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Everything posted by JonarusDrakus
The title carries the gist of it - I'd like to have a unique non-feral glowing one that is recruitable as a settler. Why? Because I have an idea for a cool "settlement faction" that is essentially a (peaceful) splinter-group of the 'Children of Atom', made up entirely of Ghouls (who believe being such is a blessing from Atom), and who better to lead them than a living (and thinking) embodiment of Atom's eternal glow? Standard Ghoul settler dialogue would be fine for this NPC (for the sake of simplicity). But, if it's possible, maybe apply an audio filter unique to them that makes them sound a bit 'echo-y' (like "Jason Bright" from the Repcon Ghoul faction in New Vegas) as an awesome 'added bonus'? Of course, such a concept could just be a starting point for so much more - A nice 'high rads' quest to recruit him? Maybe even have him be a companion instead of 'just' a unique settler (Still want a basic settler 'version' of course)? Anyway, thanks for reading, ~JD
Really want robot from concept art created.
JonarusDrakus replied to ImmortalAbsol's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I've seen other people animate in blender before - various transforming weapons from RWBY and the like... So it's definitely possible - But transferring those animations so they can actually show up in-game? There ARE 'animation mods' for Fallout 4 as it is, I'd suggest tracking down one of those mod creators and ask them how they got them to work. ~JD- 19 replies
- robot
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Really want robot from concept art created.
JonarusDrakus replied to ImmortalAbsol's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
You just gave me *another* idea - specifically for a new Assaultron 'hand/weapon' - The "Assaultron Riot Control Shield (ARCS)": Basically, it's a collapsible riot shield built into a 'gauntlet'. It's made of some kinda fancy electro-plastic that is as rigid and hard as the solid plastic of IRL riot-shields when it has an electrical current running through it ((engaged automatically whenever the robot enters combat, and de-activated once combat is over)). When there is no current, the plastic becomes soft and flexible, allowing it to much more easily 'fold up' into its compact 'passive' form. Of course, there would be an upgraded version with a higher level of power running through it that causes melee energy damage (less than an actual offensive weapon, but still something), with a chance to stun. The "Assaultron Helmet" armour piece already has opening/closing modes and animations based on combat state, so that part shouldn't be TOO hard to apply to the shield... The real issue would be creating new AI and animations for the various robots to be able to use the item properly. ...I really should start sketching up some of this stuff - I can 'concept art' well enough, and indeed, have done such with weapon designs before (just not for Fallout)... ~JD- 19 replies
- robot
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Really want robot from concept art created.
JonarusDrakus replied to ImmortalAbsol's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
This idea is one possible answer to a question I've had for a while now... "Why no civilian model/version of the Assaultron?" - I mean seriously, a big company like RobCo, are they really going to design a robot that they can only really sell to ONE buyer? That's not good business, so I can see then having a downgraded version based on the 'core tech' of the Assaultron, but without the 'Military specific' hardware (or software), but still running a tweaked version of the same OS (for simplicity and to save time & money). Having a 'cleaner' set of body-paneling more reminiscent of automotive styling, and coming with a variety of "tool hands", this bot would be focused specifically on manual labour (farming for sure, but also construction, hazardous waste handling/disposal, etc). The first hurdle is of course the name, since even if it does have parts interchangeability with the 'Assaultron', it is clearly NOT one, so a new "civilian market" name would be needed... I haven't had my morning tea yet, so the best I can come up with there is "Labortron"... ^^; I second the idea of 'Automaton compatibility' as well - If only because this might be a good way to have a 'lore legitimate' "male version" of the Assaultron - Without the Military stuff crammed in, RobCo were able to redesign the torso without the 'bust' of the Military model. So yes, it would still be Assaultron 'inspired', but the torso piece would actually be completely separate part, with its own component and armour options. The arms and legs could be similarly 'streamlined', maybe being a bit bulkier overall, but less 'curvy' and less optimised, being intended for versatility rather than the single (combat) role of the parent design. Which leads me to my 'final' idea on this whole subject - HANDS! - This bot is designed to be able to take the role of a general HUMAN labourer after all, so it stands to reason that it would need 'equivalent functionality' to a person, including the ability to pick up and use tools (and other