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Posts posted by shinygamer

  1. Afterburner is intended for use on MSI branded video cards, to control fan speeds based on temperatures and can be problematic on some others - but it may be worth trying on yours.


    That statement is totally incorrect, Afterburner will work with just about any gpu, regardless of brand, I have used Afterburner for years with nvidea reference cards, Gigabyte, ASUS and presently have it running with an ancient BFG 8800 GT and on a new ASUS 970, it is also compatible with AMD gpu's, just look on youtube for overclocking with Afterburner or check out Overclock.net, there's all brands of cards including AMD being used, some people say that some options are greyed out and they can't use Afterburner to OC their card but that's because their card is locked and can't be overclocked.

  2. Hi, Speedfan is ok for case fans but not for controlling your GPU, you need to get a program like MSI Afterburner which supports, AMD RADEON HD 2000 or newer series graphics card with AMD Catalyst 9.3 or higher drivers 2, forget about overclocking, Afterburner can be used just to control gpu fans, you can set a very aggresive fan curve to try and keep the gpu temps down, I've not used Afterburner on multi gpu's but it supports Multi-GPU independent or synchronous control for clock/voltage/fan speed, so you might even be able to set up different fan curves for each gpu, which is useful because as your system runs ok with one gpu but has issues with two, you could set a very aggresive fan curve with the hotter gpu which might keep the temps low enough to prevent the power down.

  3. Why does the file search option often not find files?

    I've only used the Skyrim site but when searching for some files I often get 'no results' but I know the file is available, example, using the 'Advanced search options' the exact file name is 'Fantasy Sountrack Project 3-0' I try searching using 'file name contains' and 'descriptions contains', using all filter options but get no results until I reduce the search to just 'fantasy' and the file is found with the full name 'Fantasy Sountrack Project', rather annoying.

  4. Could this be a skyrim physics issue, you probably know but in case you don't skyrim really doesn't like more than 60fps or the physics start to do all kinds of weird things, as you have installed win8 with new drivers has your monitor refresh rate changed, if so set your monitor to 60Hz and try it.

    I don't know anything about AMD drivers but if there is a way to link monitor refresh rate/Hz with game fps then activate that, nvidea has adaptive v-sync which generally sorts out his issue, does AMD have something similar?

  5. Fixed this problem, some how the My Games/Skyrim folder with saves, SKSE folder and .ini files had been renamed, no idea how it happened :confused:

    As I couldn't load any saves I ran a new game and saved it after the intro scene, checked the My Games/Skyrim folder and it had been renewed with the new save file, SKE and .ini files, so I simply renamed the original My Games/Skyrim folder back to 'Skyrim' with all the saves, etc and deleted the new Skyrim folder, activated all the plugins in NMM and ran LOOT and the game is back to where it was with all saves and mods, HAPPY DAYS :cool:

  6. Hi, Yesterday my Skyrim game was running great but today it looks like it has reverted to a new install, I can't load any saved games as the 'load' option is greyed out, this is the same when launching the game from the Skyrim launcher or using the SKSE loader which I usually use, also in NMM the list of plugins are unticked but the mods are ticked and shown as installed.


    I'm thinking (hoping) that possibly a log file or something is missing, both skyrim.ini and skyrimPrefs.ini are there, I made a backup of Skyrim\Install Info a while ago so I replaced that folder with the backup but it made no difference, am I right in thinking that as this is affecting the vanilla game it's not a mod issue it's purely a game issue?

    I know some files are renewed, if they are removed, when the game is launched again, I have not tried launching the game as it will be a completely new game but if I do that will it regenerate the missing file/s?


    The only recent modding has been trying some ENB's so possibly I've deleted a file but I don't know which one?

    Any help much appreciated.


    Quick update, I've checked the Skyrim files against the 'Make Skyrim vanilla again' guide on the Step project website and my game is missing the 'DotNetFX' folder, there should only be one file in the DotNetFX folder, so could someone please check their install and tell me which file is in the folder so I can search for it in case that file still exists but not in that folder.

    I have run searches and a data recovery program to check if the DotNetFX folder was deleted but it has not been found, is there a way to reinstall this folder apart from a fresh install?

  7. Thanks for a news update, personally, the site is running really well with d/loads around 2Mb which is much faster than previously and the change to 1200px would be most welcome, being able to see the site statistics is great and I shall enjoy showing them to all those who love to preach that "PC gaming is dead" ;)


    Enjoy the zzzzzzzz's.

