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Everything posted by SirTwist

  1. Moraelin, thank you for your response. I forgot I was dealing with mostly weapons who aren't normally silent, or even sound suppressed. There is typically a report from the weapon to let you know you have fired. With subsonic ammo, it projects the bullet at a less than supersonic speed. That said, maybe I should change things around, if both the authors of Weapons of the New Millennia and CalibrX can work together, maybe put together a few weapons and ammo that are from the start, really sound suppressed.
  2. Oh, find, download, and use loot. That may help. That, and the fallout new vegas editor. Between these two tools, you can go a long way towards fixing your game.
  3. Here's my idea, And possibly an all around mod. The idea is to add a subsonic version of all the ammo in the game, so that they could be better used with sound suppressors for weapons. My thought is this, the subsonic ammo would be a bit lower damage than normal, and less damage than normal. The sound suppressors, as well, need to be changed a little, or a lot, mainly in the sound department. I would say make them just a further reduction of sound, not anything else. There should be some sound, but not that much, depending on caliber. Anyway, these are my thoughts on an addition to great mods.
  4. Unless someone knows how to fix things, the updated FNV 4GB, found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35262/? doesn't work right with Windows 10. It throws out errors left and right, at least for me. However, I did find that this works: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35262/? I hope I am not the only one with this problem, and this does help others.
  5. Okay, I noticed you are missing something up above, and this may help, some. Try this out, it's the 4gb extender for FNV. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55061/? That may help out.
  6. I have the problems fixed, I think. I am wondering if I have to run the 4gb all the time, or just once? If just once, then cool, if all the time, I'm going to have to modify things to bypass the loader, since I use FOMM to launch the game. *edit* if anyone can help, a little, I am thinking of merging some of the mods I have into like one file. My question is this, do I need to original .esp in my data folder, with the modded one? I know I will need the meshes and textures. I was wondering if I don't need the originals, then I can, probably, reduce my load. Or should I think about making what I can into a fomod, and using them that way? I am kind of limited in my knowledge with FNVedit, but I would like some pointers, and perhaps a little help in merging some of the mods. Pointers as in tell me page, etc. where I can look, and read for myself. I'm going to look at some stuff, and see what I can find on my own. However, I don't want to make a mess of everything, and end up losing more than I really gain. I am also thinking of just dropping a number of mods, going with multiple mods already merged into one, like Izumiko's mod that is an all in one. Just to try to save some space.
  7. If you have a laptop, you may want to change some settings in the BIOS/CMOS. If it's a desktop, and you don't have a graphics card, then same thing with the laptop. (Also, go shop for a decent Nvidia card at your local Best Buy store, or other computer parts store. Don't shop at Wal-mart for this stuff.) If you do have a graphics card, make sure, while the computer is off, that it is fully seated, with a screw attaching it to the frame, and the power cord firmly connected. After this, check your settings on the graphics card, and make sure your game graphics are close to the maximum allowed. (I love my geforce card, and software, it optimizes my games for me.) Then, try playing the game. If you still have problems, slowly change one setting at a time.
  8. To get to your task manager, try hitting ctrl+alt+del, then start task manager.
  9. Looks like you need to work on your load order a tad. FalloutNv should be top. I would move the next 4 down below Caravan Pack, just because. Anything that isn't dependent on another mod, you can change around. But I would put all Project Nevada together that I could. Put those a bit earlier in the load order. Also, if you didn't put it in there, you also need MCM. That may help too. But double check everything, and see what you need to do to change things. Also, you might want to make sure you have Open Freeside, and not just the patch, and the other patches you need for it.
  10. There might be more of a problem than you are telling us. First and foremost, try reinstalling the game, but this time do NOT install it to, if you have a 32-bit OS, Program Files. (Or if you have a 64-bit OS, Program File (x86).) This is one step I use when working with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Second, go here, read the information before you download it: http://nvse.silverlock.org/ Bookmark this place, and go back every so often. And you should be good to go. Make sure, when you copy the unzipped files over to where you install your game, that you get all the .dll's, as well as what you need. Run a mod manager, I recommend FOMM, and launch NVSE from there.
