Well, Obsidian not only made their goals, but managed to obliterate kickstarter records. The only project listed as having a higher collected fund total is the Ouya, which hardly counts as a video game project (it belongs in the tech subcategory). Final tallies as of closing up the kickstarter at 9pm US Eastern time tonight: 73,986 Backers $3,986,929 pledged of $1,100,000 goal Plus the Paypal total of $140,099. That's a grand total of over $4.1 million, with a hefty chunk coming in the final 48 hours (there was even a $10k entry during the final 8 minutes on the live stream). Congrats Obsidian, and it looks like a brighter future for all of us who love our classic style RPGs. Quick edit: And for those keeping track, the super-dungeon is up to 13 levels deep now thanks to the sheer volume of support.