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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. I read from a youtube channel called uSkyrim that The Falmer (snow elves) were confirmed at pax prime 2011. Anybody else hear that? I would assume that it isnt a playable race.


    They are there. But if you played Morrowind the Riekling is what they are.

  2. It won't be quakcon it will be PAX .. now PAX might be the same ol same ol .. but maybe someone tipped bethesda off that they have been showing the same demo for months now and theres absolutely no HD footage of the game besides the glimpses in the trailer ~_~ .. With all the luck in the world we might get some new gameplay and in HD

    Oh, see I didn't suspect it would be the PAX demo. You're sure then? I'm prone to believe you, and that sounds better anyway. New video is new video, even if it will still probably show the same route. I really wish they'd show more, it doesn't have to spoil things. Plenty of other games are showing lots more, I think some cool new info would really reel in the crowd.


    I'm pretty sure .. heres the tweet .. https://twitter.com/...999360397840384

    "Nearly there on video. Todd has to record VO. We lost a day with delayed travel back from PAX. Almost there."

    Not sure that it means it really is PAX, but I do hope it is. It never said it's a PAX video in the tweet, just that they lost a delay from traveling back from Cologne, DE. The reason I've kept thinking it's QuakeCon's video is because they said in the beginning of it that they'll release the video in high quality, and they've yet to do that.


    No it's the Quakecon one. All it says is that they lost a day from PAX. Not sure how you got that it is the PAX Demo. I mean I forget where but they said that the Quakecon demo was the one to be released.

  3. The guide is about 20 dollars in the US. I bought pretty much everything Skyrim that Gamestop had to offer, they kind of popped the "Do you wanna get the guide also?" question on me when I was vulnerable and I bought it, lol.


    @Camonna-I heard that it wasn't seamless, but as long as it's got world spaces as big as they had before, I'm cool with it. I hadn't seen the dragon argument until I checked here a couple of months ago. Sounds to me like a God of War argument. "Well our game has it and your game has something like it, so we're going to act like children and *censored* about it." I don't see it like that at all, they are completely different and I love them both. Dark Souls is only going to be a placeholder till Skyrim anyways, though I do look forward to getting massacred over and over.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

    The dude at Gamestop asked me if I had played Demon's Souls, to which I replied all the way through. He jokingly said that I must love punishment and that he got so frustrated with the game that he quit after a week. That kind of frustration is what made me power level high enough to make the final boss look like a joke (and my dude a badass). Didn't let him grab me once.


    Back to the guide-I think with a little self restraint, I can play without using it as a guide for quests. I'll definitely skim through it and check out what weapons I have to look forward to, that I can't help.


    I loved Demon's Souls. Only thing that got me mad was it took me 3x longer than Oblivion to make a good looking character.

  4. • Master the skills to battle dragons, forge the best weapons, and finish off foes with our thorough combat coverage.


    I'm sorry but that's just funny: I've never ever seen a strategy guide give tips on such minute things as combat anywhere close to competently (or thoroughly). They're good for maps and pointing out where the cool hidden things are but not in actual discussions of builds and strategy. I remember the Dragon Age: Origins guide recommending Shapeshifter for a DPS-oriented Mage! (For those who don't know, Shapeshifting in DAO is when you play a spellcaster who doesn't cast spells and instead runs up to things and punches them. There's not even the excuse of it being a warrior/mage hybrid because the Arcane Warrior specialization already lets you smack things even better than an actual Warrior can.)


    Actually the NV and FO3 Guide had something very similar. I think basically the same thing.

  5. Need to re-post.

    Why do you need to re-post? Just edit this post...I don't see the point.


    Because of <br> and everything else. When I keep editing the post it gets bad saying <font> <ariel> and more and even if I delete everything it still does it.

  6. @Bravo-Those are my thoughts on what's been released. All we have is surface info. It's like I used to tell my friends that hadn't played Oblivion, there's a difference between me telling you everything about the game and you experiencing the game. Then I'd tell them to go out and get a copy. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


    I'm looking for something to take up the time until the release. I'm looking into Dark Souls today, as I enjoyed Demon's Souls.


    Found out that it isn't true open world for Dark Souls. Just everything is connected. Man, they advertised it like it as great all Oblivion like.


    I do get mad when Demon's Souls fans say that Skyrim copied Dragons from the game or whatever. One Dragon's have been in TES since the beginning if they do their lore research. Second the dragons look nothing alike. Third to say that a dragon can't be in so and so because its copying is like Elves or something not being in Fantasy. Just saying whatever those fans say they are wrong on each one. I like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls but seriously do they have to start an argument? Sorry for my rambling.