equipment) designed for use by humans - Humans with HANDS. Now, these hands can't be *too* advanced, they have to be cruder than the Gen.1 synths still, but they CAN be a 'missing link' design that is somewhere between the claws of the Assaultrons and RoboBrains, and the 'human inspired' hands of the Gen.1s - In my mind I'm seeing only three fingers instead of four, without a separate 'fingertip' joint (so two 'knuckles' rather than three). All three of these fingers would be identical in form (shape, length, etc). The 'fun trick' they would have is that the joints can go either way, allowing the hand to function as either a 'left' OR 'right' with no structural changes (saving money again, but also increasing modularity and simplifying maintenance/replacement). The 'thumb' would me similarly designed so it can 'flip' from one side of the hand to the other as needed. The obvious advantage of these 'hands' is that while perhaps better suited to tools (such as a sledgehammer), it at least *could* hold and use a firearm (I see the AI and animations would still err more on the side of melee combat, but it would still be *slightly* more versatile than the near melee-only programing of Assaultrons). Of course, the 'downside' (if you could call it that), would be that these 'hands' are not modding friendly, meaning extra functionality can not be given to the hands themselves (no 'shock' versions or anything of the sort). Anyway, thats my 'brain dump' on the whole idea... Sorry for the 'text wall'... ^^; ~JD PS: Unique voice with a 'midwest farmers drawl'! :P- 19 replies
- robot
- automatron
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Vegetable starch is the vanilla way to create adhesives. Right! That stuff! For the life of me my brain wouldn't let me remember it correctly! ~JD
Whether with the Vanilla 'factory' systems or with mods, is there ANY way to automate the production of Adhesive (any kind of adhesive, that vegetable paste being just the vanilla recipe)? I have 'manufacturing extended' already, but I haven't figured out how to do it even then. (Oh, and yes, if this is the wrong place to put this, by all means Mods/Admins, just go ahead and move it) ~JD
I do have one item that I'd really like to see, either stand-alone or for use in a long-in-planning 'Enclave Remnant' mod I've had in the works. Pretty simple really, all I'm after is a basic Enclave uniform that works as 'under-armour' clothing. I have ideas for some more specialised variants too, but those would take up armour slots, and are more for 'extra detail' - The *main* requirement would be the basic under-armour version. "Commissioning" would be possible, though the exact amount and timeline might be a bit tougher (I'm on a VERY limited income). But that aside, you'd absolutely have FULL permission to release any and all assets as a stand-alone mod on your own too. Anyway, only dropping the initial 'question' here - Will contact you more directly if/when I get an initial y/n response for this 'first contact'. ~JD
What armor mods do you want to see
JonarusDrakus replied to newermind43's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Honestly - What I'd really like to see is some honest-to-goodness "Tribal" armour/outfits. Remember 'Honest Hearts' and its tribals? Stuff like that, but appropriately US NE 'themed'. And of course keeping it 'scrappy', tribal-tradition gear, but made from clothing and scrap that can already be found in-game. Actually, I can provide a hypothetical example (call it a 'request' even): The "Red Menace Gang" are a borderline raider/tribal "settlement" built up around the discovery of an 'ancient test of power' (a functional pre-war "Red Menace" arcade machine). Leadership of the tribe is determined by the 2nd highest score (why not first? well thats because on this particular machine the 1st place is held by "GOD" and nobody else has ever come even close (It was in fact 'hacked' and the score is technically impossible, even for the player). The 'tribe' has thus come to believe that the machine is a tool of "GOD" and he is 'testing them' through it, by literally *being* the challenge they have to overcome. Thus the tribe is completely clueless as to the pre-war nature of the game and its "communist = bad" intent, and go out of there way to collect tokens and trinkets and clothing and the like that they think will impress their "GOD" (lots of stars, stuff thats red, etc, etc), believing that doing so will make them luckier and more likely to get the 'new high score' and become the new leader of the tribe. There you go! Lets see some designs of outfits/armour for THAT! HA! ~JD -
Additional scrap cars! - Decorative
JonarusDrakus replied to EdgeUK90's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I wonder... Are you planning on adding any more 'exotic' brands from cars? European imports perhaps? A Fallout re-make of the famous Mercedes SL-300 - the famous "Gullwing" (which was first debuted in New York and, while not designed specifically for, was VERY popular in America)? Honestly, by the looks of the original, it might make for a nice 'starting point' for another design... Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_300_SL Image: -
Additional scrap cars! - Decorative
