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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. This is kind of interesting as this is taking place in Hollywood, CA. It's 2 days before E3 actually starts, and Hollywood and Los Angeles is around 15 to 20 minutes away from each other. The thing is, it would have probably been cheaper to just have it at E3, instead of renting a place in Hollywood.


    What this comes down to is two things; It's going to have to be something or a few big things for this to have been worth the money. Otherwise, they could have just done this at QuakeCon. Maybe it's going to be Fallout 4, some DOOM gameplay, and Dishonored 2. Fallout 4 would definitely make this event worth it for them, but they might as well throw some more bones into the crowd.


    The other being with Fallout 4 that this would line up with Todd Howards words of "the reason we're kind of holding back right now is because we want to wait until it's really there to show it to everybody. We don't want to kind of dribble it out, we'd rather say, you know, 'surprise, boom, here it is.'" Them doing it this way would line up perfectly with what he said. They can get the announcement and most of details out in several days, instead of weeks or months.

  2. The teams at Dark Creations don't have any plans to do Summerset Isles at this time. There's not enough resources, and they need to focus on the areas already being worked on, which as of now are four. Cyrodiil, Hammerfell, High Rock, and Morrowind. (Morrowind is still idea stages though) Of course, if a large enough team was formed, and there's the right skills to complete it, they would be happy to work with them, or just pick up the project given permission.


    Camonna Tong - PR of Dark Creations

  3. Probably not, but laws are odd anyways. TV-wise, they do it all the time, but I think it's because the actors just don't care, and it's more for hilarity. If it was illegal, there would be lawsuits everywhere. But, it depends also on EULA and such. I know the VO are prohibited from working on mods. (Same with Jeremy Soule, I know him, but he can't help out with Beyond Skyrim because it's in his contract.)

  4. It added about 5 more FPS, total of 22. So it's not the real problem. There's still something else that is causing the FPS to go that low, and as I said, I don't think it's any mod at all. After all, removing every mod only gets me a total of 27 FPS at max. It's definitely something else. Also, it's not just Balmora, it's Ebonheart and pretty much every other town. Ebonheart makes it to 22 FPS at the docks.

  5. First of all, my specs are as follows.

    • i7 2600k
    • Nvidia GTX 770 4GB
    • 8 GB 1600 MHZ RAM
    • Windows 7 64-bit

    It really only has that low FPS in areas with a high NPC count, for example, Balmora. I have MGE XE and it runs 60 FPS with 50 cells loading for Distant Land when not in the city, or at least a few hundred feet above the city. I've been having this problem for some time, and I really want to get back into Morrowind. In the city it runs 15 to 20 FPS, which it shouldn't. (That's my Steam one, I have MGSO 3.0 on my Disc based one, but it runs at 8 to 12 FPS) I've tried everything I can think of, changing stuff in the compatibility settings like Disable Display Scaling on High DPI Settings, and quite a bit more. I can run pretty much any game at max, and Skyrim I have FXAA with over 150 mods and 2k textures, and the FPS is still at 60. Maybe Morrowind just hates my CPU as I upgraded to my current video card from a GTX 560, and there was no difference in the city.


    Here's my load order, not that it really matters though, I have went through each mod, and even disabled quite a bit of them, and it still runs bad.


