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Posts posted by olafreinhardweyer

  1. a rather big gameworld.

    How does the NV world area and FO3 world area compare? Because NV feels much smaller than FO3 did.


    Yes, it does. Or at least: It does a appear to. I just reached Freeside through Boulder, following the mainquest. Looking at the Word Map i was shocked how much of the terrain i've already covered. As in Fallout 3 i am sure to have missed quiete a few spots. However i also realize now, that the gameworld in Fallout 3 is even bigger, because of the Metro System. Take all Metro worldspaces and put them into a single Underground Worldmap and i would wonder how big that would be compared to the regular Fallout3 worldmap. FO3 comes with so much surplus content, it's rather baffeling now. The game developers didn't need to give us so much content but they did really worked their asses off, i see that now. I did my good share of shouting against all their bugs, but i must say, i have lot of more respect for them than i had before. I think in the future i will not complain about bugs so much more. If it is a question of a developers resources, than please, give me a monster of a game world and fix the bugs later (but fix them you better should). Yeah, i think i well be a little bit more fair now.


    As for NV, despite the underveloped world MAP, i enjoy this game more and more for its own sake. It feals more linear, it's in the nature of the backstory. It feels more linear because of the obstructive terrain and obstructive creature placement which are to obvious a game mechanic than simply "the world". Its like having Washington DC you couldn't just travel through early on, because you would just die. One didn't need to go through all Washington DC. Thats why its surplus content. I hope for more surplus content in NV to discover. Sure it's not as empty as it still feels right now. I keep searching :)

  2. As is get it, the Wild Wasteland trait unlocks special game occurences like encounters, that make the game more funnier.

    I find it a bad idea that i have to spent a trait on this just for enjoying the full content of the game.


    Could someone make it so that one gets either 3 instead of 2 traits at start or add thet the Wild Wasteland trait to the player

    character automatically?












    Here we go:






    The whole town must know i've been shot in the head and somewhat came back from the dead. I find it odd that it doesn't come up in any conversation i have once leaving the doctor. It might as well have never happened.


    Solution: The voice acting is already done, but modders will add new features to NPCs it has always been this way. While you are at it, you might as well add a few lines to Goodsprings NPCs mentioning it. It need not be to fancy, but the player should be able to choose from a few answers to this; how he really suffers from trauma, how he is really tough about it etc. NPCs should also be a bit more squimish about giving you their quest unless you have already proven you can handle yourself (perhaps by shooting those first geckos with the girl and the dog; however then she should be the first to utter her concerns). Also consider this: The doctor released you out of his care. This might be the players softest argument when talking about the maater. On the other hand, folks might just give that as an answer like "well, 'doc let you back on your, so i recon you can handle yourself". Right now you can only imagine that's what folks in Goodspring are thinking. It would be better to LEARN about it.


    REASON: There is also a dramatic reason for this: Stressing the goal of the mainquest and improving the players conviction to follow it through. It's hard to follow a goal when all you have is a short introductory movie with no interaction on your part. If the player is supposed to want revenge for what has happened to him and finding out who he is, he must be driven towards it. And he must be driven toward it by EMOTION, not just asking about what other people know about the guys who shot you in the head. What matters most, is not those other guys. What matters most, is that you have been shot in the head and have lost your identity. The emotion is in having been shot in the shot and having lost your identity. Otherwise finding the guys is just a job. Now if it is stressed more often what has happened to you, when you talk to Goodsprings folks, this is just what happens. IT MIGHT ALSO BE A NEAT IDEA TO NOT GETTING A GOODNIGHT SLEEP WHEN SLEEPING I A BED EVERY SO OFTEN WITH A MESSAGE POPPING UP: "You're nightmares about beeing buried alive make for an bad night sleep." There should be perhaps 10 different messages not repeating themselves or else it gets boring (and boring is the opposite emotion of what we want!) That emotion is projected on the guys who did it (naturally). There is a different in wanting to find someone and wanting to find someone for a reason. If you don't mention the reason often i enough, the reason fizzels away and so does the emotion.




