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About MortisVenunum

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  1. You can edit them with Slm now without it looking like éléphant man ! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/43770 They still have facial animations but they are not overdoing it like the sims 4 include Piper Wright , Preston Garvey , Lucy Abernathy an more 100 + people there will be no more exaggerated cartoon smiles, but they will be as you want without deformation !
  2. In response to post #65625326. #65628591, #65629366, #65633256, #65644816, #65655416, #65701121, #65715056, #65716061, #65720011, #65720376, #65727941, #65737981, #65739166, #65754506, #65841336, #65882791 are all replies on the same post. to the author, friend of this project ! It 's your passion that is remarkable ! ;)
  3. Thanks for tips , have same problem and i install NAC and sound is back ! :smile: compatibility patch is closed , just choose only one weather It's even possible to shut down NAC climate and weather to only use all other NAC features with another weather mod or to use the "Hybrid Climate", which allow to have both NAC climate & weather running along with another weather mod.
  4. Solved for me i edit cc.esl with Fo4edit in "fille header" i changed "records flag" to esl only by default is esm and esl and create backup the idea was like it does not show up in the plugins filetry to detach it from esm, which in my opinion is blocking the function of sorting the order I return to nmm launch loot and Shazam , Sortings pluggins work , the arrows as green again ! after you can remove the cc.esl file or keep it Miraculous solution, but it worked for meUse at your risk dont forget create backup file with Fo4edit If it works now with latest Nmm do not do anything, it's an old solution about that
  5. More convenient, all news files and popular on one page , easy to show fast. Easy split times "from to" New fonts are big, old people love that. You love old people all ? your futur ! :p Oh ! One thing is missing !! how to endorse this new design ? ;) Thanks
  6. Wonderfull ! Encouragement for the continuation, and great thanks for the existing version :)
  7. And why people says : Why do people hate fallout 4 so much ? If I don't like a game, I play another without passing my time to say is .. Just uninstall it
  8. In response to post #25939879. With nifskope no need G.E.C.K ! for remove or add , copy , past ...I use version 2.0 work with skyrim F3 or FNV http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4136-nifskope-20-dev/
  9. e3 reveals much attention to the spoiler !! see it or not! http://www.twitch.tv/bethesda/v/6189973 i see :p
  10. In response to post #25797794. #25798354, #25798434, #25798464, #25798514, #25798679, #25799184, #25799229 are all replies on the same post. beautiful dog !
  11. H- 3 :) fallout fallout ! never change .. it's best
  12. After some thought, I withdraw my endorsement for user pay mods not because it is not good, but because we want to preserve our freedom
  13. if you have ctd after cairn with Dawnguard type in console : setstage dlc1vqsaint 20 setstage dlc1vqsaint 30 setstage dlc1vqsaint 200 the quest" impatience of saint" is done and ctd is dead !no more run time error r6025
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