  7. Found out the Skyrim Strategy Guide will be 592 Pages. Among other stuff too. The side quests are in it but minor because of the Radiant Story. If I remember right it would be 100 or more if the Radiant Story thing didn't happen. Here it is below. The side quest thing isn't full it outlines what you have to do.


    "• Complete walkthroughs of every story and side quest help guide you through the deep storyline; there are many choices that affect your game, and we cover them all!

    • From the five major cities to the open expanses of wilderness and mountains, you'll never be lost with over 130 fully-labeled maps!

    • Master the skills to battle dragons, forge the best weapons, and finish off foes with our thorough combat coverage.

    • Customize your character: Every weapon, spell, perk, and ability covered. Plus, complete information on all 18 skill trees and detailed information on cooking, farming, and mining. "

  8. It's pretty stupid how we only buy games that meet our requirements. I'd rather buy a game knowing next to nothing about it and be surprised about it when I play. That ups the game value for me. When I borrowed Red Dead from a friend last year all I knew about it was that 1) it was popular and 2) it was cowboy western themed. I was completely blown away by the story, gameplay, voice acting, everything. But for games like Skyrim we already know the gist of the plot, most of the gameplay and a lot of aspects of the game. There's very little that we do not know about it. Now we won't be surprised when we play, only satisfied or let down. This system of checking up on a game waaaay before release is due to the fact that no one wants to throw 60$ on blind luck. If games cost 20$, I wouldn't even read reviews. I would just read the basic aspect of a game and buy it If remotely sounds like fun. They need to change the system.


    There is still a lot we don't know. We don't even know 1% or so of the game. As for the tech and consoles thing I saw a Wii at Walmart for $700 when it came out. I was like isn't that illegal they said no. But seriously in a dozen years or so we will have tech that will laugh at things today. I mean I am sure one day we will get past the peak we are at now. I mean seriously a 1961 Supercomputer costed the U.S. 1.1 Trillion for one PSFLOPS when today it would be $1.48 to run it.

  9. I'm a little worried about skyrim .. I dont know if its going to make the sales they want it to .. its still gonna be my personal GOTY but theres a lot of other games out there that are waaay more popular and coming out within the same time frame .. BatmanAC, Assassins Creed R, BF3,MW3,SR3,Rage,DarkSouls,Uncharted3.. I mean .. we all know this but I think as elder scrolls fans we dont really look at it ..ma lot these games are much more popular and could combined completely blow TESV chances at going down in the books as an undisputed goty title like oblivion and f3 were .. and I know its just a title and in the long run it will easily outsells the other games.. but it still helps them as a franchise to have records like that and I think a lot of us are expecting it.


    I've seen a lot of those games and the fans. Funny thing is Skyrim got the most people that will buy it before the Year is over for Game Informer. More than any other game. Anyways it's not like Skyrim isn't 2nd (Last time I checked.) On the 360 Top rated. Fallout 3, Oblivion and Skyrim are in the top 5 so Yeah popularity doesn't mean good. Kinda like Justin Bieber.

  10. Yeah I see what you mean but I don't have any of that haha. I'm just hoping I get a buttload of financial aid and scholarships and grants next year to have some pocket money. I rarely buy games cuz I don't have money. Nowadays I have to be selective in buying games, as I don't wanna blow 60$ on a game I'll play for only 5 hours. IMO 60$ for a game is pretty ridiculous. There is no reason for a game to make 1 billion$ (mw2). Most of the money doesn't even go to the makers. Kinda like music purchases.


    Todd Howard agrees with you. So do I. If I remember he said it should be around $20 to $40. Did anyone read that? I think it was on the PSM.


    Here it is:


    “I’ve thought for a long time that games are too expensive. I don’t put us in that category of course – for what we give you, for sixty bucks or however many ‘quid’ it is. That’s a lot of money for entertainment, so I think the good news is that in certain markets- PC, iPhone, mobile – we can see prices coming down. But I do think industry-wide we would benefit from more games out at $19 or $29. I would try more games. Because I’m not going to try a game for $60. It’s a tough decision. That’s why people read reviews and previews, because it’s not only a money decision, it’s a time-investment decision. It’s not like going to a movie.” – Bethesda’s Todd Howard to PSM3 on why not all games should cost $60.

  11. Wow you guys are rich. Or have jobs. I got my first xbox in 2006 and that got RRoD the day I got Cod 4. They sent me a "new" one back in 2008 so my current one is atleast 3 yrs old but is barely keeping up. I might not even buy Skyrim if Gamestop won't let me return it in the event that my box stops working altogether.


