dump for every aspect of lore, that should be in books. Morrowinds had no soul, all it had was a computer program's help menu of dialog topics. -If the player doesn't have to be there for them, then what difference is it from how Skyrim is now in where, if you turn in Cicero, he murders the family later? Stuff does happen in the game world even if you aren't there, so what exactly are you asking for because you're not making any sense. -The TES series has been abut self imposed restrictions since Morrowind, it was a game that let you do whatever you want, whenever you want, and the only real rules were the ones you set for yourself. that's part of what makes the ES games so great. -What factor would time do to quests? really? Like ina quest to kill a bandit leader, what would not doing it for X amount of time do? I really want to understand you point, but you dont i"ve an examples, you just say "time differences would make the world less static, but dont go into any real detail or depth on the magnitude.
  3. -Likewise, only people who have some desire to kill people for no real reason beyond "because I want to no matter if it means other lose out content because of it" have a legitimate reason to hate that many NPCs are unkillable. Which is frankly pretty selfish. -The point of the game is freedom, I never denied that, the point of the game is however, NOT, about absolute freedom. The lack of absolute freedom does not mean it is going against the point of the game, as the game has only been about large amounts of freedom, not 100% freedom, and the game still has lots of freedom. -Out of Skyrim's 70 voice actors, 33 of them are non generic NPCs. That's nearly half of the voice actors, the most expensive ones, giving directions. -NPCs are implied to know where the location is, and mark it on your map for you, that's why the icons are added to the world map if you haven't been there before. -Slowing it down more wont top it either. the only way to stop it is to slow it down completely, into a full stop. -I suggest you actually re-read what I said. I am all for letting people become whatever they want, but at the same time being a moat is bad, whats great about Skyrim's system is that you cannot become a moat, and to say otherwise is disingenuous, while at the same time you can do whatsoever you want, dabble in a thing, and if you find out you dont like it, with to something else, but not become so crippled that you can;t function. Also, despite claiming that I dont want any thought put into the system, or having to think about anything, your system doesn't make you think any more then the game does now, all it does is make you grind more because you slowed down the leveling speed. Making the leveling slower, and harder to do, doesn't make you have to think more, it just means you have to grind more, and grinding it is as brainless of an activity as one can do. -I have found a use for practically every perk in the game, despite you claim that many perks are worthless, I have found great benefit in the majority of them, some trees, like pickpocket, need to be reword, but that's the minority. -Considering that I knew about, and knew how i actually works, how could I not be clued in? your statement is contrary to past evidence. Furthermore, the fact that you can abuse enchanting doesn't make leveling one handed pointless, you act like there is nothing more to RPG then playing some cold, logical, character whose playstyle is based of "efficiency" rather then a specific role. How does enchanting effect a warrior character, or a thief character, who dont take it? The answer, it doesn't. Sure you CAN do it, but why would you? -And the races do thing different from each other, in their special skills. Bethesda didn't just make them OMGWTFBBQ OP like in past games. -I find that funny considering you said INT wasn't needed for a "perfect" mage, because you went willpower mage, but now apparently the mage birthsign is? I am sorry but this is wholly contradictory, if INT, the mage number most important attribute isn't needed for a perfect mage, then neither is a mage birthsign, so lon as you use things like enchanting to its fullest, the birthsign isn't important. -I have read over your system, and really, there is no point in making leveling slower, its not a real punishment, nor does it make the game more deep or complex, it just means you put in more grind in some vain attempt to make it to where people who cant to be good at everything can't be, or get so frustrated that they stop. Its selfish, and petty. Furthermore, classes are labels, they always have been. However, people are not labels, they are people, they are defined by what they chose to do in their life, not by some magic thing at the start of their life. Your characerts class is not defined by something you choose at the beginning of the game, it is chosen by what you chose to do throughout the game. The class system from past ES games was pointless, and Skyrim's system offers any and all classes one could ever think of, but instead of shoehorning you one at the beginning of the game, your class comes to through how you play. Being defined by what you do is better then doing something because you picked a defining part of your character before you knew what it was like. -None of those changes would logically happen in the game though, nor does it make sense for any of them too happen. Furthermore, people do react to whats going on around them to say otherwise is false. Completing the civil war causes many