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Everything posted by CamonnaTong

  1. reconsider that position if you are playing this game without the patch you deserve what happens to you because you could not have activated it legally in the first place I'm talking about those that still don't have the internet not the P word. Was not even meaning to bring that up. You can't even get online or you will get banned. I'm talking about 25% that don't have the internet.
  2. <a href="http://www.bethblog.com/index.php/2011/11/07/skyrim-official-strategy-guide-blog-1-something-to-shout-about/#more-17012" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow external">Skyrim Strategy Guide Bethblog</a> For this, it seems there are around 500 quests, 550 locations (350 Primary, and 200 secondary.) The game is easily more than 500+ hours. (Probably and understatement 750+ hours) And update 1.1 will come out the release date and it will fix stuff. Yes, I said stuff I don't know what stuff. But before anyone says anything bad, think about this, at least they are doing it. And for shipping it out unfinished, think about this, you won't play it without the patch unless you don't have internet connection, and they were doing bug sorting, but it's hard when you got a month left. (If I remember right the machine that is a bug detector, detected it.)
  3. Yeah, but it also says the Developer is d Software. I was pretty much like Ben Stein. "Wow."
  4. The Manager at Gamestop told me that Activision pretty much 'owns' money wise a lot of Reviewing companies. And if Skyrim doesn't get a 10/10 it will be because of that. (I know Gamestop owns Game Informer, I'm saying General Wise.) Bethsoft is pretty good friends with 99% of companies. But when it comes between Skyrim and CoD I'm sure Activision will do what it can. And from stats at the VGA, the most picked so far is Skyrim by far. The Staff person told me that there, but he said it just started of course too, so it might change, but he said he doubts it. As for the Werewolves, I knew they were in for awhile. Bethsoft "Lied" about it because they wanted it to be a surprise for us Bloodmoon fans. I hope Werebears will be in a DLC and you can pick sides.I said that a hundred or so pages back (With the Premium Member 'more posts per page' thing) You get two choices in the Hircine quests Kill the Werewolf and get the Saviour's Hide or say screw it to Hircine and get the Werewolf as a Companion, and don't get the Saviour's Hide. But you get the ring regardless from Hircine at the Beginning of the Quests. I'm afraid that's all I know, and it is safe to tell you guys because they were already spoiled. Werebears can kill Werewolves easily, they are the Warrior and the Werewolves are more of the Stealthy ones. There are 7 types of Lycanthrops Werecrocodile, Werelions, Werevulture, Wereboar, Werebear, Werewolf, and Wereshark. Skyrim better get a 10/10.
  5. Interesting spoilers I'll give two. -"It talks about marrying 'your favourite housecarl' – a housecarl is a Scandanavian servant or bodyguard." -And you can become a Thane, or basically a "Scottish Feudal Lord." They can hold lands and do Military service for a King.
  6. Funny thing is I was going to bring that up but decided not too.
  7. You do realize dragons have been in the lore since Arena, and Redguard featured them as well. No offense but it really bothers me when people say Dragons were never in TES. Reminds me of those Demon's Souls fanatics that said Skyrim copied dragons from that game. Dragons are pretty much in almost every fantasy, and will still be in almost everyone. I'm doing the Main Quest because I'm a Lore Freak and have always been drawn into the lore. In my opinion Bethesda makes better lore than anyone else.
  8. Funny thing is I was talking to people on Facebook and they said they were going to stay up Wednesday to watch the footage. It's really annoying how misleading it is. Also many know this but you can watch it on Spike. But I would rather watch it on my computer, because my family is sleeping.
  9. DirecTv has the show listed at 1AM on Friday for my recording. They said Thursday night, but technically it's Friday morning. Perhaps they need a new term when it hits 1AM or so. 12AM is midnight and a new day, but many think its still that night, eh it's confusing.
  10. Wow, its tomorrow at 1:05AM they make it sound like today. I hate the media.
  11. Where is the GTTV footage? Ah I can't wait!
  12. You mean...as in registering puzzle game named Scrolls, comming out of the the copyright office, lifting hands into the air and going " MUAHAHA! And Now I own Scrolls. The Scrols. Even The old ones. The Elder Scrolls! Yes!". On the serious note, I'm sure everyone in this case lied about something (erm), but I'm really not sure what do you mean apart from what I said up here. Would like to second the request for source there. And yes it can happen. The courts and laws are very sophisticated and this could happen in them. Notch seems to think they should drop it, but if you are a lawyer, you should know what Bethesda is doing is applicable. I'm not on Bethesda's side for TES or anything for this unlike many and vice-versa. I look what is reasonable and what can happen and Notch filing for almost everything for Scrolls can lead it to Bethesda getting their TES license revoked. It can happen, and there are many that said this too.
