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About DeadMansFist849

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
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    a range of old games
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Morrowind, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Dishonored, Dark Souls, Fallout New Vegas

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  1. OK. So, I want to make a tiny worldspace one can buy a teleport spell for similar to Lemunde's player homes, and allows one to fast travel back to Tamriel or SI. Bonus question: How do I make a place upgradeable like the vanilla player homes?
  2. I know this is a long shot, but I am looking for a mod I once downloaded from Planet Elder Scrolls. It was a horror themed mod set in a burnt-looking castle, in Blackwood, not far from Leyawiin. It's been forever (like over 10 years) since I played it, but if anyone has this or at least knows what it was called, it'd be great! It's driving me absolutely nuts to not know.
  3. I'm looking for, basically, the F!Tremere hair, retexted black on the M head, removing the piercings piercings and bright green eyes. I have absolutely no idea how to make things work between Blender and this game or I'd do it myself. I'm cool with the mod being uploaded for all and would really like the description to say it's based on my OC Sascha. Thanks in advance if anyone picks this up!
  4. Oblivion, as far as I know was acting up but it's just decided to cooperate now. Think it might've been a browser cache thing.
  5. Cloudflare is saying Nexus is inaccessible due to a DNS issue. I'm not sure if anyone else is getting this 523 error.
  6. Hi :) I'm just after open/unzipped versions of the plain vault jumpsuit and Robco (I think these work with the Red Racer and other textures) jumpsuits for any male body. I can convert them to Robert's myself so it doesn't really matter which they're for.
  7. I've included a crash dump and my load order. I have no idea what has broken Helgi, since after she disappears to hide, the game suddenly crashes. Both are in spoiler tags as they are very long.
  8. Can't see my face, balaclava
  9. I totally dare you to message that pale figure with black eyes. It can only go well!
  10. I'm not sure I could do those but if ever you needed a British tenor I could certainly manage it!
  11. I could have a go provided you don't mind a British tenor :P
  12. I'm an eldritch abomination in a form you are only partially comfortable with.
  13. Hi, I'm just after a simple headcovering mod for female characters as an option instead of hoods or the fugly default hats :) I don't want them as a replacer, but buyable and in levelled lists, possibly worn by some of the old ladies as well. This is a pic of a simple one, the texture can be anything as this is just to give an impression of what style I'm looking for: http://jillybchronicles.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/babushka.jpg
  14. 21: 27 GMT, Skyrim Nexus still not working. The forums and other sites appear fine, though.
  15. 20: 42 GMT and I can't get into Skyrim Nexus at all, keeps giving me either 502 or 504 errors. My connection is sound, I have no issues with non-Nexus sites. I have no idea why Skyrim Nexus is screwy lately.
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