Dunmer and Argonians in Windhelm to be far happier, and comment on how their lives are already starting to get better, breaking out of jail, with out or without the forsworn, causes either everyone to be afraid of you every time you talk to them, or constantly say how they are glad you got pardoned. Many of the more zealous citizens involved in the civil war mention their happiness/anger that their side won or lost. -But said consequence is entirely contradictory to the open world nature of the game that is designed to let you play when you want, your arguing against one of the key features of the TES series, and doing that only makes feel people rushed, not like they did something great/wrong by going/not going, and beating the MQ at that time. Dead Rising's 1 and 2's greatest complaints were the timer, it doesn't make the game more strategic, or make people feel like they did somethign great b getting to the mission areas on time, it just made them feel rushed, also, people HATED the vampire attacks in Dawnguard. so not only do you want something that is almost universally despised, but you also want something entirely contradictory to the entire point the ES games. -I find more soul in Skyrim's NPCs who walk around, shop for food, talk to their neighbors, and whose only comments to a RANDOM STRANGER coming p to them on the street and trying to talk to them is "hey whats up". Then Morrowind's NPcs who did almost nothing but walk back and forth in lines and all have the exact same 50 dialog options in with no voice to make it feel like it was thier line. -You actually can see Cicero be taken off by the guards. Also, how would the quest be diesigned to let you see him escape jail? or murder them? and how do thier deaths not matter? you caused it? do you feel no grief for that? -Except you CANNOT be master of everything, and the only restrictions one should need is your own. the developers shouldn't have to babysit you, and hold your hand, so to prevent you from making your character wrong. How you make your character is largely up to you, and what restrictions you put on yourself. -The questlines aren't tied together because they logically shouldn't. What one guild doesn't should affect the other, the Civil war has no real bearing on the guilds logically. etc. etc. What you are asking or I'm connected storyline is unrealistic. -No, starting a quest means someone told you to do something, and you made a note of it. Your choice to act on it or not is what defines accepting a quest. the linking between accepting and starting is not intrinsic, it only exists because that's how much older RPGs worked, but just because older RPGs worked that way, and used the words in that way, does NOT mean that's the only way the words can be used. A quest is accepted only at the moment that you choose to do it. -http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/accept -http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/start I suggest you actually look at the definitions of accepting, and starting, because they are not the same, and never have been. The use of them as the same in past RPGs =/= they actually are, it just means they were commonly used that way. -No, I do get that you are referring to this game specifically, but that's the thing, the same applies to this game as well. the ES games are about freedom, but not absolute freedom, the developers have always, and will always, impose some form of limits on your character's stats, and what he can, and cannot do, it has never, and will never, be fully in your hands. Top say otherwise is to ignore facts. -No, I am saying that, as a hero, your character would naturally remember things he heard that people needed help with, and would make notes of them, just in the event that he decided to help them. The quest log is that notebook, that the quest" starts" is only because he made a note in it.
  4. If you aren't going to count the different monster variations in Skyrim, then you can't do so in Oblivion. If we treat the games fairly, instead of including Oblivion's monster variations, while not including Skyrim's, we get a VERY different picture. Undead Oblivion: 14 creatures across 3 types Skyrim: 16 creatures across 4 types Animals Oblivion: 13 animals across 11 types Skyrim 22 animals across 16 types Monsters Oblivion: 8 creatures across 7 types Skyrim: 20 creatures across 9 types. Daedra Oblivion: 10 daeda across 6 types Skyrim: 3 daedra across 1 type -Oblivion and Skyrim both share the same number of Goblin/Falmer variants, which is 5 -Skyrim also has 10 variations across the three types of Dwemer robots bringing the totals to Oblivion: 50 creatures across 28 types Skyrim: 76 creatures across 34 types Out of just pure generic enemies, Skyrim has Oblivion's number of monsters +50% more. This isn't even counting -The unique variants of monsters only found in one dungeon/quest. -The like 20 different types of birds, butterflies, and fish that only exist in Skyrim. -DLC/X packs -I can agree with you on that actually -No Oblivion mod did that -A quest can start without accepting by something as simple as someone saying 'hey you look like the adventuring type, if you see any X out in the wilds, bring it to me", at which point the quests starts, doesn't mean you have to do it though. -But quests are not accepted until you choose to act on them. -That's actually false, DMs in D&D boardgames can set limits on total maximum and minimums of what the player's character can and cannot be, been that way since D&D came out.