    Wouldn't consider myself rich. I mean yes I had 3 360's 4 PS3's 4 DS's (3 got stolen at school, well I'm not there anymore.) 4 IPods 2 Computer current one is $1500 last one was $800. I'm not rich I just have different parts of my family that will give me stuff. My Granny is 76 and she is still working at Meijer. It is just how my Family is. Most of that stuff I got for Birthdays stuff anyway. And I got $2,000 for my graduation. But as I said I'm not rich it is just the people you are with you know? (I'm not saying this to rub it in anyone's face.)

  12. That makes sense. But still overselling is taught in How to Be a Successful Company 101. I'm not sure they need to do it, since pretty much every TESfreak will buy it, but who knows. I'm just more worried about a perfect game cuz I don't have the luxury of mods. Hopefully vanilla won't need them.


    It's okay, the vanilla version will be absolutely perfect. If it isn't I will send you $100 in the mail :thumbsup:


    Haha I'll hold you to it. God knows I shouldn't be spending any more money on games, but Skyrim is special in that I KNOW that i will be playing it for the next 5 years. Unless my xbox breaks, which seems like it could happen any day now. Then I'll really need that $100 lol.


    Lol I feel your pain, I went through 3 xbox's before I got a ps3 :wallbash:


    I went through 3 Xbox's and 4 PS3's. I was one of the unlucky YRoD people. I have had the Slim for awhile and its doing way better than the PS3 slim. Still mad that Only some Slims work with B/C with the PS2 Data but most don't. It gets me angry. PS2's JRPG's were the best.

  13. They said the Strategy Guide will be bigger than FO3 and NV. There are some stuff they couldn't even get it the strategy book because of the Radiant Story makes Quests Non-linear. It doesn't do it for the Main Quest and some others. So with everything of the Radiant Story left out and it is still bigger than the FO3 and NV book that is HUGE.
  14. What will this 40 minute demo video contain? I sure as hell am going to download it :woot:


    Anyone know who Bethesda is working with on the game engine? Just wondering if it's AMD or nVidia; I'm running an HD4850 myself and hope it will run Skyrim properly :armscrossed: I couldn't carry the financial burden of buying the game AND a new graphics card :ohdear: if it isn't going to run well I guess I'm stuck playing at minimum detail until I get back into the world of working people. Also, never mind the GPU, what about CPU constraints??? I'm running a 3GHz dualcore... I hope THAT will be enough lol any requirements leaked yet?

    Honestly, I think you're fine. That's a good card and there's no way that GPU support would be top-heavy towards nVidia or ATI. A 3 GHz dual-core is decent too, I myself have a Q6600 quad-core @ 2.40 GHz each and it runs most games fine with my 2 GBs of DDR2 RAM (yeah, I know I should double that haha) and my nVidia 8800GTX 640 MB video card.


    But oddly enough, while I can run most semi-high-end games pretty well, I can't seem to run Minecraft very well. Java very quickly racks up the RAM usage and crashes, so I can only play 20 minutes at a time about before I have to close and restart. Yet I can run Mass Effect 2 or Fallout: New Vegas, for example, at totally maxed settings.


    So...here's to hoping my PC is sufficient to play Skyrim at at least decent settings.


    How bout Mass Effect 1? I have a Quad core 3.07 GHZ 2GB Video Ram and 12GB of RAM. The video card adds 4 more cores so I have a total of 8. Still I can run Minecraft fine (It gets laggy only when I use that fly cheat and put too high of a number and I go miles away from where I was.) Minecraft wouldn't be demanding if it wasn't as big as it is. That is its downfall. Still Mass Effect 1 lags a lot when I get to Seriph (Think that is the boss's name.) It lags greatly. Gamestop told me it was the Unreal 3 Engine causing everything to load at once even from places I'm not at. My 360 does it too, but I guess I just notice Lag too easily but that is everywhere it lags. My friend doesn't notice Demon's Souls or DA2 Lag on the PS3 but I notice it. It's very odd.

  15. What will this 40 minute demo video contain? I sure as hell am going to download it :woot:


    Anyone know who Bethesda is working with on the game engine? Just wondering if it's AMD or nVidia; I'm running an HD4850 myself and hope it will run Skyrim properly :armscrossed: I couldn't carry the financial burden of buying the game AND a new graphics card :ohdear: if it isn't going to run well I guess I'm stuck playing at minimum detail until I get back into the world of working people. Also, never mind the GPU, what about CPU constraints??? I'm running a 3GHz dualcore... I hope THAT will be enough lol any requirements leaked yet?




