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Everything posted by TheOutlander

  1. Having some serious issues with this quest: 1. Once I kill the raiders and report to the settlers at Tenpines Bluff the objective marks off as complete but it doesn't give the next objective to talk to Preston or enable the Workshop there. Going to Preston anyways doesn't help as he won't go into dialogue. 2. If I force it through console I can talk to Preston (but it doesn't enable the workshop) BUT during the conversation after he asks me to be General and I accept the dialogue goes into like a pause that won't end (after he says now it's your job to make it more than an empty title), pulling away from Preston to exit the conversation doesn't help as he's stuck and if I even point at him my character acts like it's in conversation with him (making the uh huh sounds when pressing keys). EDIT: If I say no dialogue exits and I can't enable dialogue with him again. I don't know what's going wrong, the only mod that says it affects that "Quest" record is the Unofficial Fallout 4 patch (which i have fully updated), disabling it does nothing. I've turned off all my mods (including UF4P) except the official DLC (which just reactivate when I launch the game) but it still sticks at the first problem (haven't tried forcing it with mods disabled). I don't know what the problem is and can't proceed down the Minutemen questline because of this, don't know even where to start looking for why his dialogue is bugged.
  2. The version of nifskope required is https://github.com/jonwd7/nifskope/releases/tag/v2.0.dev6#downloads_2_0_dev6 I was using the old version from the niftools page that didn't have Add tangents or triangulate all strips options under spells. I've found that in some cases with some armours and all clutter you don't need to do the suggested Make All skin partitions bit. All I've had to do to fix at the moment two of my own meshes was 1. Load your nif in the nifskope 2. Spells > Batch > Update Tangent Spaces 3. Spells > Batch > Add Tangent Spaces and update 4. Save. If your mesh has Nifstrips you also need to run Spells > Batch > Triangulate all strips
  3. Apparently if the mesh isn't "made properly to begin with" according to Hanaisse over on Bethesda Softworks forums the problems we see will happen. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1611046-fixing-meshes-for-sse/ Other thread on here about this issue: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5009465-nif-compatibility-issues/page-2&do=findComment&comment=43986200
  4. I'm in the same boat as icecreamassassin, the meshes that are causing me issues don't have strips.
  5. It isn't the textures (switching to other working textures does nothing), the mesh format was apparently updated. Some meshes work fine, others somehow need updated. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/sse#wiki_how_will_mods_work_for_sse_on_pc.3F "nifs still need to be converted to the new format individually; while it can be done in the CK there is no batch function for it"
  6. Anyone know where in the CK this bit from the linked wiki is referring to? "nifs still need to be converted to the new format individually; while it can be done in the CK there is no batch function for it"
  7. For example InsanitySorrow's Celtic Coin mod it should just be a simple mesh replacer and thus you'd think it wouldn't need any adjustments for SSE, but when implemented in SSE the graphical physics go haywire (mesh stretching, texture loss, some coins are invisible). It works fine in Skyrim original, and I'd ignore it but it isn't the only mesh acting this way when brought across, so it speaks of a deeper issue in SSE's handling of meshes. Another mesh that isn't working right when brought across, leather armor with pants: Issues seen are mesh stretching, texture loss and invisibility. The texture works just fine on the ground model for the leather armour, so it is most definitely a mesh or nif setting.
  8. I get the Character Creation crash on Windows 7, the process suggested doesn't exist for me.
  9. The whole crashing during character creation issue has been around since regular Skyrim, it is because the game loads all the assets required for all the races at once. Skyrim had a SKSE fix for it, but seeing as we don't have SKSE for Special Edition yet we are kinda boned unless Bethesda sorts it (it should never have made it into SE though, so I doubt they will).
  10. The endorsement reminder system keeps telling me to endorse files I've already endorsed everytime I re-download or download an update.