  5. -And how do you know they aren't? Furthermore, it has little to do with important NPCs, but all the more normal quest giver NPCs, who stand out in the markets, and can be attacked during things like Vampire raids, or dragon attacks. -False, the point of RPGs is not total freedom, is to build a character, and play within a world that the developers designed, and within the rules the developer designed. This has been true since D&Dfirst came out, and their dungeon masters tell you what your D&D character can and cannot do in the fictional world that the DM rules over. -But again, the total number of possible direction combinations would so vast, just for one voice type, let alone all 70 voice types, that it simply isn't cost effective to record all that dialog. Also, most quests in Skyrim DO actually mention the location, either via NPC dialog, or in the quest journal itself. All of those radiant favor quests that send you out to ap lace tell you the places name in the quest journal. The only quests that DON'T tell you the places specific names are quests like the book retrieval quests, which are supposed to be thing you just find as the NPC giving you the quest doesn't know where it is either. -Skill progression already gets harder as you level up, and that doesn't stop anything. "If you don't want to be a master of all trades don't act like one." This is EXACTLY what I was going to say to you, why on earth do you need some for of liming when the system as it is now already allows you to choose NOT do everything. What is the point of making to where leveling attributes slows down when you can just choose not to level them at all? Your entire system is pointless, and serves no purpose beyond preventing those people who do want to become master in everything from doing so. If you dont want to level up magic skills then DON'T, and DON'T put points into your magicka stat. -Perks being "negated" by other perks is part of the point, Bethesda offers multiple paths, for all character types, to achieve similar things. Furthermore, most perks AREN'T worthless, and is a disingenuous hyperbole. People DON'T go around bossing their skill level, they go around boosting "fortify restoration" and "fortify enchanting" which is reliant on the restoration/enchanting perks. the skill nube itself remain unchanged through the entire process. -It is a good thing, because that way all races are fair and equal. Also, their differences come from a RPG perspective, not a stat perspective. Imperials play vastly different then argonnians because of their cultural background. -Getting 100 INT and willpower isn't hard, neither birth-sign is needed for a "perfect" mage, that's a 100% artificial condition you made up, and all of those skills, such as enchanting, can be easily maxed with a warrior in Morrowind. -I am sorry, but it makes zero sense that a warrior learning a magic skill should prevent him from leveling. Levels are based on the total accumulated knowledge your character has obtained, and knowledge unrelated to your "class" which were nothing more then labels and not some physical attribute, doesn't change the act that you learned something. -How is the Jarls, and their guards, and guard taking over forts that were previous occupied by bandits not a change? How does it make any sense to get anything but that by helping the legion takes over? Also, you can ignore alduin for the same reason you can ignore Dagoth-Ur in Morrowind, its a open world game, and putting a timer on a open world game is contradictory to the point of it being open world. The NPCs aren't saying that How can you say there isn't real life in Skyrim? -NPCs in towns go shopping, and discuss with one another the war, or where they get their food. -Animals hunt smaller animals for food -Hunters frequently patrol the countryside hunting game for themselves and to sell to the cities -The Khajiit caravans play their trade across the province, And you do have plenty of choice, most daedirc quests, the forsworn conspiracy quest, helping cicero repair his wagon to turn him into the guards, and countless other things end up helping or ruining the lives of countless people across the game world. I really am trying to understand what you are saying, but your simply not making a lick of sense. -Skyrim has sewers as well, and parts of dungeons that are underwater, and Falmer made dweller dungeons types as well I am sorry, but what Skyrim did you play? I have frequently run into caves that turn into Dwemer ruins, Dwmer ruins that turn into caves, Caves that lead into old nordic tombs, caves that lead into underground forts, and all combinations in between. Oblivion's mixing of creature types in dungeons also makes little sense, furthermore, many places in Skyrim have Dwemer machies/Falmer, Bandits/Dwemer, Bandits/monster, and other such types of combinations, but in far more realistic settings. -Lets See Skyrim has (undead)Ghosts, Draugr, Skeletons, Zombies, and shades (mages)of all various elemental types, and necromancers, no different then Oblivion (Bandits)a subclass of which are marauders, not to mention the forsworn Also, Oblivion only had 4 types of animals constantly aggressive, wolves, boars, bears, and mountain lions. -Out of Skyrim's 340+ locations, there are only like 20 dungeon quests. L:ess then 1/10 of the game's dungeons had dungeon specific quests. -Its both, being a moat is bad, but restrictive classes are also bad. Skyrim's system squashes both, but letting you choose to be whatever, but at the same time not be able to become a master at everything. -No, its not that non-linear stories are hard to do, its that they are IMPOSSIBLE to do in a open-world game like Skyrim. You can say "just because its hard doesn't mean you shouldn't do it" but that ignores the ENTIRE basis of the problem. -No, it isn't. A started quest is, literally, IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM, an acceptance. That is, literally, 100% false, and a something you made up for yourself. That is a wholly fictional, and self-made, quality of a started quest you made up for yourself, and NOT something that is naturally part of a started quest's existence. Fact of the matter is, quests are NOT forced on you, because no one is making you do them. -Again, what you said is false. Even the most basic of RPG, the D&D boardgame, consist of there being a DM, a dungeon master, who tells you what your character can, and cannot do, in the fictional world he rules over. RPGs have never, NEVER been about giving the player total freedom, and letting them play a character any ways they want, EVER. What you are thinking of is a simulation, with is NOT a RPG. -Well, as I pointed out before, that is false, furthermore, having quests shoved in your face, which they aren't, does NOTHING to prevent RP, because your character can choose to ignore it, and it should not affect your RP because realistically, if you chat someone up, they will probably ask you to do something for them, thats natural people behavior, and them not doing it, only makes the NPCs fake, and hurts roleplay becuase the world is fake.