    No one knows yet about any of that Probably Nvidia but that doesn't mean the AMD can't handle it. I don't think it has much limits. Sure there are Video cards it doesn't support but of the ones I checked Bethesda games handled more than 95%.

  16. I dont know any info on that either, but when i remember the quakecon demo when mister Howard was talking to the crowd, the game took a pretty long time to load...still that wasnt the full or finished version yet so they will still have time to optimize it.


    Darn. :( The loading may be a drawback, but its still going to be an amazing game

    It'll probably be faster on any sort of half ok PC me thinks.


    You guys got to remember Bethsoft themselves said that it was late alpha and late alpha has no real optimization at all. They are saving optimizing it a month or so before it comes out.

    Takes anywhere from 6 - 2 1/2 weeks before release to press it. For most games it's about 3 weeks for going gold. I have seen several game take up to about 6 weeks before release. So a month before release gives probably a week at the most before the absolute cut off.


    I'm going by what Bethsoft said as they said they are still adding things in and will be until a month before release. Pete Hines as well as many others said it.

  17. From what it looks like is that the armor rating is over 100. Probably like Morrowind's System I'm guessing. I mean its Iron armor that is not very protective. So Daedric will definitely be way more. Probably over 60 or so just for the Armor
  18. I dont know any info on that either, but when i remember the quakecon demo when mister Howard was talking to the crowd, the game took a pretty long time to load...still that wasnt the full or finished version yet so they will still have time to optimize it.


    Darn. :( The loading may be a drawback, but its still going to be an amazing game

    It'll probably be faster on any sort of half ok PC me thinks.


    You guys got to remember Bethsoft themselves said that it was late alpha and late alpha has no real optimization at all. They are saving optimizing it a month or so before it comes out.

  19. so everything it produces runs on exactly 1 core

    FO3 uses more than one core.

    read the entire original quote


    it's much more coherent then


    and I stand by the assessment




    Maybe you should look at the patch updates it shows that they support more than one core. After all Quad and up are virtual cores if I remember right.



  20. I'd like to point out to everyone that you can turn off DX11 in all the games I know which have(which to be fair isn't many) However it can be done and therefore bethesda should have done it that way. It isn't a requirement so much as a feature. Also jhardingame if you bought anything less that a GTX450 recently. You made the wrong choice. Bang for your buck anything less than a 450 is nothing but a paper weight. even the 8800 is a waste of money.


    Edit: Here's a cynical thought. What if bethesda know that modder will make the displacement maps for tesselation and maybe even add in the shaders given time. And as such are just getting a bit lazy.


    DA 2 you needed DX11 to run above medium textures. Plus XP doesn't support DX11 as it is officially outdated by Microsoft. Vista can be upgraded to handle it though. I have a GTX 460 so I'm good. Somewhy DA2 flickers textures when I use DX11 wish I could sell that game back I pre-ordered it and beat it and was disappointed.


    As for requirements. To run better textures on the games I have it is required. DA2 had this as I explained and so did many others.


    That 460 is easily the best card for the money "power vs price" so long as you have the PSU to handle it .. I had to go with the 550 ti cause I didn't have the money to buy a good enough PSU at the time .. its a good card though .. pulls its own.


    I have 850 Watts If I remember right. My computer I got a few years ago for $1 ,500. So yeah for me if you can afford it get it because later you might get something that isn'y supportable. (Talking about company built custom computers.) I have a Cyberpower PC.

  21. I'd like to point out to everyone that you can turn off DX11 in all the games I know which have(which to be fair isn't many) However it can be done and therefore bethesda should have done it that way. It isn't a requirement so much as a feature. Also jhardingame if you bought anything less that a GTX450 recently. You made the wrong choice. Bang for your buck anything less than a 450 is nothing but a paper weight. even the 8800 is a waste of money.


    Edit: Here's a cynical thought. What if bethesda know that modder will make the displacement maps for tesselation and maybe even add in the shaders given time. And as such are just getting a bit lazy.


    DA 2 you needed DX11 to run above medium textures. Plus XP doesn't support DX11 as it is officially outdated by Microsoft. Vista can be upgraded to handle it though. I have a GTX 460 so I'm good. Somewhy DA2 flickers textures when I use DX11 wish I could sell that game back I pre-ordered it and beat it and was disappointed.


    As for requirements. To run better textures on the games I have it is required. DA2 had this as I explained and so did many others.

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