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  1. Yes thats something thats just crazy painful about Oblivion. Plus you cant avoid getting "allies" sometimes. Only way to handle it is just to use save and reload until you got it right.
  2. QFT I'm a tad sick of people posting revealing and then even more revealing outfits. Whats the point ? I dont want to see my character run around in the nude, I want my character to look cool and/or kickass.
  3. - TES rulesystem sucks. Ok, thats wrong. I already knew that one from playing Morrowind. - Best way to play with TES is to use the console to level up your character so you dont have to bother with the stupid leveling system anymore. - Why didnt I had that idea with Morrowind already ? Damn. - Nobody bothers creating realistic cool heavy armor - TES makes it not worthwhile to have armor anyway, as you get a penalty for spellcasting. So much for "you can play anything you want" - Um. Good graphics is fun. As is game physics etc. But really, it doesnt replace having, like, a good game.
  4. I guess if ambition would really bite me, I would try to create a realistic looking field plate armor. Like the REAL thing looked like. That famous armor of british king Henry VIII, for example, that scientists studied when they developed the first space suits.
  5. Humans are the only race on earth that has "swollen" breasts on them 100% of time. Thats because women with "swollen" breasts are considered more attractive for human males and did get a crucial advantage. So if you make an intelligent cat race, you better give them those "swollen" breasts too. Or the males of said race might end up prefering females from other intelligent races instead ...
  6. All I can say really: the section "PC Games" seems to shrink massively recently. So yeah, whats left is crap. Guess I can stop worrying about gaming altogether, because honestly I dont care about consoles at all, and there is no way I would waste money on them.
  7. Hmm I definitely should make a list of the mods I use... I dont have one right now. Though the most important mod ever for me was this one: http://social.bioware.com/project/469/ Allows you to fix your character and your companions to your hearts content. Make Leliana use Dual Daggers, make Ohgren into a shield tank, force Morrigan to drop the awful shapeshifter class. Or change your main character, if you didnt liked how he developed.
  8. Err ... surrounded ? You should have a party Tank in Massive or at least Heavy Armor, with Taunt, and make him get the attention of the mobs first. Then you can backstab them to your hearts content. And about having attention of mobs, you should get Stealth 3 ASAP (with level 8) as it allows you to hide during battle, losing your aggro as well. Theres also Fake Death as an more extreme solution, but it is on a 5 minute timer and you cannot get an automatical critical hit when attacking from it.
  9. Well, you cannot add things like physics, multiplayer etc without having access to the source code of the game engine. It would also not be a simple change - adding multiplayer would be like a whole rewrite of large parts of said engine.
  10. Uuuh, why that ? I got these warnings about redcliffe before, too, but seriously. All you need is a healer and the usual big heap of mana potions you should always have (and I didnt needed many of those, either). Pause the game every once in a while and throw a heal to the guy with the lowest hitpoints. This way I kept up all allies with no problem. The only trouble are the yellow guys in the beginning ... for those you should better already have the Regenerate spell (its much better than simple Heal).
  11. Well DA is kind of the antithesis to FO3 and TES. While in FO3 and TES you're in an open world and need to make your own story, DA is storydriven, i.e. you have less freedom and the world is much more compact, every spot is filled with stories. Also it is pause and play. You control a full group in DA, so you have to pause in battles to be able to control the actions of all your party members. You can automatize DA to an extend, but there are limits to what can be done, and for optimal control you really need to micromanage every action of your group. About quality, all I can say there is that DA has a very good story, good characters, and good quests. I dont know why FO3 bored you, though, so that might not help.
  12. I think the main reason is simply that people fear Blood Magic so much and so irrationally, that nobody is actually able to recognize it - not even Circle Mages.
  13. Many people complain about Reaver being royally underpowered. In fact this class looks like initially meant mostly for damage dealer builds, but in reality it is only interesting for tanks and that only because of Frightening Appearance, which is the only decent one of the abilities, even if its not exactly strong either. I think the basic idea of Reaver is a "necromantic", "dark" knight who to "dances" with low hitpoints near death to get more damage output. I would suggest giving the specialization multiple trees. 1. Frenzy Tree 1.1. Blood Frenzy. Sustainable. The "defining" ability of the class. Depends upon Strength stat now. Very little effect as long as hitpoints are above 50%; on the last hitpoints, the ability gives drastic damage bonusses. Ideally this ability should give a percent bonus on damage and not cause any additional aggro. 1.2. Health Conversion. Activateable ability on very small cooldown (1.5 sec ?); converts 9% hitpoints to half the amount of stamina. 1.3. Devour. Activateable ability, taps all allies and opponents in close range and all corpses (including corpses of allies) in large range for health. Effectivity depends upon Magic stat. All corpses give double health. 1.4. Aura of Pain. Free sustainable (like Blood Mage's Blood Magic stance) that constantly converts hitpoints into damage on near enemies. Effectivity depends upon Magic stat. Damage to character stays constant though. 2. Fear Tree 2.1. Blood Guts. Sustainable. Increases defense if hitpoints are getting lower; very little effect as long as hitpoints are above 50%; on the last hitpoints, this ability gives drastic defense bonusses. No effect whatsoever on magic attacks though. 2.2. Frigthening Appearance. As before, except the effectivity of the ability now depends upon the Magic stat. 2.3. Shield of Pain. Sustainable. Reflects part of the melee damage (before applying damage reduction and checking for misses) back to the attacker. Effectivity is 20%+Bonus from Strength stat. Shield required. 2.4. ??? some other stuff like above. etc, more ideas are of course possible
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