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About huntsman2310

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  1. At least this time the order literally goes from head to toe ;) There's also a lot more bodyslots being used now which is pretty great news.
  2. So if I understand this correctly, you basically want the Ebonsteel Dragonbone armor with the Ebonsteel trimming changed to look like Stahlrim?
  3. So, has anybody had any issues when it came to exporting custom clothing or armor out of Blender and into Nifskope? I keep running into this error where the skeleton ends being all jumbled up and messy when I view the exported file in Nifskope. In Blender itself, the skeleton is completely intact. So I'm not really sure what's causing this. Here's two images of some custom meshes I'm working on inside Blender. http://i.imgur.com/ULOiNFt.png?1 And here's what happens to the skeleton of the exported file inside of nifskope. http://i.imgur.com/leLWCT0.png?1 Has anybody run into this issue before?
  4. So, after spending a few days making up these RWBY outfits as my first custom outfits for Skyrim, and after reweighting them and reworking them to match the latest CBBE body, I'm now having a issue with them in the Creation Kit, where it can't find the bones for their models. Here's a example of what I mean. http://i.imgur.com/I7Yoqbi.png Edit: I've gone into my NIF and noticed that the Baseshape (The body I'm using as the body mesh for the outfit to go on top of in-game) is actually missing a few bones. I'll leave this thread open for anybody else having the same issue or has encountered it before.
  5. Nevermind. Just went to the page and saw a note from the author about this issue.
  6. Has anybody else had any problems importing the latest CBBE body mesh into Blender? I've done the usual preparation from Nifskope and haven't gotten rid of anything but the textures and changed the version number, but for some reason the body mesh becomes distorted and jumbled in some areas. Here's a picture. http://i.imgur.com/8xmcuvx.png
  7. It shouldn't really be the image format that's the problem. To be honest, I've found it easier to not load the image in Blender because it doesn't show up on the model for me anyway. What I do is export the model nif back into Nifskope, then export the UV template from there to make the image inside of Photoshop.
  8. I'm pretty good with using Blender and Nifskope, so I think I can help. But, you do need to actually describe what you need.
  9. I've been working on a mod that adds in clothing from RWBY to the game, mainly to test my model-making abilities. So, quite a few of these outfits have skirts and waistcapes. How do I enable HDT on them? Is it just as simple as following the tutorial on their google code page about enabling HDT on a existing mesh?
  10. I've made my own pieces of armor and done a few retextures for swords and clothing in the past, but what do I need to do to export my one handed sword mesh as a NIF from Blender into Nifskope? The usual way I export only works with clothing and armor meshes. I'm not sure what I need to do for weapon meshes.
  11. For a reason I still haven't figured out yet, I decided to make clothes and weapons from RWBY into a mod for Skyrim from scratch. And to boot, this marks the first time I've created my own models. Anywho, Weiss Schnee's jacket has different textures on the inside from the outside. This one. http://i.imgur.com/ifKrF2l.png And the inside of the jacket is textured a deep rich scarlet. http://i.imgur.com/7BqfFWd.jpg The problem is that it needs to have a different texture than the outside. And I can't just enabled doublesided textures in NIFskope, because the outside texture will just appear on the inside. What can I do?
  12. Well, TESalliance has some very good tutorials covering modelling and texturing for Oblivion and Skyrim. Check out their site and have a look around. Most of their modelling tutorials are based upon Blender and Nifskope, though, because the program is free and has is very comparable to 3DS Max. As for textures, I started out by doing retextures of a few things for some mods I'm in the process of developing, and I'm just starting to make my own textures now for a mod that adds in clothing and weapons from RWBY, and a clothing mod for Legend of Korra.
  13. Yeah, exporting a obj model only keeps the mesh data itself. Nothing else is kept. The textures of a Skyrim nif are always contained in what's called a BSSHADER Texture Set node contained inside of the BSSLightingproperty branch in Nifskope. Basically what happens is that there is a list with purple flower symbols that point to where the texture file is located. Once you set those paths, the texture will be applied to the nif. Here's a tutorial. Follow it from the start. (And the ads are NSFW. Well, the whole site is really, it's a site for Skyrim, Oblivion and Fallout adult mods. But that thread has none of that.) http://www.loverslab.com/topic/11495-converting-armors-to-skyrim-the-blender-way/
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