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Everything posted by CamonnaTong

  1. If you watched the footage you can bring out the local map with X. That is what it save Local Map X so yes there is a local map. Well and we knew that for awhile.
  2. At the end of the third footage was it Todd's Character that shouted Dovakhiin or was it the Greybeards?
  3. From the demo it seems you can denock your arrow. Todd did after he killed the marauder.
  4. Vampires would be to strong if they didn't get affected by the sun. They had to put a weakness there or it would be very unbalancing. Though I'm sure there are other ways.
  5. That always came to me as more of an animation so you could more easily see that a spell is being casted for gameplay reasons: In lore, so far as I know, spellcasting is purely mental/verbal. There are books talking about uttering charms and incantations to cast spells but none detailing complex hand or body poses that need to be made. And there is a benefit: Clothes don't provide any DR but don't reduce your speed. A worthwhile benefit? Maybe not, but it's there. I don't see any reason to arbitrarily punish spellcasting in armor except to encourage players to fit to the cliche. Except light armor provides damage reduction AND it doesn't reduce your speed, not enough to where it's noticeable at any rate.So you really haven't given any reason as to why robes are in the game if there's no gameplay benefit for not wearing armor.Not to mention it's overpowered to allow mages wear full-body armor without limiting their spell-casting ability in some way or another, because perfect offense and great defensive ability at the same time seems pretty unbalanced, and even if your armor rating isn't as good as somone who has put perks into the heavy armor tree, there's still no reason not to wear it.It's like allowing people to stealth perfectly in heavy armor, it's unbalanced.Why have robes if there is no gameplay reason for wearing them or for not wearing armor?Why put them on the mages in the game? Armor is cool. But heck with magic you got the shield spell. You don't need armor if you are good at that.
  6. The chilly north - Norway. ;) Dangit I thought you were from Skyrim. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif Skyrim trailer remade in Oblivion, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kunghVfkPlM&feature=related Shows how much the Series advanced. While Oblivion was very Fun. Skyrim will be Skyrimtastic I guess you can say. But that is describing itself.
  7. What a creative name It sounds dirty I think that is the point look up the definition of Skyrim from urbandictionary. It was made a day after Skyrim was announced.
  8. That face reminds me of my brother's.
  9. Never mind there is more sorry i thought that was all.
  10. The news was Vampires. But evidently there are a lot of levels. And supposedly you can get very powerful the longer you are a Vampire. Or something. And its still not news but more details. Well you can become one. People were uncertain. They just thought oh they are there. Can you become one? The vampiric link and video.
  11. DirectTv told me they don't have the channel at all. Cry/
  12. Ah, so we can expect it Friday next week then. Exactly! Friday of next week it is!!! :wallbash: This seems more of a solid date than next week. They said they are basically done just adding a few tweaks. Then they will release it Monday. Before they never said they were done, just "Next week" I say this time they are telling the truth.
  13. Saw that. Dave aka CrzyFool made that. It's nice. Would hate to Fus Ro Dah and make that fly everywhere. That would certainly be a mess.
  14. Apparantly new info from Todd at Xplay tomorrow. New @Xplay episode premieres tomorrow. Halofest goodness including new Halo 4 preview +@Bethblog's Todd Howard reveals new Skyrim deets.
  15. Sucks that I start College that day.
  16. Lol IV000 Kept having problems posting it because of the Twitter Format. But you still beat me. Oh well.
  17. News from Pete Hines. Confirmation for release Date. "The Skyrim video will not make it out today, but we appear to be all set for Monday release. Thanks for your patience. Sry for the delay."
  18. Man seriously An Anime episode average of 24 Minutes only takes a 2 days or less to sub. But even going to over 5 other languages it takes a week at most. 2 Weeks even with VO is too long. They must be doing other things as well. As you know the people doing the subs for shows and anime are limited unlike Bethsoft. Maybe they have to contact the Bethsoft in Japan and the other regions for subbing, that might be another reason among other stuff.
  19. Demo news from Pete "I'm not giving a day/date/time for the demo because we didn't hit when I said we would. Soon. We're going as fast as we can." Makes me wonder if they are subbing what the audience says too. ie "Jump in the Water" and other things.
  20. 2 more Voice Actors Michael Mack Rumored Redguard Male. And Gideon Emery (Unknown).
  21. My system is good but I think there is a war going inside it. Clash of the Tech-Titans or something.
  22. It's relevant in tech manners but not game series or whatever because everyone knows Skyrim will require less horsepower than things like Battlefield. Bethesda even said something like that. Still I need to fix Oblivion cause when I walk further into the wilderness the 'Start' button stops working and other things happen.
  23. I didn't. I think the point is, there aren't any games with recommended specs more than what I have. Not witcher 2, not Crysis, nothing afaik. and my system is mid range. You kinda did miss his point. The specs for Battlefield 3 require a lot more Computer Horsepower than Skyrim. Battlefield is a high graphical demanding game like Crysis 1 & 2 well more so. Not saying Skyrim will be bad graphics but Battlefields Engine is made a lot for graphics and other stuff. While Skyrim is made for Open World. But even if it is Open-world that doesn't mean it requires more Horsepower. Battlefield BC 2 required about 2x more Horsepower than Oblivion and that is a few years old. When Dice makes a Game they focus more for graphics than a lot of other things. While Bethesda Game Studios goes more for Do what you want or Free Roam and stuff.
  24. They are there. But if you played Morrowind the Riekling is what they are.
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