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Everything posted by ShinKungFuMan

  1. One thing to bring up about this: equipping armor on Dogmeat will 'dispel' the transdogrifier. Make sure to unequip and reequip it to fix this effect (it's most noticeable on the shiba and dane settings, as Dogmeat will go back to his default size)
  2. Current update that's up for JM should fix this: turns out the Endurance resistance boost was breaking things. Not 100% sure why, but removed.
  3. That should work. Looking at the effect itself it's a script that creates and explosion all its own, so a short-timed enchantment on the target should fire it.
  4. UUFrost, have you tried taking the pieces to a power armor station and adding a mod to them? That may automatically correct the name for you...however in the event it doesn't, try this: Open it up in the CK, and go to Instance Naming Rules. You'll want to make a duplicate of dn_PowerArmor (something like dn_PowerArmorH). Now go into the armor files themselves (sort by Form ID and you should have them right at the top, all 6 pieces). Open these and you'll see a dropdown tab that says dn_PowerArmor. Just change this to the duplicate Instance Naming Ruleset you made. I've got a fix/rebalance on here too that fixes that as well, but either route should get you covered. In either case you *have* to take the pieces to an armor station and apply a different mod to them so it resets their name properly.
  5. The more likely result is if CC dies, you get nothing at all. They're not going to make new huge DLC content because this late in the game that's unheard of. Heck even the voice actors for Nate and Nora aren't under contract any more from what we've had dropped through the grapevine. The only two companies I can think of that did did support their game in a huge capacity well after release are Blizzard (who keep fundamentally changing their games every other year) and Gearbox with Borderlands 2 (which involved them skimming the funds from another game to do so). Most companies won't devote that much time to a single title because they've already moved onto the next big thing and you've seen Beth has a lot of games already in that oven and more stuff unannounced. You kill this, they shrug consider it a good try and just leave you with a modding community that's winding down.
  6. Hm, let's see, should we go with the major overhaul mod on BethNet here, or the fixes to their Hellfire and Gauss Rifle here and here, not to mention quite a few other things. Oh and I've got my own Pipboy recolor mod sitting on my hard drive Chuck using Automatron's palettes. Should be out soon on BethNet, keep an eye out. But please, tell me how you're not mad while claiming they're screwing us mod authors in the butt and trying to pull me into a mod pissing contest. I'm sure that'll fix things.
  7. So tell them they're overpriced in a calm manner alongside other people. This "the sky is falling!" attitude isn't going to fix that nor are the folks trying to get into people's faces and accuse them. If the prices don't change modders will just offer their own stuff til they realize it's badly priced especially when it comes to pipboy skins and 'Onyx' power armor paint. That's how a free market works. People will buy the things that are worth it and the market has to adjust to that demand or die.
  8. Chucksteel, how exactly did you or anyone else in the community get 'bent over'? We kinda all knew it was going to be a mess with some bad releases. At worst it can be ignored, at best it gives people new things to tinker with or take ideas from and do better.
  9. Running into a weird problem: when I set a weapon to use custom additive subgraph data, the weapon animation plays properly, even the bash animation plays properly, but the bash kill animation does not for the player. The target goes through their part of the animation (without dying) and the sounds for the impact play. The animations' havok files aren't the issue themselves, as replacing an existing animation with them allows things to play properly if I point the weapon to the replace animation set. Generating metadata didn't fix it either, nor does putting the animation in one of the existing DLC subgraphs. What am I doing wrong?
  10. The check should actually be to target the player, type is WornHasKeyword and the keyword in question is VaultSuitKeyword. Marcy's check there is actually pretty bad because it ONLY checks for the Vault 111 suit, and there's even two versions of that you can get coming right out of the Vault :\
  11. Side note, I'm still downloading but someone might dig through and see if any textures that aren't in the base game slipped through. I doubt it, but a simple BA2 dump into a temp folder should do the trick.
  12. Some screenshots with the new texture pack are up here: http://imgur.com/a/rwWeA Not my shots, though to be honest...I don't see a huge difference?