  6. -They did create a system where NPCs could still be killed by your hand, but not by other NPCs, it's called the "protected" status. The problem with the protected status is that its not perfect, NPCs can still die via physics glitches, area of effect spells, power attacks, poisons, and other over time effects, which is why it isn't used often. Furthermore, I have to ask, why do you care that you cant kill a NPC you have no reason to attack in the first place? I have never seen anyone ever provide a reasonable explanation as to why you should be able to just kill EVERYONE for no reason. -But here's the thing, NPCs can be in so many different buildings, and on so many different vertical levels, that there really is no way to record every single possible direction a NPC could be from another NPC, and in all possible direction combinations, such as up, and to the left. Not to mention that, by the time you walk over there, the NPC would have most likely moved, thu making said directions pointless. -There were no caps in the attribute system, which was the problem, you could get to 100 in all attributes, and all skils, in both Morrowind, and Oblivion, with very little power gaming, but then again, putting caps is a problem in of itself. Furthermore, your system doesn't fix the overall problem, making attributes raise by skill use would, if anything, only make the problems worse because, while we RPers only focus on one or two things, the average player is a meta gamer who tries everything. All your system does is change everyone getting high/maxed attributes from putting points into them into "everyone gets max/high attributes because they use everything. Your system does not solve the problem, only changes it from one form into another. -The problem with this statement is that it's impossible to become a MOAT in Skyrim. There are 250 perks, and only, at max, 80 possible perk points, with most players not even getting up 50, and when combined with the fact that, due to the way the skill system is structured, skill level is totally meaningless to the skill's overall effectiveness, it is, quite literally, impossible to become a MOAT in Skyrim. One can have all of their skills at 100, but that doesn't mean anything because the skill level is just a number, all powers come from perks, and it's impossible to get every perk, thus it's impossible to become a master of everything. In fact, Skyrim is the ONLY TES game, out of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, that you CAN'T become a moat. -Races differences are supposed to be largely superficial, they have been since Morrowind. They are just there to give you a few skill level boosts in skills those races normally use, and a little advanced power. -The problem with your statement is that it is 100% false. Nothing about Morrowind, or Oblivion's systems prevent warriors from getting the same total magicka as mages, because classes themselves had NOTHING to do with how much magicka you started off with. Magicka was based off of the formula (2*INT) and while it could be modified by various factors, such as race, or birthsign, neither of these was needed to become a "perfect" mage, as a "perfect" mage had 100INT, which was VERY possible to get by anyone. Furthermore, due to the fact that Morrowind threw money at you, it didn't matter that you couldn't level with mage skills, one could just buy trainers, and get to 100, noting being able to level up with those skills had no real detriment, and by making you able to level up with every skill, Skyrim make character progression far more smoother, because it rewards your use of everything, so if you have to switch to something else then what you normally use for a mission, you got rewarded for it, instead of losing out on leveling time like in Oblivion ,and Morrowind. Also, it had nothing to do with not turning out fine the first time, it is an inherent flaw in attribute systems, every game with them, from Fallout, to Dragon Age, to Elder Scrolls, has it. -From a story standpoint, yes, it is. anyone can just say "well, all that changed was generic NPCs being replaced by other generic NPCs, but that what almost ALL video games do, ignoring the story aspect of it doesn't get your argument anywhere. -As for your claim of dungeons and monsters number As you can see, the claim that Skyrim has less then Oblivion, in terms of both dungeon types, and creature types, is false. Also, how is giving more dungeons quests bad? -Well first off, I disagree that Skyrim is any lesser of an RPG then Morrowind, if anything, it allows me to play roles FAR better then Morrowind did by giving me far more choices instead of imposing artificial limits like classes on me, but beyond that, The Elder Scrolls series, ever singe Morrowind came out, has always been a "open-world, fantasy, ACTION-RPG". Morrowind's official classification is that of an ACTION game first, and an RPG second, and