  11. I don't see why we even need the initial images to appear on the forums. One proper place is enough.
  12. Let's be honest the imageshare is the least supported of the varying upload and expressive mediums when it comes to the Nexus, I just don't think any of you guys in the admin team really understand or appreciate it in the way some of us do. The three groups image artists, comic authors and storytellers bring a massive percentage of exposure to the games you support, the mods your users make and the overall friendliness of the sites. Currently the mod author tracking system does noting for tracking your favourite screenshot artists or comic authors, and I even remember awhile back where a comic was removed from the mod database because "it wasn't a mod". One of the reasons comic authors use the description to post proper images, is because the standard upload doesn't support large images without serious quality loss. I'll admit I personally do go a bit overboard trying to organize and bring exposure to my previous images and the images of my favourite artists (EXAMPLE) and really that is more to do with the fact that I'm not as big a artist as some of the big name image artists like VictoriaG, amnis , 83Willow or Berseneva. I'm not going to rail against the coming changes, but I do think they are going to hurt comic authors and story tellers more than anyone else. What I will do is propose changes to the sites to better support image artists, comic authors and story tellers: 1. Make images posted by your friends appear in Notifications. 2. A separate imageshare system different from the standard "one image only" system that supports image sets, comics and storyboarding (ie you upload multiple images for one upload, then assign text etc). 3. The ability to group your images in categories. For example I like to group my images by "series" based upon which player character features in the image.[/url]
  13. I get this alert each time I try to download the Aesir Armor 1.6.1 file from the Salt Lake server. http://i41.tinypic.com/33epoa8.jpg The virus alert doesn't not occur when using the London server, so I'm thinking there is a problem with fs5.nexusmods.com itself.
  14. Apparently Nuska is taking a break from answering comments, unfortunately the extreme way. Sadly it doesn't seem many mod authors are aware that they can just disable comments on their mods, rather than hiding them.
  15. From downloads stopping in progress, to "complete" downloads being incomplete (ie stopping early without option to resume, because it is "complete"). I find I have to use the US premium servers just to get the downloads to work properly (I'm in the UK btw). It is frustrating because my connection is slow at times (stupid ISP), and a lot of time gets wasted in re-downloading (which also costs you guys in bandwidth). Now I don't know whether or not I'm the only one who has problems with that server, but if I'm not then there is something not right there.
  16. Finally cracked the Blender to Skyrim export, so again I fulfilled my own request. If anyone wants it, it will appear in the upcoming Moonlight Tales mod by the guy behind Tales of Lycanthropy - Werewolf Overhaul.
  17. Pretty sure someone is already working on this one. Might take you awhile but there should be pictures of his progress on it, in the imageshare.
  18. One of the short comings of the werewolf eyes is that in Nifskope they are considered one piece, thus you can't for example make the eyes have different textures (like a blind left eye). What I'm requesting is that someone who knows what they are doing with Blender (in regards to Skyrim modding*) or who has 3d Max, make the eyes two separate pieces. * = The reason I'm not doing this myself: I still haven't cracked the joke that is importing and exporting Skyrim meshes from Blender without them breaking horribly in one of a hundred different ways, thanks to the nifscripts team saying "no" to Skyrim supporting nifscripts.
  19. Sanja Guyot is actually violating the TOS of Second Life as well. http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php So if you guys want this guy stopped, I don't think it would take much for you to make it so. Edit: Bethblog twitter just notified me that they've reported Sanja Guyot.
  20. Hot File image cropper doesn't seem to be working for me on IE 9, it keeps trying to drag the image rather than let me make boxes. Works fine in Firefox though.
  21. Yeah but the Nexus being a UK run site, displaying in £s makes it odd not to see the VAT included or at least mentioned (not even on the subscriptions page as a warning - ie native VAT costs not included). And besides when you are talking about ranging in cost you aren't talking about the Nexus you are talking about how much it costs the person paying out the money in the first place.
  22. That isn't exactly true. When I went premium I fully intended to get the lifetime membership until I was suprised by tax on top (plus tax 20% UK)...
  23. He means that Bethesda's gamejam video which featured a "build your own home" came before the byoh mods which came before Hearthfire. They have no rights, other than to stop funding you if you aren't doing what they want. Just like a publisher.
  24. Hmm, must have something to do with McAfee's siteadvisor blocking various ads then. :confused:
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