  8. This issue occurs because people forget (or don't realise) that being logged in on the Nexus sites doesn't mean you're logged in on the forums, and vice-versa. On the payment form it tells you to either login, or enter an email address and password to create a new account. Guess which option you chose! :smile:


    Don't worry, it happens fairly regularly and it just involves moving your membership over to your old account and deleting the new one you made. I'll take a look now to see if it was done properly.


    EDIT: Seems fine now. Did you use the merge functionality, Dante? Don't think I've ever used that before but it seems to have done the trick!


    Sorry, that's exactly what I did logged into Nexus mods but not the forum before making a supported account, thanks for sorting it out :blush:

  9. Hi, I had an unsuported member account here for a while username "shinygamer" and I was logged into that account when I set up a supported account and paid for a 6 month membership, I assumed my username "shinygamer" would carry on to my supported account but now the email address I used to set up my supported account is being shown as my user name, I have looked through all the settings in my profile etc, but cannot see a way to add my user name, why is my user name not being shown?


    Thanks, shiny.

  10. I know about the issues with Afterburner OSD not working with Skyrim ENB's (has it been fixed?) but I thought I would just mention that Afterburner can be configured to display GPU temp, vram usage, etc on the logitech LCD panel if you have one of these k/boards even when using an ENB, the only data that does not show is the FPS which ENB's usually show via the star key in the number panel anyway.

    Personally I find this better than the intrusive OSD and very useful for monitoring vram and temp, before buying a new GPU with more vram I had a lot of ctd's and by monitoring the GPU via the LCD display and log file I discovered that most of them were because I ran out of 2GB vram, I appreciate this is of no use to anyone without a logitech LCD k/board but it's worth remembering that Afterburner has a very good logging option that can be used to inspect data when having ctd issues etc.


    Just because you can't run Afterburners OSD with an ENB doesn't mean that you can't still run Afterburner and use the logging option to check how the GPU is performing you just need to open the Riva Tuner

    Stat Server and click on the Global profile at the top of the list and turn "application detection level" to "none" which disables all on-screen support then open Afterburner and check the "logging" option and enable the things you want monitored and logged, the log file is in the Afterburner folder and called, HardwareMonitoring.hml and can be opened with notepad, it's very useful and even though I have LCD display I often refer to the log file because it's very accurate and time based.



  11. I've only just started playing Skyrim after a year playing Oblivion so I'm no expert but I always play as a mage and I do play as a high elf because they have Highborn as their racial power and highborn magicka (+50 magicka ) as their racial ability so you have a fair supply of magicka to start with before any levelling up.

    I also try not to use armour as enchanted robes can reduce magicka costs for casting and increase magicka regeneration speed but I will use some light armour if I am outnumbered and keep getting beaten in a certain area and can't make any headway at my present low level.


    If I've killed one of a group of attackers I cast zombie on them and get them to fight for me, casting reanimate corpse creates a more powerfull dead body if you have that spell, as a mage I do a lot of alchemy and when you level alchemy up you can make some very powerful potions to enhance your characters health, stamina, magicka and make some powerfull poisons to poison your weapons with, learn the shouts as they can be quite powerful, I use my follower just to carry more looted items I don't let them fight for me as that will slow down my levelling up if they kill everything, that's about as far as I have got at the moment.

  12. Intel i7-2600 @ 3.4ghz

    Geforce GTX 770 (4gb version)

    8gb RAM

    Windows 7


    My game pretty much stays between 50-60fps with everything turned up and the full version of Realvision ENB. I paid £280 for my GTX 770 graphics card recently and considered getting the next one up which was a huge increase in price, but now I'm glad I didn't as it plays all my games perfectly on high settings. £300 for a GTX 670 when I can get a brand new much more powerful MSI GTX 770 with 4gb VRAM for £280, are you serious?


    Oooh, interesting, I was also considering 2GB or 4GB but definitely a 4GB for that price and I'm a fan of MSI Twin Frozr models, it seems to be the trend for a lot of popular GPU's these days, they sell out quite quickly and then get discontinued and the price of the remaining ones for sale goes crazy.

    Now, shall I try and get Realvision running better with my 670 or be lazy and get a 770 while they are still available at that price on Scan :woot:

    Thanks for that info.

