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  1. No, the order actually gets changed by the game. I can even run LOOT after launching, and it will fix it again. However, it seems fine either way. Like I said, it's only 1130 and 1170 that have done this, so I think it's just something that happens in these versions, though I've never seen it reported anywhere.
  2. Did some more testing, and I think this is just an MO issue... It seems that when the game is launched, it resorts all the mods based on its Mod Index Hex (00-FE) instead of the decimal value MO and LOOT use to display priority. Not sure why this only happens with 1130 and 1170 (maybe the extended range?), but it does respect masters, and doesn't seem to break anything. I'm just going nuts because it's very unexpected behavior...
  3. This is driving me insane. I'd tried 1130 before and had this issue, went back to 640 perfectly fine, and now I'm trying 1170 and it's the same exact problem. Even with no mods active in MO, it's alphabetizing the load order every time the game is launched. I tested just with a few dummy plugins named "a.esp, b.esp, c.esp", sorted them manually backwards, and they were alphabetized after launching... Seems for me, it has nothing to do with Engine Fixes or anything, because it's happening with literally no mods, just these 3 dummy plugins.
  4. I also have this issue. Don't use this shitty program, it isn't even finished yet. Conflict resolution my ass lol use wrye bash instead, the latest version at least does something You should probably learn how to use the application before you talk s#*! about it. It does much more than Wrye Bash, and works extremely well.
  5. Just a question regarding the "Small description" 255 character limit on file uploads. I've seen some uploads with much more characters than this. Is there an exception to this limit? I'm compiling patches on my mod page for various plugins, and since I can't set the Requirements on a per-file basis, I have to list and link all the requirements in the description each time. That itself isn't a problem, but when there's a 255 character limit, it's impossible to actually add links to the required files, because the URL BBCODE takes most of the allotment. Wondering what my options are here. I want to make sure I'm crediting all authors, and linking all requirements, so everyone gets the information they need. Thanks in advance.
  6. Just happened to me. Can't draw weapon, can't sprint, can't shout. What's strange is that even after loading my first save, it's still broken, when that should be unaffected... I fixed it by just re-launching my game, though.
  7. Worked for me too (i'm not using ENB) Updated my video driver (you should too if its the case) and restarted PC went to start button >>>> type in search: %appdata% >>>> Clicked on Appdata >>>> clicked on local >>>> clicked on Skyrim >>>> opened plug-ins >>>> and copied my load order from Mod organizer into the plug-ins text folder from Appdata/local/Skyrim. Works like a charm.... loaded my games 4-5 times (2 diff saves) with no crashes so far. Also i cleaned them with save tool (Yes its named Save Tool , google it) NOTE: I am using mod organizer, i dont know if this will work for users who use other mod managing tools or do it manually, but give it a try, and good luck Just chiming in that this totally fixed the issue for me as well.
  8. So, the way I play is pretty much like a traditional MGS game. No Reflex, no enemy sight indicators, no damage indicators, and no enemy marking. The thing is, there's no way to disable ONLY the enemy markers. It's either all or nothing. I just HATE being able to see enemies through walls. It's completely against everything I learned in Metal Gear. The whole point is to maintain your own situational awareness during a sneaking mission. It's completely ruined when I can see every damn enemy through walls and tunnels. So, my simple request is a mod to remove the enemy markers, while still having all the other world markers. As it works now, you can still see all disabled markers, including enemies in the iDroid, which I think is fine, considering there's no Soliton Radar on-screen. Thanks in advance!
  9. Thought I was the only one. Same problem here, though. This isn't the first time for me, so I'm sure it'll get fixed.
  10. Just re-installed my game fresh, so got nothing to lose. I'll give this a try.
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