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About Irontaxi

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  1. im working on a prologue to what you are describing...if you are keen to collaborate I may be interested..
  2. they will have to be unpacked....regenerated and repacked...cant think of any other way.. unless...you can regen that cell specifically and put the regenerated objects in a local directory (ie not packed) and hope that it overrides what already in the .bsa
  3. nice nice....I'm actually looking for some nice dancing scripts for a Nightclub in my mod...thats stuff is great...could someone do a pole dancer?? :) :) :) very cool..
  4. templating is definitely the way to go.. one of the keys to creating anything whether it be video games or timber frame houses..
  5. biggest problem is the player not wiping out the area too quick.. im working on having the ferals head to the sewers in daylight hours and pour out at night (enough pouring out that the players are like oh shite...I better hole up somewhere for the night.) so far.. I have a fairly robust system..have tweaked out all the ferals so they are far more perceptive and considerably stronger. a level 20 character should have slight stress where a level 10 character will get chewed up without alot of stimppacks being used..
  6. im actually working o something along these lines... expect a beta release in about 2 weeks.. just fleshing out an urban center now...then some interiors and a bunch of feral creatures.. mostly a feral ghoul hack and slach initially but will evolve into a BOS quest I hope.. Going to do lots of mods to the ferals to increase their variety as well as some reskinning to make a wider variety of feral ghouls..
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