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Posts posted by olafreinhardweyer

  1. I'm just wiping it clean and re-installing from archive - and more importantly finally getting around to turning their auto-update feature off, it's simply more trouble than it's worth.


    Good Luck. No matter how often i deactivate the auto update function it gets reactivated at every start of the game,

    not matter which start method (skse, vanilla) i use. Isn't it so, that in the US you can shoot a trespasser into your house?

    Whatever happened to that?

  2. I have a request to all modders modding perks and perk trees.

    See your nifty changes aren't enough, some players want slower leveling.

    There are slower leveling mods out there but they probably overwrite your changes.

    So please. If mod perks or perk trees, consider this:


    At alternate leveling plugins as optional variants to your uploads.


    Here is a template:




    We isn't that common praxis yet? Well perhaps, because it is to

    obvious nobody ever told you.


    Either way: Thanks for modding in the first place :)

  3. Yesterday i could not start my game because i got no connection to steam.

    The solution below might work if your variables and problems are the same:




    - Starting the game steam wants to update itself ("Updating Steam")

    - You get an error message that you could not connect to steam, consequently the game won't start.



    - You are a rightful owner of the game and your skyrim exe's are legit


    - Skyrim is chosen to be played in offline mode

    - automatic updates are disabled

    - steam overly for ingame use is disabled




    - Start your game with skse

    - Wait till the steam error message pops up.

    - Ignore that error message box. In fact leave it open, resting untouched on your desktop.

    Neither confirm, retry or do anything. Let that gray little box open!!!

    - click skse again. Enjoy the game.


    In short: Open the game with skse, leave the steam error message alone altogether without pressing any buttons in it

    and click skse again and the game will start.



  4. .... isn't about being tartily dressed a waving your ass around, it's something more... unusual. A nearly subliminal thing. You can't really describe it, but you know exactly what it is, it's one of those wierd things.


    Yeah, we are getting way desensitized :(

  5. As Moriarty from Fallout 3 would say it: FOOK steam. That's right fook it!!!

    I just unistalled to see if the latest download would finally get my update

    this screwed up, spying OS (because that's what it is, an OS) can't get

    itself through updating.


    Well you know what happens. My games are gone! My whole common

    folder with all darn steam games are unistalled as well. Not only did

    steam destroy hours and hours of work finding he right mix of individual

    textures from different mods (a tree here, a roof from there) it also

    destroyed my very OWN music creations i worked on since November!


    I had it with this monster.


    Steam is illegal on so many levels, i had it. Lets become a

    force. Lets bring them down!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Good post! I'm guessing there are quite a few out there yet who don't realise what an intrusive, control freak, money grubbing obnoxious POS Steam is. Your observations vividly illustrate just couple facets of that entity's reason for being and mind set.


    You can't just state something like this. You have to proof it. So. Inside your steam application go to the sytem information. Your discovery? All your software, no matter on which harddrive is displayed there and what can be displayed in steam, steam knows about. For instance, the online banking software you use for security reasons ... ROFL! In Germany, if the police wants to remotely spy on someones computer they need to get a court order! Even the gouvernment ties it's own hands for protection of it's citizens! Does Valve ty it's hands too? You bet not. Are they beyond the law? They certainly behave like that. Which makes them criminals, nothing less! Someone should send the Feds over. Megaupload certainly deserved it. Now ask yourself the same think about Valve.

  7. I think that makes it pretty clear that, as far as Steam and Valve are concerned, you can still do whatever you like with your mod, post it to Nexus or wherever, just as long as you don't sell an exclusive right to someone else.


    Try to sell any media content NON-exclusively and you will see my point. You just can't, because no one will buy.

    Okay, you might not want to sell at all. But that is how you look at it today, before that someone came along, who

    got interested ... and then you can't.

  8. Can't be compared to agents who compete with another. You have to imagine there is just one single agent. This one agent has the universal connection between one party (Beth) and all its customers. Beth and Steam already have full legal control over all mods of Skyrim. Offering profit sharing of 25% still sounds outrageously low to you???


    Please explain, why you think they have full legal control already. When someone created a texture and chooses to use it for a Skyrim mod, that does not make that texture be owned by Beth or Skyrim. The texture can be applied to anything one deems fit. Switching on the light in a house does not make Edison posthumou®sly owner of your house.

    You might refer to the plugins and the geck then. Well. Should the geck be the culprit, we collect a little money and buy some third partie liscenses Beth and Steam themselves didn't bought exclusively and publish our own geck. What can it cost? 10.000? 100.000? Piece of cake in this large community.




    You're just arguing to argue now. If I'd said so and so had the rights to such and such, it would be silly to think they also had rights for all content. A company that sells generic music, for example, keeps ownership of their music even after it is used in another production. To understand what I meant, make a mod and try to sell it without legal repercussions. You can't. Steam is offering to change that for you.


    I am not arguing just to argue, i am not that kind of person. Thing is, regarding the agreement, the full content of the mod is owned by steam and the offer steam makes, is getting the repercussions in the first place, by "selling" to them. You can not republish what you publish at their place. You are not treated like the loops and samplers company you are talking off, because that company can publish those loops to anyone they want. They could not do so, if they posted their loops on steam, e.g. as a modders resource. They would instantly loose the ability to publish or sell it somewhere else.

    For only 25% were everyone can do, what steam is doing in this age of the internet (the nexus would not exist otherwise),

    that would be indeed a very bad business decision.

  9. Can't be compared to agents who compete with another. You have to imagine there is just one single agent. This one agent has the universal connection between one party (Beth) and all its customers. Beth and Steam already have full legal control over all mods of Skyrim. Offering profit sharing of 25% still sounds outrageously low to you???