  13. Not everything is what it seems. Read this and you will see that Notch did do things that. It doesn't matter if he is a fan or not of TES. If Notch or anyone else gains TES that would be horrible and that is what Bethesda is trying to prevent. All in all there are many things that people don't realize about this lawsuit, and the fact is this lawsuit is actually applicable in terms of copyright and so on.
  14. The guy that said the Skyrim's graphics were horrible and it will be like that has got to remember that the graphics and everything else they were improving weren't in. That Demo was that code whatever its called, and is way outdated and not even close to the real game. So it will be way better graphics than that.
  15. Funny thing is Notch lied and mislead a lot of people about stuff that wasn't true. Bethesda is trying to avoid an issue with Mojang taking over TES, and then Bethesda wouldn't have TES anymore. Funny thing is When Mojang put the copyright in the Copyright office (Don't remember the name.) but they rejected Mojang because of "The Elder Scrolls." Funny thing too is that the ones who rejected it in a way were a Federal department. But Mojang could still go on with it. Pretty sure if a Government copyright agency rejects it, Bethesda has a right to do this.
  16. Apparently according to Pete, Random quests keep occurring so technically you can't beat every quest because it will keep popping up, 1,000 hours later you will still be receiving random quests. Probably those "My child has went to a dungeon or whatever, save him." Or something like that. Oh and Pete being asked if there is more info or surprises for Skyrim, he said, "Yup. Secrets And surprises await."
  17. Yeah, I told them about that. It was on Bethblog first, that is where I saw it.
  18. Morrowind-style dialogue options? EDIT: Yes, I see they outline how dialogue trees work (similar to Morrowind) in the manual. I hope they improved this a bit, because it got a little crazy in Morrowind at times when an NPC had many dialogue options and you unlocked five more options by asking them about something. I remember a number of occasions scrolling through all of the dialogue trying to figure out which dialogue trees I'd exhausted. Didn't mean Morrowind style sorry, but still.Funny thing I told a guy on GI this. He "As much as I want to I just cant get into Skyrim..... Just doenst hold enough appeal to me. However the new changes do seem kinda interesting." Me"I can't into Skyrim too. I live in Earth not Tamriel, sorry bad joke. But its not out yet. But I know I'll like Skyrim my fan in me wants the heat turned down a Level to Cold Skyrim, so no more Hot Oblivion."
  19. Didn't notice if anyone posted this but Major Spoiler in a way. Skyrim 360 Game manual. And yes you can denock your arrows, it says X to cancel your shot its in. I'm going to let Zaldiir add the rest there is much more info in it. Three I'll give is the Imperial Armor is back from Morrowind and the dialogue has come back. There is brawl and you will fist fight people to get info. Win and you will get the info. Commands for followers. -Wait at a specific stop on the ground -Use an object in the world, such as a lever or a chair -Attack an enemy -Open a locked door or container -Pick up items in the world Under it, it says "Not all Followers can be commanded, and some may be unable to carry out certain commands. Be warned that guards will hold you responsible for crimes your followers commit."
  20. But yeah, where did our AP go? I think Dark0ne is adding to it or something.
  21. I hate IGN because instead of being able to enter the site when there is an ad. It simply replays it. It's annoying.
  22. Wait teleportation (Google Chrome thinks that is not a word.) Dragon Shouts? It had that in the system requirements link. Did I miss something?
  23. What made me mad was that the Facegen was worse in Demon's Souls than Oblivion, and they didn't bother to even improve it barely for Dark Souls. Everyone made fun of Oblivion for it but Bethesda fixed it, From Software did not. I own both Demon's Souls and Oblivion and I can tell you Skyrim has improved a lot more in my opinion as a successor. (Dark Souls isn't Demon's Souls 2, Sony owns the rights so it will be PS3 only again.) And Dark Souls hasn't, thats what I tell those fanboys, just like they said they copied Dragons from Demon's Souls. Seriously they need to read lore and play Redguard, hate when people make claims that are false and could be easily looked up with google. Winner: Google. By the way got a Skyrim countdown app on my Android. Second why is it 80 degrees (26.6 C) in October. It's hot as heck here in Ohio. It's Autumn already.
  24. bet there isn't one in the swamps! :P Of course there is, where else would the argonians buy their stuff at low prices? :P From the Hist Markets?
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