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Everything posted by pizzafor0dollars

  1. So, TWMP Hammerfell adds a boat, NPC, and travel marker to Anvil Bay for traveling to Stirk, as well as some erroneous dock parts. With Open Cities Reborn changing the landscape of the bay, the boat, NPC, and travel marker have found themselves stuck underground. I tried making a compatibility patch, myself, having moved the boat, NPC, and travel marker, as well as removing the erroneous dock parts. But for some reason, none of my changes stuck. And there were changes to the areas around Cheydinhal and Chorrol, apparently, which I only noticed upon looking over the new ESP in xEdit. Apparently I don't know how to make this kind of mod, irritatingly enough, so I'm asking for some help with this, as I've not found a compatibility patch for this. Please, I need this mod to use TWMP Skyrim Alive, even if I don't want Hammerfell, and I'd rather not have that stupid sail sticking out of the ground like it is. Please, mysterious modder reading this request, you're my only hope.
  2. Aaaaaaand I can't figure out how to add dialogue. and geck likes to just jettison all dialogue when i'm looking at an npcs dialogue editor. If anyone reading this is willing to help me know wtf i'm doing, I'd greatly appreciate it, otherwise I'll go looking into tutorials or something.
  3. Thinking on it now, I suppose I could make a new AI package for each, specifically for going home, triggered via dialogue, with a movable reference unique to each follower. I can't guarantee that they won't conflict with follower limit while at home, this way, or that there won't be a conflicting home location, in the follower's data, but it's a place to start. I'll get working on it soon, right now I just wanna read, though. If anyone seeing this is interested in this, please be patient, it'll happen eventually as I'm sorta refusing to continue my current playthrough until I have this mod in my load order lmao.
  4. I'd like to be able to change the home location of the followers in the 3DNPC Fallout Bundle mod, similar to the function in Better Followers and other companion mods. I can't seem to parse how to do it, myself, though, and I just finished figuring out a bunch of issues I was having with the GECK and do not feel like staring at that program any more, so I'm putting out this request.
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