that's been the entire point of the series since Morrowind. -The problem is that Bioware game's choice only works because the game is largely linear, yes you can pick which of 4 paths you want to do in any order, but all of those paths are linear, and all of those paths lead to the same pre-planned event, and because everything is so linear, they can make more impactful consequences on your choices because they know exactly where and when you will be in the game. However, that system of choice/consequence desn't work in a large, open-world, game like Skyrim, because the player can be anywhere at any times, and do thing in almost any order they wish. Bethesda could do Bioware's level of consequence, but they would also have to make the game linear, and not an open world to do it. -But you aren't railroaded into a quest, because no one makes you do it. Also, talking to people and them asking you to do something is something that happens naturally, it makes less sense for NPCs to have a giant "this starts a quest" marker on dialog topics because people dont work that way, just casually chatting with someone and then being like "ohh can you help me do X" is natural, what you proposing isn't. How people asking you to do things like people would IRL break roleplay is beyond me, in fact, I find it more unnatural for them to be like what your propose. -Yes, it IS the point. Having people ask you to do things, and then your character write it down in his journal, is no way breaks RP. A journal is something that a person uses to write down stuff about the people they met, and what those people asked you to do. A quest appearing in your journal should, in no way, beak RP, because it doesn't make sense that your character wouldn't make a note of it. Your intention to act upon it at that time, or ANY time, is irrelevant, its just there as a note in your journal, and it being there doesn't mean you are railroaded, or forced, to do anything, nor does it break any sense of RP. -there is a large difference between a book, and the elder scrolls games, a book is a linear story, made specifically to drag you along a neat and organized plot-line, the elder scrolls games are NOT that, the ES games are worlds, world that you NOT supposed to play for some linear, neatly packaged, story, but worlds you are supposed to live in, and worlds are not neat, nor would the world be coherent if you just walked around the world, going into every big city, and chatting people up, but THAT'S THE POINT, that's what makes the world, a WORLD.
  7. In my bordem I decided to go through the CK and try to find as much cut content I could, most of it was little stuff, but there is quite a bit, and I though it would be cool to show what was cut. Quests with dialog remaining -Research Thief(CoW) -Missing Apprentices(CoW) -Rogue Wizard(CoW) -Supply Line(CoW) -Animal Pelt Collection(Companions) -Collecting the Edda(BC) -Lod's Lot(FK) -Runil's Dark Past(FK) Quests with no dialog remaining -NarzulburFreeFormWifeQuest -freeform Markath a,b,c,f,g,h,i -freeform solitue 5 -freeform Winterhold B -Old Hroldan A -A Bad Trade -Trius' Trinket -FreeformAngasMillKordirsSkooma Partically cut -Mephala's quest -Boethiah's Bidding -Tending the flames -Vermina's quest -The Civil war World interactions -WE19, 26, 30 -WEDL09, 11 -WEJS5-8, 17, 27 -WERj08 -WIKill01, 02 -WIadditem 4-6 -WIchangelocation 6-7 Locations -Windhelm Pit -Wintersand Manor(wr) -Barleydark Farm(wr) -Maiden-Loom Manor(wr) -Pathway Guard Tower(wr) -Bear's cave mill(fk) -Farrfalk Mansion(fk) -The Lost Man's Reprieve(fk) -Frost River Farm(hm) -Riverwatch(em) -Darkwater Crossing Crossing house
  8. It does answer everything, if dragonborn were the result of the covenant, or tied to it in any real way, then no Dragonborn could exist outside of the covenant. The covenant between Alessia and Akatosh has nothing to do with Dragonborns, it has to do with keeping the Daedra at bay via Akatosh's support of the luminal barrier, that Dragonborns existed before before, in the case of Miraak, and after, in the case of the player, the covenant, shows that the existance of the dragonborn is entirely unrelated to it, and that Akatosh gave the emperors the Dragonsblood, was him making sure that mortals had the ability to keep their end of the pact. If you knew anything about the Elder Scrolls, you would know that prophecies are never 100% accurate. ugh... facepalm I was pointing out that who gets Akatosh's gift is entirely up to the god himself, and it goes beyond even his servants. Mankar cameron, and Miraak, were both Dragonborn, and both told Akatosh to f*** off. Akatosh gives people the dragonsblood because they need it, not because they serve him. I was pointing out that the Dragonborn have existed since before Akatosh himself existed. Akatosh wasn't a being until 1E1,200 when the selective tore him from Auri-el. Also, Mankar Cameron was dragonborn, and he was tied up with Dagon.