  13. Back from being a real nuisance in Skyrim...


    Stormcloak camp outside Whiterun:

    Running around: ~38FPS

    Combat: ~38FPS



    Running around: ~29-40FPS

    Combat: the same


    Orphan Rock and Stormcloak camp:

    Entering: ~40FPS

    Combat and attacking Stormcloaks: ~36-40FPS


    It was just a quick check, but confirms my usual experience that Realvision doesn't impact combat/non-combat FPS. I might suspect something else (combat mods, scripts) if you have a big FPS drop during combat. Save, pick a fight, check FPS, reload, SHIFT-F12, and fight without the ENB processing. See if you get the same FPS drop.


    Thank you for taking the time to do that, I will give Realvision a go as it's an ENB I've not tried yet, as you say the DoF can hit FPS hard and after a lot of reading about ENB's on the mod pages I know that settings like DoF, MSAA, SSAO, FXAA are turned off or only run at a low level on the performance Enb's.

    I also never considered it might be another mod causing a problem with the ENB and I'll try "Save, pick a fight, check FPS, reload, SHIFT-F12, and fight without the ENB processing. See if you get the same FPS drop", if I can get the performance I would like without buying another GPU that would be great.

    Many thanks :cool:

  14. Hi, This is probably a common question but I've only recently tried gaming with some ENB's after upgrading to a GTX 670 but even with an i5-2500k @4.4 and 8GB RAM the drop in FPS while in combat often makes the game near unplayable, now I know ENB's kick the hell out of FPS but I so love the look of them it's hard to game without them even with loads of hi-res mods etc, performance ENB's are no problem I have my monitor @ 60Hz + v-sync and Skyrim plays @ 60FPS all day, but I want the full fat ENB's :yes:


    So does anyone get good enough FPS to always game with full ENB's and what is your PC spec, I hope to have around £400-450 to buy a new GPU soon, can't stretch to a Titan or 7990 but do I have to?

    I don't really want to go SLI mainly because the MSI GTX 670 I bought seems discontinued and the only ones now for sale are at rip off prices (I paid £207 for mine and now cheapest is £300 :verymad: ) so I would rather buy a new more powerful GPU, Thanks for any suggestions.

  15. Hi, Is there a tutorial on using the group option in SkyUI, I'm having problems getting it to remember the items I equip in the groups and I can't find a detailed description of how to use it, the info on the SkyUI mod page doesn't really explain it.

    For instance I use group 2 for armour, put some items in group 2, equip them and hit "T" to remember those equipped items, initially it works and the armour items are equipped when I hit F2 but if I change the equipped items in that group and hit "T" when I hit F2 again it reverts to the first list of equipped items, sometimes the changes to the equipped items are remembered but not always, what am I doing wrong, any help appreciated as I really like the otion to equip many items with one key press.

    Thanks, Shiny.


    Using SkyUI 4.1 and skse_1_06_16


  16. Hi, Is there a tutorial on using the group option in SkyUI, I'm having problems getting it to remember the items I equip in the groups and I can't find a detailed description of how to use it, the info on the SkyUI mod page doesn't really explain it.

    For instance I use group 2 for armour, put some items in group 2, equip them and hit "T" to remember those equipped items, initially it works and the armour items are equipped when I hit F2 but if I change the equipped items in that group and hit "T" when I hit F2 again it reverts to the first list of equipped items, sometimes the changes to the equipped items are remembered but not always, what am I doing wrong, any help appreciated as I really like the otion to equip many items with one key press.

    Thanks, Shiny.


    Using SkyUI 4.1 and skse_1_06_16


    Sorry for the double post, I was getting timed out errors and thought the post had not registered.

  17. In response to post #10436242. #10436675, #10438161 are all replies on the same post.

    Cool, thanks for the updates Dark0ne, some people need to chill and show some respect for all the work being done here on the site, most people don't pay anything to use it so be patient, keep your disrespectful mouths shut and just be very grateful that this site is here and that modding has been made so easy because of it, if you don't like it try going somewhere else that's offers such a comprehensive range of mods/modders and advice, good luck with that!
  18. In response to post #10437927.

    I truly hope you get banned and can't d/load anything you sad, pathetic, miserable little turd, you post once and think you have the right to shout your infantile mouth off, I'll bet you've never contributed a thing to the site either in money or decent mods and you have no idea how much work is being done to get this site up and running, piss off and die you retard you won't be missed, Darwin award goes to.....YOU!

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