JonarusDrakus replied to EdgeUK90's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
WOW! That thing is EPIC! Now to be fair, I doubt a direct replication would work... At all... But it doe make me wonder about that all so American tradition of the 'Motorhome' - the big bus-based kind, with the pop-outs and full bathrooms and crazy stuff like that. This thing could serve as an inspiration for something along those line I think. ~JD -
Additional scrap cars! - Decorative
JonarusDrakus replied to EdgeUK90's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
It does a bit at least... Maybe going forward you'll get the opportunity to add 1 or 2 (or more) 'transitional' designs, to help "blur the line" between the two eras? That looks pretty sweet so far! Can't wait to see the 'finished' version (Doubt any of the 'post-war' wrecks would have any missiles left though, for various reasons... ^^; ). BONUS - The chassis itself, minus the missiles and their launchers, as already nearly perfect to use as the basis for multiple variants - That 'Fallout Tactics' Heavy APC for example, or maybe a 'cargo' version with just a big flat-bed. Oh! To work WITH the launchers, maybe a version with some sort of big radar/control pod on the back! Honestly... Part of the reason I even brought up 'military vehicles' at all was the hope that you'd say something about intending to replace those horrendous Vanilla "Heavy Tanks" - Those things are just disgusting on so many levels... If I were to proffer a suggestion for what to replace them WITH, I think the most obvious real-world example of something suitably 'over the top' (but still existing and thus retaining at least SOME realism), would be the M60A2, aka the "Starship" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M60_tank#M60A2 - It would need to be tarted up a bit still, given a bit more of an 'art-deco sci-fi' feel (Track covers similar to the missile carrier?). Anyway, keep up the good work! ~JD -
Fire Stations are a very obvious missing 'piece' of the environment of the Vanilla game... There is a mod that adds a couple, but they're kinda slap-dash and copies of each-other... I think its the 'Civil Defense' mod or something like that? Anyway, yeah. Fire Stations would be at the very TOP of my list! ~JD
I've been meaning to get back into 3D modeling for some 'fantasy weapons' I've concepted ("RWBY" setting stuff, like a modernised PTRS that transforms into a giant battle-axe/Halberd type thing). Might want to think about doing some more 'realistic' designs to turn into Fallout Mods too - I would also love to see the Stoner 63A made for Fallout for example (A real-world gun with Fallout4 levels of modability!). I can actually see the idea of having both versions of the gun (side-by-side & over-under) in-game, with more than just the barrel arrangement to distinguish them. Make the over/under a smaller calibre, no more than the existing hunting-rifle .308, with maybe a 5.56 version. The side-by-side model would be the .45/70 version, which would be pretty close to the biggest you could go IRL, but I could still see the possibility of a .50cal 'upgrade' being an option (it is on the existing single-barrel hunting rifle after all). Certainly, it wouldn't be something that would appear on leveled lists or anything, regardless. Such a 'hand crafted' design just wouldn't work "mass produced" - FAR too expensive. Anyway, no promises, I'm not saying I *will* take this on, just that I like the idea and adding my 'two cents' on the whole thing... ~JD
Additional scrap cars! - Decorative
JonarusDrakus replied to EdgeUK90's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Looking at all the various pictures (on the beta mod page)... These are just all so beautiful! But I must admit - I do have an issue... I know the 'Highwayman' already exists in Fallout, and yours is a pretty good replication of it. BUT, it and the 'Gran Destino', as beautiful as they are? The don't look/feel particularly "Fallout", especially when sitting right next to cars from the Vanilla game. The Cutlass and the Barracuda both 'fit in' VERY well by comparison. If you have any 'lore' reasoning for why the Highwayman looks SO different from the Vanilla vehicles, then I'd love to hear it, by all means... But right now, it and the Gran Destino look just a bit too 'real world' to feel like they "fit". ...sorry... ^^; Oh! Another question - Are you planning on adding service vehicles? AS in Police cars, taxis, ambulances, Fire trucks, etc? (New Military vehicles too obviously)? ~JD -
I mean seriously, the title says it pretty well - And the gun itself? Its as modable as many Fallout4 weapons IRL already, and there is potential for so much more! I'd start on it myself, but I don't think I am at quite the skill level necessary to do it justice... I'm an amature at best with 3DsMax and such *at best*... ^^; Some links: Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoner_63 'Forgotten weapon' Youtube 'history and mechanics': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCNw9Z2Q3T0 'Forgotten weapon' Youtube 'firing': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LVWNGRjD0g&t=563s ~JD
-insert random comment content here- ~JD
high-tech/institute version of Robot workbench?
