Hi i am just linking the issue i posted about which sounds like the same as this page, but i had posted it on another page: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/48593-this-is-the-site-feedbackquestions-section/page-277&do=findComment&comment=91342623 and a couple of posts after that with more info. i think it is because basic javascript code (which was working fine in previous versions of browsers) was dropped, (possibly the clearfix code) but its a shame that basic code that was working before, gets dropped. in theory, if work and effort has been put into the website, to support a new version of a browser, it should always remain in the code), even if that browser version gets a newer version over time, because then it will still always work. (simplified code example, if ie 10, use css10.css if ie 11, use css11.css etc, once a new version comes out, and you code something for it which works, you never have to touch the base code for the older version, becasue if the content format remains the same, youre just displaying it with a different style for different browsers). maybe im too old lol, but basic html 3 worked wonderfully and still works today :)