    When I saw Freeside in the distance i thought that to be New Vegas. Now the player character might know that (even with partly lost memory) but the first time player doesn't. As i player i was worried i would be so close to New Vegas. I figured i wouuld finish the mainquest very, very early. That put me off, especially because Goodsprings and it surroindings didn't gave me the impression there where much else to do in this gameworld. Only later would i learn of the many things inbetween. I expected boredom. If i could aks NPCs about the shininh New Vegas seen in the distance they could correct me about my asumptions. They would mention they've never been that far out, but that they imagine it would be quiet an eventful voyage with many dangers until i finally reached New Vegas - or even Freeside for that matter. "Make no mistake, lad [young lady]. The desert is far from empty." ... or something like it. However we do it, beeing pi**ed at the game because initially there seem to be not that many places must be confronted by convincing the player that it is not so. I didn't like to be pi**ed and it would have been nicer of not having to correct myself about it once i e.g. came as far as Novac. The Correctional Facility was the first time i could imagine a bigger coherent world. However it is not mandatory to visit the facility. Since the facility helped me at least get a glimpse of the world, it would be neat you HAVE TO GO THERE FOR SOME REASON (mini-quest) very early in the game.


    3) THE GREAT KHANS at Boulder


    It did not hear much about the Great Khans until i reached Boulder. I actually thought they where some part of the Legion. Without overdoing it, it would be nice to at least learn tiny bits about factions before you meet them for probably the first time. The southernmost NCR Outpost did this very very wel in regards of The Legion. Learning about other factions, only a little bit, might be accomplished through the many Caravans. They know their way in this gameworld and could talk a bit about it. This shouldn't be to much, only enough to give you a general orientation.


    4) NOVAC Murder Mysery


    I suspected i would suspect everyone even the other Motel guests. I didn't. I couldn't put them up before the dinosaur. I find this very odd! Also, it might be very funny to suspect the pseudo-ghoul scientist once he is living in Novac. He might answer: "You've been shot in the head or something. You made me just get here yourselve!" (Another reminder having been shot in the head (see above), a humouros shot at the doctors bad relationship with people (this time by YOU suspecting him, haha! and a bit of humour in general, because could just use a little bit more of that).


    5) NOVAC Nightkin Brahmin Bashing


    Once i encountered the Nightkin in the Ghoul quest, i suspected them to be behind the Brahmin slaying. It would be nice, if you could ask the Nightkin Boss about it (if you have high Intelligence) and could mention it in front of the "farmer" who gave you this (unmarked) quest (again: high intelligence).


    A nod to Obsidian is in order however: Despite having perhaps already solved the Nightkin quest by making them leave, the quest still can be finished. It is not to unlogical to assume some of them was left behind

    and to be able to finish quest is more convenient than the more realistic version of the Nightkin having gone too.





  4. I don't do this to thrash NV. I am trying to figure out why it doesn't entertain me as much as Fallout 3. I try to analyze. I don't find NV to be bad game. I find F03 however to be an excellent game i can't turn off once turned on and i want to understand the reason. With my post i am thinking out loud. I want to know if i am all wrong or if i am right.


    Fallout3 and NV are more than just related. Some people have it just because they had a great time with FO3. But this is not to ultimately favor one over the other. That i talk about Gothic 2 should make this more than clear.

  5. In the beginning. I followed the mainquest as far as Novak. I found a few places inbetween but nothing that knocked me off like it happened so often in FO3. I've completed Primms Sheriff problem and did all Novacs quests. The Ghoul quest i found to be the most entertaining so far, even if i found it a bit unreallistic. It kept me WANTING despite the Ghouls goal not being in my own heart. I didn't feel for those Ghouls like i felt for the Ghouls in Underworld. I guess it was my thirst for real longer lasting quest that kept me going. It was also nicely intervined with happenings in Novac. I would have preferred Novac to be the start of the game in fact.


    Well, enough about that, i only wanted to point out, i am not THAT far into the game and that i might be in error with below judgement. I won't be however if the Desert gets less filled with stuff like it is arround Novac. Thinking of it, Novac would be damn fine replacement for FO3 Arefu (Aerfu), the only place in F03 that really bored me.


    But i promised to go on:


    NV and FO3


    I won't judge NV on game mechanics, balance or the like because i always found modders like the FWE team (with no console on their mind) to do a better job, perhaps only because they have no production time constraints.


    What i like about Obsidians work, is, that dialogues tend to be longer and you can learn a bit more about the characters. The Reputation System is a great addition and influences my gameplay considerably. The Reputation changes could be more gradual.