  13. One thing that's a pain in the butt when it comes to modding? Armorsmith being a required mod for so many clothing mods on console. I don't understand this one: it's for the armorsmith workbench, but that crafting bench is actually included in AWKCR by itself, and that base master doesn't completely overhaul the armor system. To my knowledge AWKCR was supposed to be the standard framework, and yet it now has this massive chaser just so folks can use some (admittedly very nicely done) armor mods. In effect, And on the modding end because it's becoming a standard for players due to this, various changes to armor and whatnot become overridden. Sorry if I rambled a bit there, it can just be frustrating when you've been asked for the 50th time why so-and-so didn't work because of it or why so-and-so isn't just like that.
  14. Trying to brainstorm this here, because I know it should be possible just not sure on the how. I'm trying to recreate the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle barrel, and one of the key features was while each shot did their full damage, the gun itself used 3 rounds per shot. It's pretty much a given this will need a script, which should be able to run off a weapon enchantment, but I'm still a little rough on some parts of papyrus scripting too. Has anyone looked into this themselves?
  15. Well doing it right, you can actually send them to only settlements you need to clear out: Outpost Zimona, Starlight Drive-In, Murkwater Construction, Kingsport Lighthouse, Sunshine Tidings Co-Op, Croup Manor, Coastal Cottage, Hangman's Alley, Red Rocket Truck Stop and Taffington Boathouse are all settlements that need to be cleared out or are available for the getgo, so there are plenty of possible places to send the raiders to without attacking a single settler, and you only need 3 unless you want that loot chest. The only downside is you still need one vassal settlement, but that too can easily be remedied by having one human settler stick around and a platoon of robots to watch over it from Automatron. Use Tier 3 Intimidate on that settler to drag and move them to another settlement afterward and you'll be a good guy without a single slave.
  16. Honestly the one group I went out of my way to kill was the Disciples. Dixie herself was a big reason to wipe them out: her trophies pretty much make her an unredeemable character. With the other groups you get the sense they're not pure evil, and can be focused towards actually helping the Commonwealth a little even though it means they do a little damage themselves. The Disciples though are just killers, and ones a bit too eager to kill anyone or anything that goes against them. I've honestly never understood the 'kill them all' route. Once you get the Castle set up and Preston's perk him flipping out over you helping them is moot: he still gives quests, and the radio still does its thing. Sure you free the traders but in a realistic sense now they're pretty screwed: they're in the middle of a large, open area with only a fistful of people and everything ranging from bloodworms to nukalurks to deathclaws partying outside. Those things are going to eventually make their way in, if another visiting raider band doesn't first.
  17. If you're going to buff the Lever Action Rifle, make sure to adjust the Advanced Receiver for it. For some reason it and the Radium rifle give +125% damage IIRC, instead of the usual +75%. So increasing the base damage of it means an even bigger boost if that's left alone. Honestly a lot of the weapons are in a pretty bad place when it comes to damage, especially damage vs ammunition cost. The in-game 10mm pistol is a joke, pipe weapons aren't worth the time, and the Submachine Gun gets hit a second time on its receivers due to some clear copy-paste oversights. I've been using New Vegas as a guide for damage scaling (many of the weapons seem in part based off its handling of damage when it comes to ranged weapons) and running tests it's working out pretty well thus far. Weapons that didn't appear in that game can be scaled against them with a bit of work too (the Pipe Pistol for example can be scaled against the 9mm pistol, while it's automatic counterpart scales against the SMG version in terms of how the receivers dampen damage).
  18. To be honest 4 still has some solid characters, but they're undermined by a lot of stupid stuff. So many characters have to be a sourpuss (Marcie, Jezebel) for absolutely no reason, to the point you actually want to kill them. And it's actually kind of messed up, because a few tweaks to the Sanctuary quest and you can make Marcie *reasonably nicer* for fixing up Sanctuary. Bethesda's answer? "Oh hey you can kill her." That's not a good character design. That's silly. Strong honestly got it the worst: he complains all the time because they didn't set him up properly not to: even if you have max affinity, he won't say the lines showing he likes the player, just the same ones. He has actually funny interactions with every major bartender...and they cut all of them. He even has a few quips for some of the Institute quests *inside the Institute* and makes a comment that he remembers being there. All around you could have had this decent character and instead you get "Fist was weak leader. Strong glad to be rid of him." "Human look like robot." The game does have some actually decent characters though too even with that. Longfellow and the Mariner are two of my favorites because they're well rounded. They don't try to get into your pants once you get friendly enough with them, and they have full arcs of their own. The game needed more of that, and a lot less of Preston "Here I'll tell you where you go to deal with problems. By the way the moment you side with those raiders I'll hate your guts no matter how much we got along before" Garvey.