    Please explain, why you think they have full legal control already. When someone created a texture and chooses to use it for a Skyrim mod, that does not make that texture be owned by Beth or Skyrim. The texture can be applied to anything one deems fit. Switching on the light in a house does not make Edison posthumou®sly owner of your house.

    You might refer to the plugins and the geck then. Well. Should the geck be the culprit, we collect a little money and buy some third partie liscenses Beth and Steam themselves didn't bought exclusively and publish our own geck. What can it cost? 10.000? 100.000? Piece of cake in this large community.



  10. The greed of EVERYONE will be suspect. Think for a second about some of these groups and individuals who would put countless hours making a mod, would it be wrong of them to want a little compensation via a steam mod? No it wouldnt.

    The percentage of mods that will be sold will be small I am sure. Look at TF2 mods.


    Steam isn't interested in their 75% at all. Giving us these numbers is a business tactic, i above fell for myself, lol.

    No. The real deal isn't the money. The real deal is 100% Copyright Ownership you can do with whatever you want. You see now, what they are up to, right?

  11. On the bright side, it could help in providing for those who mod. Currently, there is no monetary gain for a mod.


    25% isn't that bad when you consider that Steam/Beth will do all of your marketing, provide a popular outlet for distribution, give you the tools (CK), and allow you to focus on just whatever you like to do and do best. Profit sharing sounds wonderful. 25% might not sound good to a famous book author, but to offer this across the board is a pretty good deal, IMO.


    Enchanting myself with some flame resistance....


    Excuse me? Compare this to a screenwriter and the interest of his agent for all his work. 9% for the agent is already considered outrageous and hardly any serious agent would dare to consider such numbers.


    How can you even give into steams numbers like this, have no sense of business, Mister?

  12. 1. You give Steam full and unconditional use of the Mod for ever and to sell this rights to third parties.


    2. You give Steam the right to use your name in what ever way they deem fit, including advertising and marketing .


    3. If Steam decide to use your Mod for financial gain, you will receive 25% of the Gross income and Steam will keep the other 75%.


    Hahahaha, the audicity! From the Television Industry i can tell you, that giving away your rights is normal, BUT the interest rates WAY higher. Ususally TV nowadays pays you off ONCE for all time, no matter often the content is broadcasted or resold, they pay you once and they keep 100% after that. That's called a "buy out" and you might think OUCH, that is a very bad deal, but indeed, it is not, 350.000 to 750.000 dollar for 45 page television series script isn't that bad, is it?

    And now here comes steam, lol. Never heard of a worse interest rate, hilarious.

  13. Bethesda has do disengage from steam or i wont buy their games anymore.

    Steam wants to update, can't connect (yet i am surfing) and i can't even play in offline mode

    though i paid 50 bucks for my DVDs. At least for the time being, Bethesda has screwed,

    one of it's customers, me - and i doubt it won't happen again.


    And now i play some Fallout 3 and kill some ghouls over at Bethesda ruins. Might be,

    my bullets hit just right and get an Exec.




    If its not steam, the next Fallout should play at a Post-Atomic resort, perhaps Hawaii.

  14. How can you not have the steam version, is there any other?

    Anyways, to answer your question: If a certain data/subfolder isn't there,

    you just create it and it shall work.

    On a side note: I never used Nexus Mod Manager and I never will.

    I like to control my folders content all the way. So much can go wrong in automated processes.

  15. I don't see why every politician jumps aboard the bandwagon of things they have not the slightest clue in. Legislators are running out of laws to make, and sot hey keep their jobs by supporting every corporate man in a tux that they can. Like those loose women in Chicago they get in a car and go with no questions asked and cash behind the back.


    "Oh, let them be busy. Politicians love to be busy. It's their substitute for achievement."

    Sir Humphrey (Yes, Minister - British TV Series)




    Nobody needs those costly softwares like Photoshop anyways, there so MANY free solutions. Photofiltre might not encompass everything Photoshop provides but then you just use another free program alongside. With so much Freeware out there doing the same thing as the costly one, what sense does it make having pirated stuff anyways? Is it to feel like a Pro, having and using it? Talk about falling for the advertisement, lol! Piracy, to me it seems, often is just another form of snobism. The true craftsmen chooses his own tools and they are so much alike there is no difficulty learning the pricy stuff for the workplace later, either.

  16. The words are synonymous in nature. You can't have one without the other.


    How come with age i become more opinionated? Is it just me? Or was i always

    and just didn't notice? And why do i notice now and did not earlier? Is it progression

    or regression? All i know is, it is not comfy, not comfy at all.

  17. I believe the egos in question were those of the admins. Face it: There have always been battles between those who create and those who enable them to be. Creators suffer not being independent and admins suffer not being in the position to be creative big time. So the bottom line is: We envy each other and instead of being productive we figth. How very futile.


    Really, if you check you will find that most of the staff are in fact contributors to the modding community, You sir are a hypocrite.


    I noticed that myself and have edited my post. Look at the time stamps :)

    PS: I am a german and my childish outlook is that of dualism and holism. Sometimes one forgets how childish it is, you can see both aspects - dualism and holism - hinted at in my quoted post. So, my apologies, i hope you accept. If you do, i like to hear that. If not, that to.

  18. I have the same problem. Before that i had another problem, namely steam telling me i weren't connected to the internet while i actually were. I disabled any possible interference and still i got this message. I than took some "measures" so i would not have to bother with steam at all and now i have this data files problem described here. And you know what folks!? I had it! This is to much trouble and i am drawing a line here. I quit. No more games for me.
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