    I have always thought that NPCs and how refined they are was the ONE thing that matters most in an RPG. I was wrong. The ultimate NPC is the gameworld with it's varied places. It is the most important NPC and he needs to be a very varied and surprising character. He should scare me, baffle me, anger me and should make me laugh. He should fall "out of character" yet must be varied. I am sorry to say it but Bethesda did a better job on this important character.


    The ultimate 3rd person RPG Game regarding regular NPCs is for me Gothic 2 even without the addon. If you look at Gothic 2's gameworld it's not that exiting and varied but the regular NPCs totally make up for this. I don't feel the same way about NV with has above average NPCs development and a rather big gameworld. It first thought it was a matter of balance. I thought, if NPCs have a certain variety and are "deep" the gameworld must too.


    But its not so much a matter of balance, it's much more simple and perhaps this should be in every game developers handbook. I any game, whatever keeps the player the most occupied, that must be have the most developed, varied and entertaining features.


    In both Fallout 3 and NV the most time i spent with is the gameworld, simpy because it's so BIG. Has NV given the gameworld the rendition it needs? To me it hasn't. Has Bethesda with Fallout3? Absolutely! Surprises arround EVERY corner. And beyond that (very important) a freeform terrain to wander about with the obstacles forcing you to wander in the same direction on a different path instead of not going there at all at the time. Bethesda did right. Bethesda picked a terrain (Washington DC) made it an interesting, varied place and than filled this place with INSTANCES for happenings revolving arround the mainquest. More developed NPCs and factions and relationships or not, NV can't compete with Fallout 3. In Fallout 3 the mainquests is almost neglitable. You don't need the mainquest at all to enjoy the game and i mean this in a 100% sense. For NV it is true for perhaps a 30%. I think even the advertisments for both games reveal this: Bethesda puts much effort into selling a post-atomic world. NV wants to be a seller because of its mainquest and the necessary associations with factions. Washington as a Fallout game setting is intersting because its nuked. Bevore i bought NV, canon aside, i was concerned Vegas and surroundings weren't. Vegas as Vegas is believed to be interesting enough. But i have yet to even get there. I spent a lot of time out of Vegas. This is Die Hard Part Five with Bruce Willis showing up only after the second halve of the movie. Do i need to rush through the movies story (mainquest) to at some point finally get the movie i bought my ticket for? Fallout 3 promised me a nuked Washington DC and i got the right from the start. The game teased me for the Washington outside all through Vault 101. NVs desert keeps me on hold too, but there is not enough inbetween. Though i see New Vegas from Goodsprings, getting there seems like an empty promise. I am not so hot for finding Vegas anymore. Why, because emptiness and lacking variedness of the inbetween are no good teasers at all. If i am not teased about Vegas then at is enough happening that makes forget about Vegas? Ah, but the emptiness ...


    Back to F03. The DLC that comes closes to FO3 stressing the environment is Point Lookout. But Point Lookout is lacking. As a terrain it lacks the variety of Washington DC. Filled with more interesting NPCs, making it a more cramped place in regarding NPCs would have made up for the lacking variety in the place. The same is true for Mothership Zeta. DLC The Pitt has not enough of either. And DLC Anchorage sucks because there is a rather big terrain with not much variety and zero NPCs of any interest (here it is a question of palace). Anchorage and second next Zeta are teasers to the eye only that get boring very fast. Is Washington DC only a teaser to the eye? Hardly. Are the NPCs that few or that bad? Hardly. Its a ubervaried terrain-gameworld-npc with okayish too good NPCs.


    So far my thoughts.

  6. Hi folks,







    SPOILER and question


    So i opened the Safe in the Diner and found out about the elderly Diner Owner Mrs. Crawford sold Boones wife as a slave. Funny thing is, the dialogue option of putting her in front of the dinosaur so Boone can shoot is no longer available. Also, i can't tell Boon about what i've found out. This doesn't make sense. I would like to believe the note in the safe is forgery but i don't believe it's so complicated. It's just sloppy work from the programmers. I am furious. Novac is the first place NV REALLY comes alive for me - well thats not what this post is about.


    Does anyone has expirienced the same problem? Am i missing something? Do you have a solution?



  7. Reading through the comments above i got three ideas not meant as solution to the "problem", just two new ideas:


    1) The first post has a point: Stealing in the Correctional Facility should affect both your standing to the NCR and the Powder Gangers. From the factions point

    of view you are stealing from both of them. There sure are other places, where more than one faction would consider you've stolen from them.