    Rise of House Telvanni.esm
    Morrowind Rebirth 2.31 - Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta [Rebirth Edit].esm
    Book Rotate.esm
    New Classes V7.esp
    Westly's Master Headpack X.esp
    Guild Salaries.esp
    Art Of War Museum.esp
    Clean To Serve Sithis_.esp
    Staff agency CoV.esp
    Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP
    MCA - Guards Patch.ESP
    Morrowind Rebirth 2.31.ESP
    Armor Mannequin.esp
    Book Rotate - Tribunal v5.3.esp
    The Imperial Legion Badge.esp
    Homes To Let v2pt0.esp
    Ald-Ruhn game of three cups.esp
    beware of pickpockets! 1.4.esp
    Bounty Hunters 1.1.esp
    Brigands 1.1.esp
    Camonna Tong's violence 1.2.esp
    Clerical Robes.esp
    Enchanting Desk.esp
    Living Statues of Malacath.esp
    Scrolls and SoulGems 1.1.esp
    Flee AI Tweaks.esp
    Book Rotate - Bloodmoon v5.3.esp
    Book Rotate - Morrowind v1.1.esp
    Illuminated Order v1.0.esp
    Illuminated Order v1.0 - Bloodmoon Compatibility Extras.esp
    Class Abilities 3.1.esp
    Ownership Indicator.esp
    Charming Ash Vampires.ESP
    Oread Race.esp
    GoD MoD.esp
    Morrowind Code Patch Showcase.esp
    Clean Royal Chargen.esp
    Uvirith's Legacy_Final_2.0.esp
    UL v2.0 RoHT v1.52 Compatibility.esp
    Morag Tong Armor.esp
    Antares' Tribunal Main Quest 1.2.esp
    DA_Sobitur_Quest_Part_1 Clean.esp
    DA_Sobitur_Quest_Part_2 Clean.esp
    Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
    Antares' Big Mod 5.6.esp
    Moonmoth Legion Home 1.2.esp
    MCA - COV Addon.esp
    Sotha Sil Expanded.ESP
  6. I look forward to this! It's good that more series are allowing mod support. Anyways, it probably was THQ, Deep Silver is a PC friendly company, so I would say it was because of Deep Silver this is happening. Developers can only do so much anyways.

  7. There's a patch for WMX and Gun Runners Arsenal. I removed Mission Mojave though. It crashed my game a lot, but that was most likely do to a lot of other mods I have. So go ahead and try it, I have so many mods running at once that it's no wonder it messed up my game. I am playing Skyrim now anyways, I rarely have any crashes or anything.
  8. I'd rather there be a few choices for the romance, haven't played FO3 in forever sadly, so I can't really decide (I remember them each, but not all about them) but this mod is great, left off at the final mission, and I've been always itching for more. Too bad, Beyond Skyrim demands so much of my attention, or I would help.


    Anyways, I've always wanted to have a relationship with Sarah Lyons, would be nice to help the DC BOS or something. Anyways, if Fallout 4 gets a DLC that you can do what you did with this, I think we all agree that we want you to do the mod.

  9. Everything has been fine up until this evening. I have tested it with both Firefox and Chrome. Cache cleared and hard refresh done.


    As it says on the tin, the site front page has stopped fully loading, I get the top banner and the hot files and nothing below that. When I do a search for a particular mod, including my own, I get taken there but if I try to view the comments, I cannot see them. All I get is the list of page numbers, clicking on them does nothing.


    It instantly loads for me. Nonetheless, this happens to me sometimes too, maybe the server is acting slow where you live? As the same thing happens to me when my internet is running slow.


    Try to reset your computer, that might help.

  10. Thanks Dark0ne, as always, you do the best at this, and we appreciate it. Thanks for the hours of work. I do hope you have had a break recently though, you really deserve a vacation or something.
  11. In Morrowind if you put too many items in close proximity in the game world, (such as in your house), when you came back you would find them all in a "overflow loot bag". Which would then become a permanent part of the environment unless you fixed it in the console.


    It was a fix because the system had a hard time rendering tons of items in a cell. It takes a lot less memory to simply list an item in a bag. I never experienced it in Oblivion, and I don't think it is in Skyrim, either.


    Skyrim has a new issue, though. Exploding piles. If you put too many items in close proximity, when you come back they will be strewn all over the room. I tried to make a pile of gems.... No dice. Some of the gems are unrecoverable because they fell behind furniture.


    Odd in the Thieves Guild storing room on Skyrim I have the chests all filled up and the place decorated, it didn't happen. Of course it might be my system, On the Skyrim config I can get everything to max and it will drop down only to 35 FPS, so that might be why.

  12. To be honest Im not certain what you are talking about. Do containers have too much loot? Is there too much loot in general? What does memory have to do with loot? Can you be more clear?


    It's basically when you leave too much stuff laying on the ground. And the game will create a sack to put it in so the Memory on the game won't overload. It happened when it made the game unstable, but some glitches could be found just laying one thing down would cause it.

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