  11. What the other two above me have said, plus you may want to take out the Freeside open mod, unless you have the patches for it. And even then, I would be careful. Anyway, getting that out of your list may help some. But I would use either the FOMM, or NMM to help with things. All your .esms should be above your .esps. And FalloutNV.esm should be at the top of the list. One last thing, I don't see NVSE, but use that as well.
  12. I can play the game fine. However, after a few minutes of playing time, it seems like a good number of textures go out the door. Mostly clothing/armor mods, as well as a few object, and even the Electro-city lamp posts. On top of this, I can't save. The first indicator that all of this is happening is when I open my pipboy, go to apparel, and look at my clothes. Then I put the pipboy up, and some environmental stuff comes up. And then. sometimes it locks up, or I get out of the game, unable to save or anything. Another way this affects the game, is when I try to save, it will tell me everything is corrupted, when trying to save or load. (This is the rare times that I get the menu to work to be able to save or load.) I am curious as to whether this is caused by meshes/textures being misplaced, an .esm or .esp that is out of whack, or what. Here's what I throw into the game. Not sure of what is the problem. However, I do run NVSE, and run both NMM and FOMM. (The last two not at the same time, but basically to rearrange load order, etc. before running the game.) I also use MCM. Here's my list: [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] ClassicPack.esm [X] CaravanPack.esm [X] TribalPack.esm [X] MercenaryPack.esm [X] OldWorldBlues.esm [X] LonesomeRoad.esm [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm [X] NosCo Companion System.esm [X] NCCS Nos' Premade Companions.esm [X] ACM NCCS Companion Wheel.esm [X] MikotoBeauty.esm [X] Voyager.esm [X] Readius_NV.esp [X] RX-Auto Incremental Save.esp [X] ClassicPackFix.esp [X] GomorrahCompanionWeaponFix.esp [X] Don't Tell Me DLC Loaded.esp [X] LadyJaneQuestFix.esp [X] NoMoreMIckRalphCrier.esp [X] GunforGunTrap.esp [X] Improved Hand Loader Perk & Reloading Bench.esp [X] Calm_Heart_Fix.esp [X] ZZZZ--APB_221S_By_Nokturnihs.esp [X] Gomorrah3rdFloor.esp [X] 000 is Weightless.esp [X] Ramos Health Fixed.esp [X] CassDialogueFix.esp [X] DoubleVendorMoney.esp [X] Novac Work Stations.esp [X] Better Game Performance.esp [X] Baseball glove repair.esp [X] CyberdogGunUses5mm.esp [X] weightless_sarsparilla.esp [X] Pipboy100.esp [X] PowderGirls.esp [X] Fixed_Dog_and_Coyote_Steak_Recipes.esp [X] NoWRKweight.esp [X] ReputationFixer.esp [X] Weight_Balance_v10.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor-Easier Stealth.esp [X] Metal Squeezer.esp [X] WeightlessBooks.esp [X] dressme.esp [X] sleepinginmitchellsbed.esp [X] PipBoyAmber.esp [X] Reloading Bench Plus.esp [X] No Litter.esp [X] Sack of Holding-NV.esp [X] Faster Terminals.esp [X] XtraSpecialNV.esp [X] XSNVBalanceTweaks.esp [X] MikotoBeauty.esp [X] Bouncing Natural Breasts.esp [X] AsharasHairConversionNV.esp [X] DriveableMotorCycle.esp [X] DeadMoneyImprovedAutodoc.esp [X] GSschool.esp [X] BetterArmorNames.esp [X] BetterLeatherArmor_Jacket.esp [X] BetterLeatherArmorCaravan_Jacket.esp [X] better starting equipment.esp [X] ClutterBGoneFlatStatic.esp [X] ClutterBGoneDMStatic.esp [X] GRT.esp [X] Follower Friendly Transporter.esp [X] Better armor n weapons in NCR safehouse.esp [X] Lighter Gold Bars.esp [X] E725 Gamblers Pack.esp [X] T6M Wonder Woman.esp [X] RaglessVeronica.esp [X] caps.esp [X] MoreMerchantCaps.esp [X] Mens Magazines Replacer.esp [X] ReWeight.esp [X] Primm Reputation Restored.esp [X] SPECIALer_DLC03.esp [X] Nuka_Fridge_Used.esp [X] Revised Perks.esp [X] ClearWindows.esp [X] LighterBottles.esp [X] Ammo recipes.esp [X] stripperclothes.esp [X] DeepSpiritualEyes-NV.esp [X] FortKeepWeapons.esp I have, on occasion, and since my problems started cropping up, taken some mods out, replaced a couple, etc. I do also have a few textures and meshes that may not be listed. However, I am starting clean, and going to redo this list soon. I need to sit down and go through the Nexus, and my list, and weed out repeats of stuff, and see about merging a number of mods, things like that. I am crossing my fingers that it's using a good number of mods than may do the same thing. I need to eliminate the headache I have. One more thing, the Large Goodsprings home I use is version 3.6, to try to get around the mysterious shot in the head insta-kill. Also, I am going to check for a couple things to try to help with the leveling aspect of the game, as I tend to do a lot of trading, and end up leveling that way, and rather quickly. I believe that some of the above may need some work, or elimination. I'm going to take a look around, and see what I can do to kill somethings in my game, and keep it going well.
  13. A few things. Try NVSE first. Second, drop the 4bg enabler. Use either FOMM or NMM. After that, carefully load in every mod you like, but one or two at a time. Play for a few minutes, then see if it crashes once outside of Doc Mitchell's house. If not, go back in, save, exit game, copy what you have, then add a few more mods. Keep doing this until you get your original problem.
  14. Try dropping the fnv 4gb mod, and see if that helps. Try also incrementally adding mods into the game, seeing which ones mess up the game. I would start with a few, and go from there. And try to keep your load order tidy. Also, one last thing, try merging a few mods. This may help too.
  15. I would recommend taking a look at FOMM, that may be a little better for you. I'm not saying the NMM is bad, actually, it's great. I just prefer for Fallout 3 to use it's mod manager. It works quite well.
  16. I have been troubleshooting on my own, and found a culprit. It was the mysterious bag mod. I'm checking others, to see if the affect Awakenings, or not. I will put back in one at a time, and see what happens. Hopefully it was just the one. I will post whether that is the only one, or not.
  17. I had a reply to this, all typed out, etc. really nice, and I hit the wrong, stupid button. Anyway, I will post a full list of mods soon. I can also upload my screen caps and post them. I think a list will be better, though. Anyway, I apologize for not getting back here sooner, but taking time with other stuff. I'll probably edit this post to include my list. I think I may cut and paste into a text file, then copy and paste from that to here. That may work best. *Edit* here's the list: Alienage by Cerbin HAIRSTYLE DAY by Various Sims 2 authors Annoyance Remover by Zalzama Boob patches be gone by LevanaFay Buy Lloyds Tavern by Kamajii Dalish Leather Revised by Luchaire Dalls_Flemeth_v12-1022 Dalls_Gear_One_v20-497-2-0 Dalls_Lady_of_Forest_v20-1114 Dalls_Lanaya_v11-572 Dalls_Leliana_v20-1027 Dalls_Medieval_v13-1070 Dalls_New_Common_Dresses-1569 Dalls_Succubus_v20a-1116-2-0a Dalls_Velanna-1062 Dalls_Werewolves_v20-1127-2-0 Dalls_Zathrian_v20-966 GearRacks by ScarabMonkey Map Textures by - Natural Bodies all in one by see description sexy bella by Xanuen NoPink Warden Commander by discos8an Real Skin HD-285 Sexy Chantry Robes by Oldwolf58 Sexy Commoner Clothes by Oldwolf58 Sexy Enchanter Robes by Oldwolf58 Sexy Morrigans Robe by Oldwolf58 Sexy Noble Clothes V2-1513 EnArmored by Thor925 and motseer EnArmored by Thor925 and motseer (I believe this is a retexture of the one above.) DAO Wagon and Cart Retex by Daemonjax DAO_GolemsOfAmgarrak