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Nexus Mods Profile

About falloutx

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    fallout 3, left 4 dead ( coming soon ) etc
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    fallout 3 , oblivion

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  1. bans all of you for not making any sense " Just kidding " lol " Aaah dont hit me , not the face " lol
  2. How to be a good host on a chatroom 1. you need to understand your member , strict chatroom will lead on devastating your reputations , people will start hating 2. if you have moderator that are too strict and always boss people around , immediatly demoted him for one or two weeks just to chill him off on his power abuse 3. to be a good host you need to hang out with your member , sometimes other member will think the chatroom is doesnt belong to the host because he/she always afk. 4. be entertaining ,cool ,relaxing , open minded and share your knowledge sometimes new member can be so confused and lost , they need a gudience to a really awosome leadership value this way your member feel belong on the chatroom. TIps do's and Dont's 1. dont banned people without asking or reason in a chatroom investigate first then ask questions Example : oh i think this is the worst chatroom , ever i been ; - Your replies " why do think its so boring when you come here with nothing you blame this chatroom to bore you find some chatroom that fits you in dont complain if you feel like that because your untolerated attitude leads your own problem not us leave immedeatly or stay here talk with other people dont bring problems" 2. do a survey check everytime on new comers , to avoid pedophiles and creepy stalkers or hackers . - this way you can prevent the personal attacks etc... worst things can happend if you are not serious hosting a chatroom 3.Dont ever date one of your member can cause a gossip or even worst ? - yes you have the right to date with anyone but in a chatroom in the internetz dating or meeting IRL can cause gossip , if you messsed up with her it could be devastating result or even worst can affect your daily life so dont the only way you wanna date , date with people u dont know outside the chatroom that way you can have safe secure life. 4. Dont promote people to moderator status unless you know his experience on hosting a chatroom or a 24 hour active member - this way you can keep your chatroom alive if this way you can gain popularity etc 5.dont be rude , people want a cool host with a cool attitude if you want to host a great chatroom you need to be nice to people interact with them so they feel staying at a one big happy family lol tip " Always use the terms word "family " even when they lived far away from you some people has saddest story on their life if you do this people will expect highly on you i dont know maybe tell stories etc.. respectfull person thats my guide and my past experience hosting a chatroom i have experience being a host like 5 years i dont have trouble getting banned from some site before ... thanks for your time to read this any other tips you wanna share post it out here feel free to post ...lol
  3. Nexus fallout 3 mod team, i have an idea of a really neat mod , lets make ninja mod plus the pipboy with shuriken logo thats gonna be awsome Ninja outfit status "if equiped " casual outfitting casual sneak mission etc Note if possible to make this picture were taken on tenchu 3, lol just make it different http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b363/Shadow_Scarecrow/Tenchu/fc00b668.jpg Ninja mask STR + 4 INT + 4 CHR + 2 Ninja Suit STR + 5 NInja Boots STR + 2 SCIENCE + 2 Sneak +10 Ninja pants Ninja armor + Stealth Boy enchance turn on and off feature if possible to make ninja power armor Stealth Helm + Enchanced Sneak +4 Meele Weapon + 10 Stealth Body armor + Enchanced Stealth boy Sneak +4 Range Weapon + 9 Stealth Leg armor + Encahnced stealth Boy Sneak +10 Science 4+ lawl why dont we take the idea of metal gear solid 4 and put it on fallout 3 just make it different XD just a sudden idea since we have ninja perk thats gonna be awosome , p/s: just an idea if anyone are up to it weapons japanese katana + classic or new depends on the person whos gonna make it Japanese Rifle + world war two or modern your choice - No pic just use hunting rifle for replace instead make all ninja Japanese sniper Rifle + just a moded version of hunting rifle http://www.cruffler.com/ArisakaType97SniperRifle.jpg weapons + Equipped with power armor Japanese Katana Pulse Grenade + Make the explosion bigger then usual kills people instantly Rifle Laser + Scoped Handgun Laser + Scoped note this is a request , so yeah if you guys are up to it i can help few bits but i didnt know how to install dds texture on fallout 3 after moding it
  4. my favourite game music i think its gonna be contra classic
  5. the reason why they need geckt to get that rad x advanced dude ..
  6. ban dez for being harsh ... thats harsh man XD jk
  7. ban xan for saying repetitive words *got ya * ahahahahhaa :biggrin:
  8. xan doesnt relaize that falloutx uses a bionic arms has 10% energy left still can fight he gets up and shoot with a lightweight snow gun "headshot " XD
  9. i ban Nosisab because he doesnt make any sense and its merely understandable lol jk jk
  10. falloutx

    Left 4 Dead

    yeah im ordering man , legit copy cost me around 120.33$ gonna wait cuz my brother aint back from overseas so yeah if i had this game by the tomorow i play with you guys , well yeah im not sure the point of the game but ill have that game tomorrow if any of you want to play up with me im down with it pm me all the way be my friend :D im a great team member trust me im good spotting enemies etc my eyes can see miles away and im a good spotter even if i died at the team death match i still assist you guys with points im pretty resourceable teammates i wont let you down , by tomorrow i should have it cuz my brother just got back from china and he bought me some plenty of games i wanna play with plus the legit copy on china are cheaper :D
  11. holy smackers i play area 51 like months ago ... smack himself i cant believe its free dangit
  12. ban the guy above me thanks ! lol
  13. falloutx grabs a mini snow gun and shoot random people " Aahahahhahaha meeet my lillte friend"
  14. agreed to the rules and regulations without no complain :D i think this forum is a cool place to stay in all we do is to use the report button and we all have good time here
  15. ahahaha i remembered that i feel smart too being out smarting a 300 year old computer dumbass nice goin explaining things now i get it lol because enclave is everything on fallout dude .. they the ones who started geckt first then james to be honest i get the feeling he use to work with enclave then he quits the way enclave treated him
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