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Everything posted by BlaCkBlitZ

  1. Not that there aren't a lot already.... I just have 1 or 2 more suggestions. 1) Potions that increase stats by 1 permanently, I'm really a power-nut and I don't mind buying these potions like at 20 sovereigns each. 2) This potion may seem a bit of a cheat, and also impossible to make, but I will just toss the idea out to see if anyone wants to take a whack at it :P A potion that when drunk, allows you to reduce upkeep of a certain sustainable to 0. There is an alternative, which I think would be easier, a potion that permanently increases mana/stamina or health by X amount. 3) Potions that increase attack speed (?) like haste but potion-wise. Or an overall speed potion which increases evasion and move speed as well. 4) Similar to potions that increase attack speed, but increases percentage of spellpower or magic. 5) This one may seem MMORPG-ish, exp potions that doubles or triples exp gain.
  2. Does patch 1.04 address combat lag issues? As in, the problem where combat has delay, skills and damage takes like time to register even though the animation has played, new skill animations also take awhile to start or come out. Would patch 1.04 affect my mods or saves negatively? Just wanted to make sure I patch through smoothly, I think I can get around the Denerim problem. It seems google has also found several or maybe hundreds of people having crash issues in Denerim after you bring the Arl there... I found out that, saves at the market exterior will crash, other than that its okay....
  3. Oh sorry... I'm on patch 1.03, Windows 7 My specs are pretty okay for the game I've played far enough with it. 4 GB RAM, ATI HD 5650. I seem to be able to pass that area already.... Weird, its just doing weird crashes as and when it likes... As for my list of mods.... Being an ex-fallout 3 and ex-oblivion player. My list can be quite long. So much so I even forget if one or them are even affecting the game.
  4. I have this issue where the random encounter in Denerim, where we would meet this Antivan Crow member, who is supposedly finding Zevran. After the conversation the battle starts, and I crash. Before what the above happened, I came to this random encounter every time I re-load my save. Before even the conversation I crash when walking into the middle of the small map area of this random encounter. I had to go by the edges of the map to initiate the conversation and then the battle happens. Which is where the first part came to happen.... How do I resolve this crash? EDIT: It seems a simple computer restart has solved this. But now I'm randomly crashing in Denerim. Ever since I brought Arl Eamon to Denerim.... I can't load games that are saved on the exteriors (only inside houses and huts) I had the previous problem, now after Zevran's encounter, I continue towards the Arl of Denerim's estate and I crash as soon as I reach there...
  5. As you all know sustainable talents have an upkeep. I just want to request someone with the modding skills to alter them and reduce them drastically or remove them completely, because honestly... Things like precise striking, auras and certain 'postures' like dual striking are just pretty much normal actions, it doesn't really take intense stamina upkeep to keep up with these talents and/or abilities. Although I think enchant weapon with frost or fire damage should require upkeep but they should really be reduced as well, its just maintaining fire or ice on the weapon, the others are doing the real swinging and such. I wouldn't really see this as a cheat, since half the time stamina of the warriors are usually eaten up so fast, rogues are pretty much the same and mages can deplete their mana pool in a mere 10 seconds if they were to shoot just 2-3 high leveled spells. This really makes warriors and rogues useless if you focused on learning alot of target/aoe/activated talents. For a mage they have quite a large pool and lyrium potions, but theres really no stamina potion and I find my warriors just depending on tank and whack all the time.
  6. No matter where I download the JB Texture files, be it the mirror the author provided or the files in nexus itself, I would always unzip it and recieve a CRC broken file from my 7zip. Yes, I googled, and found out that its probably corrupted and etc. But probably is I redownloaded the files atleast 5 times. Every try, I unzip the part 1 and unzip its rar, WHAM CRC BROKEN FILE ERROR. I was hoping someone had a solution to this, or someone who successfully downloaded it could upload it to another site like Mediafire so I can download it. Thanks in advance.
  7. Just putting it out there, hoping you modders can listen to our pleas. It would make things alot easier on both sides if you guys can put in your descriptions, which files to download, and which to unpack/install first. I've encountered several mods, that just tell you how to install and what the mod does. Then I click file section, and wham.... 6 files but no indication as to which to download or install first. It would save the trouble of you guys having to reply to these sorts of questions in comments or pm. We wouldn't ask about which files to download and what not as often.
  8. I understand the last part. The cutscenes work.
  9. I've poked around in Oblivion and FO3 modding but not with DAO so its kinda new for me. I wanted to know if there were incompatibilities for 2 particular pairs of mods. First pair would be the learnt shapeshifting which allows you to gain new forms after a certain amount of kills achieved: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=91 The other allows you to learn 4 forms, Pride demon, revenant, ogre and that archdemon dragon: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=229 I also found a third with more forms to turn into: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35 Now the question is, are they compatible? I used my common sense and deduced that since they add new lines for the spell/skill page they should work together. But I don't know if thats really true in game. So I wish to be enlightened by anyone with modding experience or tried this before. The other pair is about the sensual cutscenes. I want to ask whether better sex cutscenes would work with more options in the pearl.