JonarusDrakus replied to JonarusDrakus's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Phai jkruse05! Love your 'electrolasers' mod BTW. My suggestions for 3DsMax/photoshop are based primarily on a 'thats what I'm trained on' mentality... I -have- blender, but I've never figured out how to actually USE it... ^^; I guess the only remaining question is... Do I try to build something from scratch, or 'kitbash' existing in-game items... Hmm... (For the later I'm pretty sure I'd need some other program to 'extract' the required parts from the game-files... or can Nifskope handle that?). ~JD- 3 replies
- institute
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I take it you mean the 'Zero Two' character from the anime: "Darling in the Franxx" - You can't assume people will know what your talking about dude... Anyway, there are plenty of eye and hair mods available already, which along with the base character generation stuff should at least allow you to get close... Only thing that would really need to be made from scratch and added would be the horns... ~JD
Short version - How has nobody done this yet? There are mods for Institute versions of 'normal' workbenches - there is a mod to craft gen1/2 synths at existing robot workbenches... Why not combine the two and have a high-tech skinned version of the robo-crafting station that looks like it belong in the Institutes 'robotics' department? Now, I'm a student of 3D art myself, I *could* make this myself - the question is, what programs would I need outside of those I already have? I have 3DsMax (2017), and the Adobe 'creative cloud' (including photoshop). Anyway, let us see where we can take this hmm? ~JD
- 3 replies
- institute
- automatron
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-insert random comment here- ~JD
NMM 'purge unmanaged files' causes in-game issues
JonarusDrakus replied to JonarusDrakus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
UPDATE: I can now confirm that the only furniture items that had vanish were those added by one specific mod. Furthermore - On a hunch, I started a new game to see if it was only that character/save that was affected. For better or worse, it was. A new character in Sanctuary had full access to the workshop as normal. However, if anyone has any ideas for how to 'fix' the problem with the old character, that would still be greatly appreciated (she was lv.37 after all). ~JD -
Fallout 4 will still boot up and run, and at first glance everything works fine (can go do quests and stuff)... But when I enter workshop/settlement mode, then there are issues, one very BIG issue in fact - my entire 'furniture' sub-category is GONE, just not even there any more! And some furniture items I had already placed have also vanished (only some though, not all, which is even weirder - those that remain come from both Vanilla and Mod sources too, so that doesn't seem to be a factor...) Please help! I'm a 'settlement building addict', so I *need* this to work! ~JD
Thankfully the problem seems to have resolved itself (for now at least), and I only lost a couple of guns that were easily replaceable. Whew... Hopefully it was just a minor/one-off type glitch and in turn this thread won't be needed again. It never manifested outside of that location either, so it seems I won't have to worry about how bad it got under that previous install. Thanks for the help, ~JD
The title isn't a joke at all, it actually sums up the nature of my problem pretty clearly - Items in 'safe storage' containers have started to simply disappear... Individual items mind you, not the entire contents of the container(s) in question. In the past, I had a more extreme version of this issue, where items were disappearing from the inventories of companions (the worst example of which was Willow's unique rifle 'Beauty' vanishing... While she was using it!). This hasn't happen in the current game yet, but then again, I only have ED-E so far... The only location this bug has manifested so far (as far as I have noticed anyway) is an interior with containers that are linked to an 'auto-sort' system (The mod in question is the latest version of "Afterschool Special"). In all current and former iterations of this bug, the primarily affected item category is weapons (if that matters). I'd really like to find a way to fix this *before* I loose any 'unique' items... ~JD