    2) I imgaine that stealing from a faction without you being seen by anyone makes you somewhat uneasy arround the folks and your resulting behavior,

    nervousness etc. is what actually lowers the reputation with that faction. This would be the logical explanation of how your reputation could be affected

    without having been could in the act: It's you're somewhat reserved or nervous behavior that gives you away. But let me think this a bit further:

    If you are generally a good person (with good Karma) this sense of guilt about yourself giving you away would be sensible. You feel gullty because

    generally you are a good person (good Karma). But what about a bad person (low Karma)? Would he feel such guilt? Example: Some of you have

    pirated stuff on your harddrive. When you got your first pirated stuff you felt guilty. Through time you aquired more pirated stuff and now you are used

    to it. You don't feel guilty anymore. You're are actually at ease arround Steven Spielberg you sometimes meet on parties because you have no sense

    of guilt anymore. Stealing has become normal.

    Whats the expression of stealing having become normal in the game? Bad Karma! What is the logical next step?


    The higher your Karma value the more you loose faction relationship when stealing from a faction, because of your sense of guilt toward that faction.

    The lower your Karma value the less your relationship suffers. Being a bad person generally does make you feel guilty generally and specifically.

    Bad karma protects you from loosing faction relationship (you loose less relationship) while good Karma punishes you (you loss normal or more

    relationship). That's because stealing has a higher impact on the psyche of a good person than a person who's used to it.


    One more thing: Charisma. Charisma influences how you behave arround folks, it can disguise your uneasyness arround folks you've stolen from.

    Your guilt doesn't as much affect your behavior when meeting people because you're more in control of your behavior. You know how to play them.


    One more last thing: Reading the skillbook "Meeting People" may have two affects: It lowers the amount of reputation loss when stealing (and not

    being caught) while it is in effect because for the time being you know how to play 'em. OR: While the book is in effect you can't steal, because you're

    feeling social all over. You try to steal and a message pops ups: You can't steel while feeling affections for folks.


    Complicated stuff, huh?

  8. How do i come to have such a request as below?: In the Goodsprings "tutorial" where i follow the woman and her dog Coyote i was always faster then her,

    needing to switch to walking so she got ahead of me, then turn back on running and do the whole thing all over again. This was annoying to a point

    it was breaking immersion. In real life, when i follow someone, i would run as fast as the one i follow (if i can keep up), not speeding ahead of her.

    So what do i want?


    I want the movement speed of my player character to be capped at the movement speed of the NPC i am currently following. Suggested solution:


    1) I would imagine my crosshair needs to be on that NPC, then pressing a special hotkey that will cap my speed at the rate of the NPC.

    I say cap, because i don't want my PC to run faster than he normaly could, no matter what NPC he follows.




    2) Movement speed of non-hostile NPCs is globally equalized with PCs movement speed.


    I believe one would need FOSE for both. Lets hope FOSE for NV will be made :)

  9. I checked the NV exe with the Fallout 3GB enabler. It seems to me, the game doesn't adress more than two gigs. Am I mistaken?


    Game is working just fine on my end: Asrock A770 Crossfire (AM2+, there is no better, stable lowprice board for this platform), 4 Gigs G-Skill BPQ, Phenom II x4 9400*, Ati Radeon HD4770 (the latter really isn't such an awesome card with only 512mb).


    By the way: If you have a phenom and need new ram, don't go for the timings, they don't matter as much. Rather choose ddr2 1000 over an 800 (or any higher number instead of higher timings). The phenom really profits from this.

  10. Well, after Primm i visited the Correction Facility, also got to the Outpost where you meet Ghost. I am starting to like this game now, it finally has some

    character and i also get an impression of the world arround me. Gee, i had feared everything would be as dead as Goodspring.


    Yeah Goodsprings just relied on being nostalgic enough to Redding from Fallout 2. Glad you stuck with it though, the game does get much better characterized and grey. You probably get what I mean by grey now that you got to the NCRCF as they were slaves and only raid to survive. As you go on you will find NCR aren't as good as you thought and Ceasar's Legion not as bad as you thought. Give it some time and it has amazing writing, dialogue, characters, and atmosphere. I like it much better than Fallout 3. I dun wanna spoil to much, but keep playing, you'll like it.


