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Everything posted by dogtown1

  1. lookin forward to this in a big way, the new creatures totally rock ^_^
  2. I posted this again as it was swallowed by a political debate
  3. sometimes its hard to contact a moderator, when you have a question you just pick one out of a hat and hope they reply back I would like to see a "ask a moderator" forum thread, or button, hell I dont know..someplace you can go and leave a personal question and its available to any moderator and they can read your question and reply back in a "pm" I know you can do the same in the forums, but some questions you just want to ask a moderator and the response time in the forums is a crapshoot, you have to hope a moderator surfs by your thread and decides to check out your comment
  4. thank you so much for this, I almost had a minor nervous breakdown ^_^
  5. thats a great vid Gotcha44 nice one, it shows the gameplay perfect, its hard to see how good the graphics really are and how cool the sounds are that one you just have to play the game (best 15 bucks I ever spent on steam, hell its worth 50)
  6. @ginnyfizz I think that reviewer had a bum mouse or keyboard, I myself never had any control issues and have never seen a complaint about it as well here it is, hell yeah :biggrin: head here to see whats all goin on: http://www.grimrock.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2118&start=830
  7. my thinking is to rig them to the slaughterfish skeleton, then super scale them up in the ck this would give them a funky "hitbox" but I would make them COMPLETELY docile, they would only be for looks, cut their movement down to about one third of a normal slaughterfish, and add them to the deep sea areas as hand placed, not added to any list though you could create your own list and do different sizes and colors and also add the "unicorn fish" in as well :biggrin: it would be a "Skyrim Ocean" mod you could throw in that shark from skymomod as well and scale him up a bit, then you got something that bites too
  8. just watched the hunger games... what a huge waste of time, it was a total ripoff of twilight and the story was so stupid and unrealistic I wish I could get my money back to give more detail, the fact that people would allow such a thing to happen is just not possible nuclear war, starvation, totalitarian government, it doesnt matter, its just not gonna happen so I just lost all interest in the film right from the start, the rest was just a stupid twilight ripoff that I could care less about as well useless tripe that would only be found interesting to people who like the twilight movie, or enjoy seeing children being murdered I FU&%$^&INN HATED IT! I really did :mad: edit: I wish I could have seen the chipmunk movie instead :happy:
  9. ahh, Mickey's.. when I was a much younger man, you could get Mickey's in a green bottle with a big open top, it was called "Mickey's big mouth" I was partying with friends at the city park and downed almost 2 cases of the stuff (I was feeling no pain) and a friend of mine who was a semi-pro boxer was doing a demonstration at one of the pavillions at the park, I went over to show him how a real "Missouri hillbilly" boxes... :unsure: we had regulation gloves on and I was dancing around like a pro, I quickly got 2 good jabs in and was pretty proud of myself on the third jab, with my right arm fully extended..it was like rolling out the red carpet the uppercut started somewhere down in Texas I think, and found its home full underneath my jaw, sending me over a picnic table like a ragdoll thanks to the magic that is "Mickey's", I bounced back up like a ninja and thanked him for the match the next day..that was the worst hangover I've had my ENTIRE life :turned:
  10. speaking of stout, I went to a pub here in Florida called "The Queens Arms" and they had ALL the groovy pub food like scotch eggs and chip butty's and sheperds pie any way the owner who also ran the tapper at the bar could fill you a pint glass of Guiness, and anyone who has had Guiness on tap knows that the "head" on that beer is like foam that wont die, this guy would shut the tap off and the last stream of foam coming from the tap, he could move the glass around under the tap and make a shamrock in the head of your beer also the beer tatses good but if you gulp down the foamy head on that Guiness it tastes like freakin used motor oil :turned:
  11. I have to say Morrowind forget the graphics and all that, if you have ALL the dlc's for that game, you can walk FOREVER and just explore random caves and crypts till doomsday I think I explored evrything in fallout vegas in about 8 hours I was kinda hopein bethesda would make the games and dlc's bigger but they continue to shrink to the size of a postage stamp :confused:
  12. thats not beer............. :turned: thats a kiddie drink, I heard that in the UK if you find the right pub you can get "Live Beer", its like the house special and its brewed in the basement they call it live beer because its still fermenting and they pump it upstairs right to a tap at the bar
  13. I've never heard of that? I guess you cant get that in the US
  14. oh trust me, some of those guys are pretty stupid :tongue:
  15. well there was no cease fire, but I am happy to see there was no attacks on the games, the security was handled very well
  16. the thread is titled "World peace is Declared" you should ask the father who has a son in Afganistan that question I'm sorry to say no, not yet everyday I hope my son can call home on his cell, but its against the rules, so I wait its fukkin hell
  17. I like all the "FEAST" movies :biggrin:
  18. fixin to turn fifty and a grandpa sadly ....ask my my wife, 21 in the head (I'm not sad, I'm having a blast) :biggrin:
  19. CRASS-feeding of the 5000 anybody know that album?
  20. more root beer songs Aenema-tool brown sugar-stones bat chain puller-captain beefheart heaven and hell-sabbath I am the bullgod-kid rock the pick-axe murders-cannibal corpse just add root beer and enjoy :tongue:
  21. my bad....... is that really the rule? I kinda figured with this forum catering all the games including fallout, just about anything goes well I am sorry, just delete this sillyness :turned:
  22. okay I can do better than that, right now I'm slammin "natural light" :confused: BUT, I am jammin some DIO deep purple Danzig SIX FEET UNDER I know its a fukked up combo, but it works....and my fave beer is "New Castle Brown Ale" that shlt is solid gold
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