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  1. I'm doing well! hope you are also Just a heads up if you ever see this, they broke it again. After riding in a vertibird it pretty much kills GetAnimationVariableBool("IsFirstPerson") ==true in fact, even if you set it back SetAnimationVariableBool("IsFirstPerson", True) it just stops working in third person instead haha. They flat out destroyed whatever was going on under the hood to check for those variables on the perspective change. I have pretty much thrown my hands up and said f*** it with this game lol, they broke most of my mods with updates and I have no desire to fix them anymore. Anyway hope all is well :smile:
  2. In response to post #60434912. #60435157, #60439167, #60487932, #60495767 are all replies on the same post. That was incoherent and emotional
  3. In response to post #60455957. #60457467 is also a reply to the same post. but that's not even true anymore. It only downloads the original CC content from the very first release which takes up like 20 megs, and If you delete the BSA files or whatever it downloaded originally even those files are gone as long as you don't re-download the game or check your local files. I don't have any extra files in my data folder at all anymore. That was a legit concern early on but that is solved. You can pretty much ignore CC now.
  4. In response to post #60448837. 1. Even the largest mods dont really get donations, this has been shown over and over. 2. The rules state updates and patches are really not going to be rewarded honestly since it all counts as a single unique download. 3. Mod authors do have to opt in so this sort of is a partnership program funded mostly by nexus, mods do have to meet certain criteria including unique downloads per month which changes and is at the discretion of nexus. 4.creation club content is created mostly by mod authors who have given you hundreds of thousands of mods filled with free content that they spent hundreds of thousands of hours working on for nothing. Now they are getting an opportunity to get compensated by Bethesda. If you don't like it just skip it, you still have literally hundreds of thousands of choices and free alternatives.
  5. Hi @Hoamii this still seems to work for me if PlayerRef.GetAnimationVariableBool("IsFirstPerson") == TrueI just checked. I have the latest version of the .exe also
  6. In response to post #60434912. #60435157 is also a reply to the same post. Lol no offense but who made you the authority?
  7. Idk. I like the new site. Took a bit of getting used to, one or 2 functions maybe not super obvious, but all in all its nice. Looks great on mobile. Tiny bit bothersome that it's a premium feature to list more than a few mods on one page, (on mobile in particular), but I get it and I can live with it.
  8. In response to post #56260981. If the modpack was created by someone previously, then scripted installer just puts files in folders based on options. Once someone picks those options for you, files go in folders like any other. If it's just a playlist like links to mods that the MM downloads then yes I could see scripted installers needing to either be pre-programmed with options by the playlist maker, or include instructions for the user to make certain choices. Otherwise it could be an issue
  9. You my friend are the man. Community is blessed to have you. Great interview
  10. Why...why is there only one boxing glove...I have tried to figure this out but hitting a brick wall on inverting the mesh (not a blender user) plus not even sure how i would get it in game.
  11. Same issue here (and for lots of others) I guess there is just no solution.
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