  19. Yeah that was particularly irksome in Mass Effect and the latter Dragon Age titles, I didn't need that in Fallout. While it's kinda obvious that they used the 4-option system for consoles, I'd reckon too they were trying to copy some of what was in the previously mentioned games. There seemed to be a whole rash of idea lifting from other games going on with developers around the time Fallout 4 was in the oven, namely everyone going after some aspect of Dark Souls. It wouldn't surprise me if the dialogue and affinity systems for 4 were based off ME/DA.
  20. I don't think the modding scene is dead, but it feels held back. A lot of times I want to go nuts and start building things like crazy, bringing new bits and new creations into the game but given I develop for console first that 2GB cap puts a lot more pressure than I'd like. I know that isn't a concern for a lot of folks, but when you're constantly trying to juggle stuff and hoping you have enough space it wears on you quickly, and that's more the scene I know than the PC end of it. A decent outfit or piece of headgear alone can end up eating 7-10MB all its own. Couple that with heavyweights like Armorsmith, LordOfWar's Mercenary pack and several weapon mods and the field gets crowded extremely fast. You'll get folks crying everytime you add something new and others begging you to add more. The other thing though? There's not a lot of discussion in this community. I don't mean like we are here I mean sharing of notes, innovating, poking the game's engine in inappropriate places and seeing what does what that you see in a lot of modding communities. I know that's not an everyone thing, and it's probably the standard now but it's still a jarring feeling for someone coming from other modding communities. I still think the game has amazing potential and a lot more that can be done with it to flesh it out, and spots that need to be finished. Hell I've had my hands in this thing's guts since before the CK hit, and people like DeeZire on BethNet are still finding things that were cut or off in the game to fix. But by and far I don't think it's dead. Anyway, sorry for rambling.
  21. I always play a female character when it comes to Fallout: frankly, I like strong women and strong female characters. Honestly playing this one with a voiced companion has been a bit of a new experience, and I do dislike at times Bethesda has made up their minds on how the character should be; more than a few times it almost feels like they originally planned instead for the character to be played by a male character more. Probably reading into it wrong but that's been the vibe I got from some aspects. Still, as far as 'Nora' goes, she's fine, and with the right modifications I can make her feel like a badass...even though as my wife put it she ends up looking less interested in her son and more like she's about to invade Poland. Hey, Black BOS Uniform and Kells' hat make for a good look. Don't judge!
  22. Sent you a PM with everything I could find in the cut audio relating to the Combat Zone. It's still very much a mess (no instance that I can find of the player even saying his name for example), but it's there at least.
  23. There is actually cut audio for a directorate meeting where you get the choice to either plunder the Commonwealth, or, as the Soul Survivor puts it, "reopen CIT" to give back to the Commonwealth. Unfortunately I have no idea how far this really got, and it doesn't seem to take into account banishing Ayo or sending Li to the BoS, as they have lines but Alana and Evan do not appear to have any. None of the coding seems to have been in place other, leaving CIT stuck as a giant supermutant mess.
  24. Is this aimed at my response? I didnt say 'someone else did it so dont bother doing yours' if that was the case half the mods on Nexus wouldnt be here. I'm pretty sure the mods i'm working on have similar themes and ideas to others. I know for a fact that i'm doing something that has a very similar aspect to Enclave Resurgent, but i'm still gonna do it as there is still a massive difference between mine and that mod. I'm also working to release my Minutemen Outcast mod for Friday which has an idea that has been discussed on here before. My apologies then, I've gotten a bit too used to the "why bother LOL" response from some folks and misread that then. No offense meant Narmz. Nice! I'll help you test if you want! Something else to bring up...did you notice Drinking Buddy's quest is weirdly referenced here? Turns out Rufus Rubbins used to be Stanley Rubbins, Tommy's bartender. MaleEvenToned has cut lines for him requesting the player go after the Drinking Buddy for him (and a bit more flavor text regarding Tommy if you coax more caps from him). RaiderFemale also has a few cut audio bits related to him.
  25. Okay well look, I'm certain someone other than myself would rather have what was originally intended in, especially since it's one of the few cases where all the audio and msot of the scripting is intact. Are you really saying "Don't bother someone was first LOL"?
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