  10. So I managed to merged a couple of plugins and such. But I don't understand the ones that give me an error. e.g. ' EREAO something something, and something ' Theres these code names and I looked up readme, even if I managed to know the codenames... and accepted the rename of file, most of the merged plugins don't work properly...
  11. I'm looking for a mod that adds a lot of casual oblivion/medieval style clothings to the game. Both female and male. You know like armamentarium? But instead of weapon and amour variations, this mod would add hundreds to thousands of clothings. Also, my active spells contains this skill "sense of smell" it does nothing as far as I know, what mod is it from? And what does it do.
  12. Adds sleeper agents to certain cities. These sleeper agents die when they fight you (obviously, champ of cyrodill). Drop a note about a small cell of the mythic dawn that has seperated itself from the main branch in a more fanatical pursuit for revenge. You find out about a hideout where they are congregrating and have managed to summon a few daedric minions, namely a xilavi and a few dremoras. -Insert longer quest and plot thickening- or. You can have those man-sized portals like in Midas Magic, 'cept its red/black/daedric/orangey so its more mehrunes dagon-esque. These would be like tiny barracks portals to pure mind-fock dremora fighting, fighting and even more dremora fighting. P.S. I don't get why you put "/vampire race" though. Since your first post sounded more inclined to Daedric minions.
  13. Ah, I found out the problem. Script optimizer shifted above all my mods and I shifted it back down, now its working normally. BUT DON'T YOU DARE SAY I TOLD YOU SO ABOUT THE LOAD ORDER. :P 'cuz the atronach sign wasn't solved by load order. Another mod was clashing :D
  14. Thanks for the info, I'll check it out. But I doubt I started it and didn't realize. I have never touched those 2 locations before. Unless free form progression is the avoiding of certain animal so as to slowly build up the friendly atmosphere and not killing them but killing their enemies e.g. minotaurs.
  15. Anyone who has cheated or managed to train your stats to 255. Does it restart again? I remember 1-2 years ago when I cheated my stats.... It went over 255 and started all over again. Is there a way to remedy this? Or do people who train so hard just get reborned stats and have to try all over again.
  16. I have checked the OOO readme or guide and managed to get the quests but... the quest about animal factions. Has anyone gotten to it yet? The one where you can go through a quest and ally yourself with a certain faction of animals and summon them? I've been playing for weeks now and I just want alittle nudge in this 'quest'.
  17. Ah thanks alot. I found it, but by concidence. I was fighting a large group of skeletons and then the quest window popped and said I found the crypt and it was behind me.
  18. Okay, I still haven't found it... I travelled in a straight line east and in a cone shape east. But all I found was an ayleid ruin called Cyetar or something. Plus a trap door to a secret compartment in Cyetar. http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc333/SithLord100/Oblivion/ScreenShot17.jpg Cyetar is locked by a key and its for Hentai Mania.
  19. Oblivion hanging when you cast spells or attack/use a staff or try to shoot an arrow. My friend and I have both experienced this problem. I managed to salvage this by exiting the cell and reentering. But it gets annoying especially since whenever I try to remove my decorator assistant it hangs. about 80% of the time the game runs fine. But sometimes it just decides to fock up and hang when I cast a spell or attack..
  20. I've checked the guide for this part where you have to find Pellew's cyrpt. But the guide states the exact same words as the "clues to pellew cyrpt" note. Which is the head XXX steps to X direction and all that. I've followed it 5 times, found no cyrpt. I searched the entire area included the lower part of the great forest, the gold road and anywhere around the graveyard to a very very large radius that is almost touching bravil and has reached chorrol. Is this crypt without an icon on the compass? I kinda don't trust the guide no more cause earlier on for the maze, it stated head east but it was head west. Can someone point out the exact spot for this crypt?
  21. I wonder if I can ask questions but... What are the platinum and ayleid coins used for in OOO? Or are they just for display purposes.
  22. THanks, I don't think I'll need to power-level my stats. I'm fine with leveling normally again. By the way, lets say I level blade 10 times up and got to level up. I went to jail and lost 10 levels in blade. Will it be like an exploit? That you can keep leveling up like that?
  23. I did try to change my character's appearance.
  24. Has anyone experienced this before...? My main 7 stats got jumbled up and all of them went back to 0% progress. My conjuration was previously 50, now my mysticism is 50 but conjuration is 37. My Blade and light armour were both in the 40s but now they are both 34. The minor stats like security which isn't my main 7 jumped back to 6. All of them. Level progress bar is also 0% when it should have been 90%.
  25. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/...-1255471988.jpg Thats one screenshot example which I want to learn how to do :confused: I've tried that hue saturation thing but it turns the entire picture into 1 same colour. Since its a screenshot, I can't attach certain things to different layers either. How does that guy make the fire look so rich and radiant? I know how to add a light source and basics but that is beyond me :closedeyes:
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