    I already dislike the NCR. At heart i am an anarchist, but in the TRUE sense of the word, not as it is associated with chaos, totral disorder or even violence. I could side with the powder gangers if they would've left it at just taking over, not murdering everybody and hitting innocent caravans. Perhaps i will do the NCR some good but only as far as it doesn't empower them to much. They certainly won't get Primm from me. I rather have a lunatic sheriff there, even if i know this guy means trouble in it's own right (if not someone should make a mod, informing me (the player) of a bad decision and having to find a solution. Yeah, i might even write such a quest, i am just no modder, but i could outline quests and dialogues.

  11. The problem is clear - You're using the same gun that you were shot in the head with at the beginning of the game. Apparently that didn't do jack to you, why should it do anything to enemies?


    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :P

  12. Well, after Primm i visited the Correction Facility, also got to the Outpost where you meet Ghost. I am starting to like this game now, it finally has some

    character and i also get an impression of the world arround me. Gee, i had feared everything would be as dead as Goodspring.

  13. Yeah, but it appears to me Bethesda's are the better storytellers too. An devasted urban setting where you can see the results of Fallout everywhere is the way to go. Point Lookout was not much of an urban setting but still they made it work. I could still feel i was in an post-atomic world because there where residues of civilisation not much advanced since the war (on the contrary). Havin technological advancement AGAIN is a grave mistake in NV. Technology has failed. What left of it and still used is not much more than rubble (take Rivet City or Megaton). Now THIS is post atomic survival. A desert always remains a desert. A Las Vegas never hit by the bomb always remains Las Vegas. Now Washington, that was a scoreched civilisation, a brilliant choice! NV just doesn't breath destruction. It isn't as bleak as FO3.. FO3 had great humour because that humour (promises of the Fifties) was in contrast with the true face of the world. NV has no such humour. I am having less fun here :/
  14. My big issue with Fallout New Vegas is that it's mostly empty. Yes, there's lots of places to explore on the map... but everywhere between those places is vacant.

    In Fallout 3, you could pick a random direction, start walking and you'd find stuff. Burned out towns, a farm, a dock, raider bases, a merchant under a bridge, an old building booby-trapped to hell with some supplies in the back, a shack under a bridge... stuff that isn't 'on the map' but is still fun to explore.

    Great example: The hastily made fallout shelters you tracked down by radio signal. All that you'd find was an old repeating message asking for help and some dead bodies, maybe a few supplies... but that was AWESOME. It was incredibly mood-setting and drew you into the game. New Vegas doesn't have anything like that.


    While the Mojave desert is 'technically' "Just as big as the DC wasteland", it's empty. Kinda like comparing "Anarchy Online" to "World of Warcraft." While Anarchy Online may have a game world "Three times bigger", 90% of it is flat terrain with a repeating texture. And that's what the Mojave desert starts to feel like... flat terrain with a repeating texture.


    SUMMARY : If fast travel was enabled to any spot you've been told about... you wouldn't miss much in New Vegas. In Fallout 3, half the fun was between the waypoints on the map.



    Locations is a huge difference between Capital wasteland and New Vegas. Capital Wasteland is the rubble of a huge city, and much more densely populated that Southern Nevada . I live in Las Vegas and believe me outside of the valley there is not much out there, very barren and desolate. So I'm not surprised that there is a lot more empty space in New Vegas the FO3.


    Then Nevada is the wrong choice for such a game. Fallout 3 with it's many undocumented spots breathes STORY at every corner. And that's what i expect from a RPG. Story!

  15. Daddies joy, Moms joy and then there is you, you are born, what an intro, a floud of emotions. It doesn't stop there. Mom is in cardiac arrest, mom dies, you're hurried out of the Operation Room into a life already darkened by events that didn't even take a minute. Gameplay? You can choose your name, you can choose your gender. You participate.

    Now here comes New Vegas: You get shot in the head, yeah. But there's no feeling of being involved. You really aren't, as a player playing. It's a short movie scene only. Now making you're character, that is equally lame. And just remember how fun it was to attend the G.E.C.K! Well, okay.