  9. It's the entire plot of the Dragonborn DLC. Aengir states that he does not know if other dragonborn exist, only that you are the only one of this age that has been revealed, and speculates there very well could be others out there, who have not found their gift. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Book_of_the_Dragonborn "Because of this connection with the Emperors, however, the other significance of the Dragonborn has been obscured and largely forgotten by all but scholars and those of us dedicated to the service of the blessed Talos, Who Was Tiber Septim. Very few realize that being Dragonborn is not a simple matter of heredity - being the blessing of Akatosh Himself, it is beyond our understanding exactly how and why it is bestowed. " Akatosh gifted the first mortal with the Dragon's blood in the merithic era, around 300 years before Akatosh was created by Alessia, along with the other 8 divines, and 1,200 years before Akatosh became an individual being when the Marukhati Selective tore him from Auri-el causing a 1,008 year long dragon break. Akatosh was doing stuff before he even actually existed, because screw linear time, hes the god of time. It's also why Alduin calls Akatosh his father, when Alduin existed before Akatosh did.
  10. No, there is no area/busts for the new Dragon Priest masks like there was for the ones in base skyrim.
  11. Well first off, all the gods are dead, they have been since the creation of Mundus Secondly, the heart of Lorkhan was NOT destroyed by the Nerevarine, it was only freed form its enchantments, at which point it whisked itself away to parts unknown. Thirdly. http://www.imperial-library.info/ForumArchives/AmuletAmulet.html
  12. It depends on the source really, some places have named Peryite as a prince, while others have said hes just a really powerful daedra that the other princes dont really consider a prince. Also, Meredia, Sheogorath, and Dagon, aren't real Deadra either, but they are considered princes. With Meredia being a Magna Ge, Sheogorath being a fragment of Lorkhan, and Dagon originally being a leaper demon. But if I had to pick one Daedra as the strongest, I would have to choose Dagon. Dagon has been through so much more, and survived, then any other Daedric Prince. Dagon, who overthrew the Dreugh empire, smashed Molag bal's coldharbor into bits, and freed the world.
  13. Actually its Peryite, and Malacath, who are not viewed as princes by the other princes, not Hircine. Also, the notion of a "strongest" Daedra is absurd IMO, all of the Daedra have a chance of winning against the others depending on the situation.
  14. The main character's of Elder Scrolls games always have a loophole to get out of their Daedric bargains. -The Nerevarine gained corprus, making him physically immortal, and obtained CHIM, making him spiritually immortal. -The Champion of Cyrodiil became Sheogorath, a daedric prince whose soul cannot be taken, and The Dovahkiin is greatly implied to be to have taken the first steps to becoming a new Talos, meaning, much like the Champion of Cyrodiil, he will get out of it by becoming a god.
  15. Well, if by wasting your time you mean, constantly making easy to prove false statements, then yes. Firstly, you can 1. Not go close enough to the giant scene to trigger it 2. just WALK AWAY from Aela, she can only follow you so far 3. Since the original point was "quests are added just by walking past people" and, by your own admission, the quest only gets added ONCE YOU TALK TO AELA, this quest does not qualify Secondly. I have never had innonce lost just by walking past them, only be talking to them after thie little conversation has the quest ever been added. Thirdly, you can, just as you can do with Aela, WALK AWAY from Forsowrn conspiracy, its not hard in the slightest. Also, you can get thrown out of the DB, College, and Theives guild, in Skyrim, and chose not to rejoin, so nothing has changed from Oblivion in that regard.
  16. It's part of the most fundamental basics of Elder Scrolls lore that heroes are above destiny, and that they write the Elder Scrolls with their feats. The Elder Scroll cannot show you your fate, or your future, because you have no fate, that's the point of being a hero. Martin Septim himself says this at the end of Oblivion "when the next Elder Scroll is written, you shall be its scribe".