DAO_LelianasSong DAO_WitchHunt Beyond Ferelden Base Chest by jwvanderbeck Dusk Package by Stacycmc FtG Quickbar - Center and Multi Rows by FollowTheGourd Whispers of the Labyrinth by Nowshin Larger Backpacks Instant Max Storage by Phalzyr (I used the one that adds 20 instead of 10.) Shangrilla noble dress by Nowshin (Both the first two files here) vishala_penance_v10-300 Wing Of Lilith by Nowshin A Better Wynne by BrutalBill Awakening - Nathaniel Howe Head Morph by kyrie Busty Elf Female by Rebual Combat Tweaks v323 by Dennis Lee DLC Merchandise by JOG Extended Dog Talents by ZeRux Extended Shale Talents by ZeRux Female Stud Armour by g3ne Level 99 by Philogosten Morrigan Restoration Patch Dialog Fixpack by Terra_Ex Open Lock Spells by jwvanderbeck PANIC BUTTON by mutantspicy passive_abilities_Shale-1416 Seductress Female Model A C D X XX cup-285 Sex Movies Always Play DWARF PC v3-233 Sex Movies Always Play ELF PC v3-232 Sex Movies Always Play HUMAN PC v3-231 SilveriteFix_v102-1762 Awakening - Faces for Sigrun by Me White Teeth by JOG Enchanter Robes Mod v7 by Me (and the alt texture pack) Anora Morph by jakia A little leg - combined mesh version - males and females by Firinneach (apprentice robes, commoner clothes, enchanter robes, heavy, medium, massive, light, and templar armors, and Morrigan's robes.) Busty Armor Clothing Body by Michael2Mandy (armor one) Better Mage Rings by danexuslurker BF_FreeLove_v1_1-127 Bidelles Cosmetics by Bidelle Collectors Edition Patch-874 Desire Demon Succubus - NUDE - Lore Friendly by Remzy Edriano Sentinel Project by Edriano Curvaceous Attire - Clothing - Armor by Mr Ripper (Elf female app Robes, elf female light armor slim, human female light armor busty.) Interesting Boss Drops by Happysin REALLY Red Lips by joyous1ariella Mysterious Bag by Pheelon Beautiful People Of Ferelden by Moraelin More Hairstyles by kzelsama More options at the Pearl by Firinneach Lancerlot - Party Command: Unlock Pineappletree s Vibrant Colors by Pineappletree Rak_Flemeth Rejuvenated by Rak72 Rasanas Armory by Rasana Beautiful People Hair REN by gleeSexy Apprentice Robes by Oldwolf586 female and 3 male simple underwear textures by SammyJCDLC in Awakening and Awakening Fixes by KigenAngeloAnother Pretty Leliana Morph by MoraelinElectrifys Wynne by ElectrifyX Some may seem to be copies, etc. And I am not sure whether I have each and everyone installed. The Wynne ones, I believe are the ones I believe I have only one installed, and not the other. This is really all the mods I have installed right now. I will post again, with screen shots, of what happens when I actually play Awakenings. Now to go play it, and see what happens. Also, I'm going to take my override folder, and move it elsewhere. I'll add an override folder, but I'm going to try with only a few things installed, like the dazips, and things like that, and see what happens.
  18. I'm having a problem with DA:O Awakenings. I make a character, get through the first fight, and then no more fights of any sort until I am well into the Keep. I am thinking it's a mod, or a few. I'm not sure which one, but if someone can advise me, it would be appreciated. Also, pointing me in the right direction will also help.
  19. I know it's not easy trying new things. I would have, on a personal basis, tried small things first. This is not criticizing anyone, or anything, but just what I would have tried. Dark0ne, and the rest who do the work on the site, you people are amazing. I do recommend getting sleep, and when you can, do it. And I willing to bet that a professional may be a good thing. When I can, I will support the site by going premium. I just can't do it right now, but when I can, I will.
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