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Everything posted by SexyNexy

  1. Well imagine Nightingale Armor with all the stuff you have mentioned - shovels and what not. It's just not cool. It's realistic, yes and fits an adventurer, but not a badass warrior.
  2. I know that the concept did not began with Dragon Age. I'm just saying that, coz people remember it better.
  3. How about a different money system? Instead of just gold for currency we could use gold, silver and copper/bronze. 100 copper = 1 silver, 100 silver = 1 gold. You know like Dragon Age. That would make prices a bit more realistic, instead of 5000 gold for some sword. Who has 5000 gold in Skyrim? How would you carry it? Just a thought.
  4. There's already a mod for that on the Nexus :) http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1348
  5. Please take a look at my request here http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/475474-triss-merigold-outfit-from-witcher-2/ Thank you! :blush:
  6. Hello, While playing Skyrim I have noticed that there aren't many clothing choices for a mage. The powerful ones are mostly robes and do not fit a mage who also likes to sneak and be mobile. So could any costume designers take a look and make this outfit? Maybe when the Creation Kit is out? I would really like for someone to make it , because it looks nice, it's lore friendly and it's sexy but practical. Please, anyone? http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/089/c/9/Triss_Merigold_by_Haller336.jpg
  7. Oh, I'm sorry. I missed it somehow :blush:
  8. Hello, While playing Skyrim I have noticed that there aren't many clothing choices for a mage. The powerful ones are mostly robes and do not fit a mage who also likes to sneak and be mobile. So could any costume designers take a look and make this outfit? Maybe when the Creation Kit is out? I would really like for someone to make it , because it looks nice, it's lore friendly and it's sexy but practical. Please, anyone? http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/089/c/9/Triss_Merigold_by_Haller336.jpg
  9. Hey Wolfdemon, I wrote you a PM, but incase you won't notice it, I'll add my request here too. :blush: Can you make a small change to Loghains head, to change his hairstyle to Nr13? And keep everything else as is. Cos his default hairstyle is taken by my Elf mage, and I want for all possible companions to have a different hair. I know there's a mod for more hairstyles, but I don't like 'em much on male characters. Thanks very much :sweat:
  10. +1 Yes, staffs look stupid, casting with hands is much cooler :)
  11. Can someone make a mod, so that you could skip a talent or spell you don't want, provided that you meet minimim requirements? For example I'm a level 8 warrior and I want to pick Bravery, but I can't cuz I have to pick Threaten first, which I don't want. Or I'm a mage and I have enough magic to cast Tempest, but I have to choose Lightning and Shock first. It should be fairly easy I think. Anyone ? :thumbsup:
  12. Is there a mod somewhere, that I could use to skip spells I don't want? For example I have enough magic to cast Fireball, but I don't want to take Flaming Weapons first and waste one point on it. Or I want only Tempest, but I don't want Lightning and Shock. :thanks:
  13. Ahh, awesome, but that's cheating :( I want to pay Varathorn. BTW, if I create the armor set with Winter Forge, than uninstall the mod, will the armor stay? Guess not ;D
  14. The problem is that there's only Varathorns breastplate and no boots or gauntlets. Does Winter Forge allow to create them? From what?
  15. Really? That's cool. But is it possible to get those items directly from Varathorn? Is it possible to make a dazip? :rolleyes: Thanks!
  16. No you can't :biggrin: But what I don't understand is that you can't walk away from this whole Warden business. For example I'm a mage serving in the tower and I say fork you Duncan, I don't want to join your Grey Wardens, leave me in the forking tower. He uses the Right of Conscription. Fine. I pass the test, become a Warden. King gets killed and Duncan (possibly) too. What's left is Alistair. Fork you Alistair, I'm walking away. I never wanted to join this cult, plus now you're all slaughtered. But I don't have a choice :closedeyes: It's logical that I might want to help to restore Grey Wardens, but it's even more logical to get the fork out.
  17. Can someone please make a mod, with a full Varathorn armor set ? I mean, add the boots and the gauntlets using Varathors armor texture? And give all items Arcane Warrior restrictions. Just add some normal stats (not overpowered), made from Silverite and when all 3 pieces equiped it would give an item set bonus? The reason I'm asking for this is that I want medium armor for my female Arcane Warrior, that wouldn't fatigue much, look great, but not bulky like heavy and massive armors. Is it possible? Thank you !!! :thanks:
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