  17. The Forsowrn conspiracy actually changes everything. Either 1. The King of the Forsworn gets released from jail, allowing him to re-connect with the Forsworn themselves, leading to more organized raids against the Nords, and given that the forsworn already control all entry/exit points to the Reach, this is a very bad situation for the Nords. 2. The King of the Forsowrn gets killed, causing the forsworn in the Reach to lose morale, now that their king is dead, and severely disrupts what little organization they had to begin with, making them weaker, and giving the Nords an easier time at getting rid of them. As for the Silver bloods, Thonar Silver Blood is the head of the families mining operation, his brother, while a political figure, it not well versed in handling the families business. With Thonar dead, as well as his aids like Nepos the Nose, the family simply wont last over the years because the man behind all of their power is dead. And there really is no fact to be given, not everything in the game is some giant conspiracy caused by a uber-magical artifact or something. Winterhold simply fell into the ocean because of what happened in Morrowind. You dont need an answer beyond that. Also, I was originally refering to Jarl Kraldar, not Jarl Korir, for getting information, I admit I should have been more clear on that. At level 81, my werewolf character, with all perks, has taken on packs of 10 bandits at once, and lived, easily. Werewolves are only underpowered if you dont know how to use them, their howls, and their knockdowns. Furthermore, werewolves are supposed to go down fairly easy, they are glass tanks. There are no blank stories in the Flamer story, the Nords came, the Falmer got pissed at them and attacked, the Nords came back and raped face, the Falmer made a deal with the Dwemer, the Dwemer blinded them, and after 4,000+ years of living underground, the Falmer evolved into monsters, with some, like Gelebor, and Vyrthur, surviving. The Thieves guild only has ONE connection, and that is Maven, and even she is getting pissed at them because of their failures. Without you to come along, no one helps out with Goldenglow, and Honningbrew, Maven's mead business, the one thing she hired the guild to help her take care of, starts to become less profitable, the thieves guild not doing their job is to blame, she drops them because they are useless, and without Maven's help, the guards finally go down there and kill them all, as she was the only reason they weren't doing so in the first place. Also, yes, I did talk to the NPCs in Riften proper, and before you start the thieves guild, all of them say the guild USE to be a big deal, but now they are all normal thugs who can't get anything done. No one in Riften is afraid of them anyone, that's the ENTIRE point of the first real Thieves Guild quest, were you have to go get protection money from people, and they all tell you to F off because your guild isn't powerful anymore. No ne is afraid of the Thieves guild anymore, and it's only after you do the Honningbrew job, and strike fear back into Riften, do the NPCs in Riften start treating the guild seriously again. And the difference between the Thieves Guild, and the DB, is that the DB isn't hanging on by ONE contact, while business is slower due to not hearing about the Black Sacrament through the Night Mother, the DB is still doing somewhat well for itself, and isn't in the immediate danger of getting curb stomped because of one failed job. Choosing not to do the quest is a choice, and a valid one, the quest remains open in your log because it logically should, because you are always able to go kill Parth, and potentially switch side , whenever you want. Also, there is no definitive choice in Dawnguard, if you join the Vamps, you can still get crossbows, and if you join the Dawnguard, you can get Serana to change you into a vampire lord after the quest is over. Both sides get both rewards, so what exactly was the choice again? at least in the Blades/Greybeards decision you actually DON'T get both rewards on both sides.
  18. Except, there is no questline in Oblivion in which you can just betray a faction you joined at any given time..... so..... you are wrong. And yeah, I know he blocked me, I still find it necessary to correct his false statements.
  19. And again, you are 100% wrong. -The companions guild quests only start IF YOU TALK TO AELA. Seeing Aela, and the companions, fight that giant on the farm does NOT, repeat, DOES NOT, just add a quest into your log. It is only added if you talk to her, which you do not have to do. -Innocence lost, AGAIN, only gets added to your quest log if you talk to a bartender about rumors. -the forswon conspiracy quest, AGAIN, ONLY GETS ADDED IF YOU TALK TO THAT GUY, and you can avoid him. That is real life, this is a game, having to program every single possible point in which you could betray a guild would take to long to realistically program. The canceling of quests, the alteration of scripts, and countless other coding problems make it unrealistic. Any and all points in which you can betray a guild have to be pre-planned for coding reasons. Delaying the MQ is nonsensical, delaying quests in general is nonessential, just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be added. Also, why do hey need to delay the MQ when you can just not do it? Again, why should Bethesda remove fast travel just because you dont want to use it? You dont have to do it, and thus, it shouldn't bother you. Your argument is nonsensical because you are asking for delays on things that you dont have to do to being with.
  20. Its impossible for something to expand the lore unless it's an officially authorized Bethesda product, which mods are not.