    What strikes me the most however is the distinct lack of sci-fi elements, or lets say, just technology. There is a single robot. There is a single laser pistol. The number of radioactive

    puddles is rather slim. I get no feel of the fifties either. This could almost be a Western RPG only. And there's something else that bothers me: The area is already confined. I can't cross those cliffs. Leaving Vault 101, now there was an open range. I would find Megaton. And despite Rivet City being the most logical choice to make my base (Anacosta Station gets you just about anywhere) and I'd always return to Megaton. Megaton is my surrogate home. It's because i lost my true home, Vault 101 perhaps, which isn't my true home after all. The Lone Wanderer from birth to finish (Daddy will day). Bethesda, perhaps not even intentionally, punched this theme through each and every experience you might have. Beeing lost, being disconnected. Gob can't get Nova. A girl a Moriaties misses her family in Andale. Brian Wilks lost his parents. The Enclave divorces itself from it's leader, even if that was story was much to rushed. I could go on.


    What i get from the NV movie, the theme could be "betrayal". For a theme to come through it needs repetition. I am not betrayed once in Goodspring. We will see. And we will, if we see technology gone awry, because that's what was Fallout 3 about to. That technology is a broken promise, a promise that could not have been bigger than in the Fifties. It's technology that wreaked havok over the world. But than you have Megaton and Rivet City scratching the pieces of technology back together again to make better living. It's not enough to display a few broken down buildings, we have that today to, without a post nuclear war. For the chemistry to be right, you must experience a life inbetween the leftovers. NV, in the beginning, has no such leftovers. This place is a Western and it appears it has always been a Western. Hardy anything has happened inbetween. This place has no history. It is dead. I will never return to Goodspring as have I returned to Megaton.


    Much had been told about the mighty storytelling abilities of the folks at Obsidian. I am im Primm now. Still i am not very much involved in this game. It was very much different in Fallout 3, right from birth.

  16. Rileys Rangers


    Hi folks!


    I am a Screenwriter and i am currently writing some Quests you can do with Riley's Rangers. I have no experience with the GECK whatsoever so i need to built a modding team. What's needed least are texturers but rather people who can make functioning dialogue "sessions" and script normal NPC behavior as well as scripted battle occurences (which does not mean i want a fixed battle outcome).


    My first goal was to give an alternative Route to the Vanilla Mainquest you can do with Riley's Rangers. I have postponed this however, since to many people seem to shy away from such a tremendous feat and rather not join in the effort.


    I will view myself as headwriter on this in a manner of securing quality and integrity of the overall story. I need not be the only one who comes up with stories nor need i be the only one writing dialogue or other stuff. I believe in flat hierachies i am only part of, or best no hierachy at all. Some people like leadership though and since i am pretty convinced about my writing abilities you can have that too :P

  17. Now this not from the wilderness. When i was a kid i always wanted to know whats behind a facade (facade figuratively speaking). That hasn't changened and you might say i prefer seeing the ugly truth rather than the illusion you're given. So i did and do this. Whenever i am in hotel i get myself acess to places they do NOT want you to see. Last time i went past the "marble area" :P i ended up in a staircase littered with dust, bottles and cans just like in Fallout. The staircase let to a flat roof from where could the the swimming pool. The roof itself was a complete junkyard :)


    So recommend hotel trespassing :)

  18. I have an ATI HD4770 from Sapphire. It has only 512 GB RAM and i got no graphical stutter. The modder of EVE (Energy Visuals Enhanced) was baffled by some screenshots i had put up on Nexus because of how the graphical shaders of my card fleshes out what he called "the alpha channels" (i guess they are called shaders or something. When i got the card halve a year ago it costed 100 euros, i would guess it costs arround 60-80 Dollars today.


    ALSO YOU SHOULD GET HERE ON NEXUS THE "3 GB ENABLER" (search for Enabler). Fallout can only handly 2 of your GBs. With the tweak from this "mod"

    it will be able to handle all your Ram so the game should instantly run better - new graphics card or not.


    If you choose another card than mine still look that it has the latest SHADERS. I don't which are actual right but look up the internet. Thats what i would go for.



  19. That exactly how i remember it :woot:


    would be awesome if they made the energy weapons look half decent i mean the laser/plasma pistol/rifles look soo bad as if the devs went out on a weekend binge on drugs and alcohol and on the final day of finalising just smacked a few idea's together :(


    Something that looks powerful and just sexy as hell not something that was designed by 3 blind hedgehogs out for the night on a cocain endueced road crossing tournement

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