  21. -The companions killing a giant in the field doesnt add a quest to our journal until you CHOOSE to help them and talk to Aela -Walking in the streets of windheld does not add a quest to your journal until you choose to walk over to the guard and talk to him about the dead body -Walking into the market in Markarth does not add a quest into your journal until you choose to talk to the vigilant guy, and choose to talk to the guy who starts the forsown conspiracy quest. Please try again, because all of the quests you mentioned only start when you talk to someone, not when you just pass by them. People who dont want to ride horses, or use fast travel, shouldn't ride or horses or use travel then. If you dont want to do a quest chain, you shouldn't do it. No, it makes perfect sense that you cannot destroy a guild once you join it. Joining a guild shows acceptance of what that guild does, you're given a chance to destory it beofre hand, if you dont likethe actions of that guild, then destroy them when you have the chance. mods are not the vanilla game, your point is irrelevant because we never were discussion mods. Also, there are people who ask for the removal of fast travel, simply because its in the game. If you dont want to do the MQ, then dont do it, if you dont want to fast travel, then dont do it. asking for it to be removed/delays is not only selfish, but it is petty.
  22. -Well first off, saying you can pick up quests just by walking past two NPC in conversation is factually untrue, even the most basic rumors can only be acquired by directly talking to a NPC, and asking about rumors. -Secondly, Couriers only deliver notes to you based on actions you have already taken, there is not a point in the game in which a courier JUST walks up to you, hands you a note, and starts a quest, and all of those triggers can be avoided. -Thirdly, if you didn't want do to the next quest in a quest chain, you shouldn't have started the quest chain to being with, that's like complaining that you can't just betray Astrid and kill the DB whenever you want, after you were given the chance at the beginning of the DB questline. You showed acceptance of the quest, and all repercussions of it, when you started the quest in the first place. Also, you could never turn down the MQ, not even in Morrowind, that is both absurd and illogical to ask for. -The Dovahkiin is a god-like being, who has access to the powers of CHIM, you DONT die, that's the point, and it would be illogical for Daedric quests to be blocked off by doing other Daedirc quests, especially becuase the Daedra don't know this. Also, the entire point of the civil war is that the Dovahkiin, Ulfric, and Tullius, have taken the first steps towards spiritually merging into a new god, the same way that Tiber Septim, Ysmir Wulfharth, and Zurin Arctus did to form Talos. The Dovahkiin is Shor incarnate, and Talos 2.0, the Daedra cant take the soul of a god. -All questlines are assumed to be done, although not necessarily by the player. Should the player not help Aventus in Skyrim, it's assumed in the next game that someone else did, and did the DB path. Aventus's plot gets left open in the game itself however, to allow for people who do want to do it to do it when they want to. Slapping some sort of time limit, or other such thing, on a game that is designed to be open world, and non-linar, like Skyrim is, only defeats the purpose. Also, you are only a member of DB once you kill one of those three people Astrid tells you to, this is made quite clear in the dialog. The same is true for The College of Winterhold, The Companions, The Thieves Guild, and every other side-quest, if YOU didn't do it, some other merc/hero/adventurer did. This is the way it has been since Morrowind.
  23. That was the point of the Forsworn Conspiracy/No one Escapes Chidna Mine quest. You already can, asking the Jarl of Winterhold what happened will get you the story, even without joining the College. The Thalmor situation is to large to be dealt with in a DLC. that is Elder Scrolls 6 material. How did werewovles get the short end of the stick? -Questline: Companions -Improvement: perk tree -Bonuses: Werewolf rings in Dragonborn Vampires have -Questline: Dawnguard -Improvement: perk tree -Bonuses: vampire rings So...... the second half of Dawnguard again? We already know what happened to the Falmer, Gelebor tells us. There is no Thieves guild before you join it and bring it back, that is the entire point of the thieves guild questline. You cant destroy something that doesn't exist. They already did that in the base game. Refusing to kill Parth makes -The Blades refuse to deal with you -You unable to do the "recruit the blades" sidequest -You unable to use Baldes recruits as followers -You unable to get Esbern's Dragon slayer blessing, and Dragon potion. -You unable to get the "Dragon hunter" side quest Where as killing Parth makes -The Greybeards refuse to talk to you -You unable to ask Arigeir world wall locations -You unable to get shout meditation bonuses from Parth
  24. The Dragon Seekers quest is not tied to the blades at all http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dragon_Seekers You are thinking of the Dragon Hunting quest Esbern offers http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dragon_Hunting Two entirely separate quests. Secondly, NEVER, and I mean, NEVER, use Elder Scrolls wiki, EVER. Use UESP, or The Imperial Library. Elder Scrolls wiki is so full of fanon, aka fan made content, that it is considered to be one of the single worst sites on Elder Scrolls on the official Bethesda forums. Asking anyone on the official lore forums about elder Scrolls wiki will get responses to stay away.
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