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Everything posted by LittleBaron

  1. For #1: No Idea. My guess would have been the room or portal markers, but you say there aren't any, so I got nothing. For #2: Something to try is to add the leader and all the NPC's as Alias' to your quest, at which point you can call on them at the special point in the dialogue to attack the player. For #3: I would just teleport the NPC. If the NPC is also an Alias in your quest, you can specify that he/she is 'essential' which means they will not die while your quest is active. If you make a copy of an NPC, then killing one will not kill the other. They will both have unique ID's.
  2. They go in the same folder as the wave files. Or, was knowing what folder to put them in the actual problem? Voice files have to go under Sound/Voice/[Your mod name.esp]/[speaker type]/
  3. You may need to tweak the texture a bit, but in Blender at least the poly-reducer seems to do a pretty good job maintaining the UV map.
  4. This utility made by greantea101 does a great job converting the sound files back and forth, I have used it to convert my wave and lip files into FUZ files several times: Unfuzer
  5. I think this sounds like it would be a great, great overhaul and make a replay that much more awsome. I know a little bit about everything (see my two main mods linked in my siggy). If you think you could use my help, please feel free to PM me. Otherwise, good luck, I really hope to see it finished some day.
  6. You need a quest that runs once, and is game-start enabled. You'll use the 'OnInit" event. Make sure that 'runs once' box is checked or the script will fire twice. :thumbsup: Also, in your script, once what you want done is accomplished, tell it to self.Stop() to wrap it up. -LB
  7. Well, if Nifskope can't handle it then the game engine won't like it either. :huh: I'm sure when you say 'start over' you just mean you'll start over the export process after reducing your poly's... dunno about 3DS but Blender has a script that reduces polys for ya. I'm sure 3DS does too.
  8. Sweet J*sus, I about had a seizure trying to read your post. I wouldn't be suprised if nobody else could read whatever font you have that in. Anyway, I suspect a case of having altered more than one variable between A and B.
  9. Well, not out of hand, but I do wish they wouldn't show up in the 'new' mod section. Some days 80% or more of the new mods are translations. Oh well, at least they are almost always labeled 'X translation'. :unsure:
  10. Well, I just assume it's telling the engine "this mesh morphs", like armor when it moves along with character animations. Not sure why having it checked on an inventory or static item automatically causes a crash, but I have found the engine to be fairly particular and crash prone whenever something isn't just right.
  11. Well, at least one problem that might be causing the CTD's is that the BSShader property thinks the object is still skinned. Find the settings I am highlighting in the picture below and uncheck "SLSF1_Skinned". You need to do that for the armor mesh and the belt mesh. You can actually see in the picture that the "SLSF1_Skinned" is under Shader Flags 1 and is selected for the example, as it appears in the list. You want it to NOT appear in the list. I also noticed that there is no specular map (cube map) seleceted in either texture set, but the BSShader thinks there should be. That probably doesn't cause a CTD, though. http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p76/lesfleursmal/VertexColors3.jpg
  12. There could be any number of issues. Could you upload just your ground mesh somewhere, so someone (myself or anyone else who get to it first) can take a look at it?
  13. Wow that's a lot of work you put in there, looks fantastic! One thing that crashes my game every time is when vertex colors are added to a mesh but the shader node isn't set up to accept them. You might want to have a look at any custom meshes you made for your mod and check that. I think it will end up being hard for someone who didn't design the mod to know what objects are in areas that cause crashes. It looks like there is a LOT of stuff to check.
  14. Hmmm. I think you might be right about the folder architecture being the thing to look at. If you don't figure it out on your own before reading this, feel free to PM me & let me know where to grab it, I would be happy to help figure out what's wrong.
  15. So, just to make sure... you mention the BSA because you put the scripts in there, right? And not the 'source' scripts, but the compiled .pex scripts?
  16. Great, glad it worked. :biggrin: It just occured to me that you should be able to replace both instances of "Game.GetPlayer()" with "Whodid", unless it would be possible for a character other than the PC to have one of the Crystals. But, to be safe, just leave it the way it is. The script just has to work a teeny tiny bit harder.
  17. This should work. You will need to set the property CrystalKey under the properties tab to point to your specific item. Also, this script assumes all your doors are locked to begin with. I'm not a professional, so I'm sure someone else may come along and tell us all about how inefficient this script is. Bring it. :biggrin: Scriptname YOURSCRIPTNAME extends ObjectReference MiscObject Property CrystalKey Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference Whodid) if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(CrystalKey) > 0) self.Lock(FALSE) self.SetOpen(TRUE) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(CrystalKey,1) endif EndEvent
  18. Painting Mods already exist, if I don't say so myself: Paintings replace wall-baskets LB-ID includes purchaseable and placeable paintings I am working on an update for LB-ID as we speak, that will include more paintings, improved normal maps, placeable (and functioning) mannequins*, workbenches, beds, chests, etc. So, keep it tracked. It may take me another week or so before I'm ready for the update. *Already in and working perfectly for me
  19. Has anyone figured out what the scale should be? In my experimenting (on clutter objects, I'll admit) I found that if I just left a new collision mesh at the original size, in game the PC couldn't get anywhere near the visible mesh, as the collision was much much larger. When I look at the scale of collisions in Nifskope they seem to all have different values. What's the secret?
  20. Have you tried to attach a script to one of the effects that forces the removal of invisibility from the player?
  21. @ tunaisafish: THANKS! I didn't know about the external packer, it worked well. @ trees415: file--> create archive produced the exact same error and crash, I'm afraid. Before I started getting that error, I would use the 'Upload to Steam' function to auto-generate the BSA, much easier than hand picking the files! Thanks again!! LB
  22. http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p76/lesfleursmal/error.jpg I am getting the above error upon trying to pack my files into a BSA using the 'upload to steam' function of the CK, you know, just to get to to do the BSA packing part. No matter which of the three choices in the error window I push, the CK then promptly crashes. I tried it on two completely unrelated mods and got the same results multiple timess.
  23. Adding the items to NPC's with the CK is possible using a Leveled Item List (which can be used as a 'item randomizer' if set up correctly). You could also look through the Leveled lists themselves, find the ones that are already set up to randomize weapons for various NPC groups and add your own randomized LL to them... that would be easiest/ less time consuming, actually. With regards to the gender issue, the only thing you can do outside of scripting everything is to make sure that the forms for the gender-specific armor have the male mesh version pointing at a vanilla armor mesh. I would think that the mod author would have already done that, but I don't DL gender specific things so I wouldn't know. Hope that helps and makes sense.
  24. When you import, say, the mesh of a sword, if you open an existing sword, select the sword's blade mesh and import--> .obj, you will get a messgae from nifskope* telling you that the selected mesh will be replaced. Your new mesh will be attached to all the nodes the old mesh was attached to. Then, you need to delete the NiTexture and NiMaterial nodes that get imported with the .obj mesh. Next, you re-apply the Shader property to the new mesh, and apply the right textures to that... Here, I explained much of this, with screenshots, in this thread:My link Look towards the end of the thread, at first I just pointed to a tutorial you've probably already looked at. Importing the meshes for a weapon would be no different. For weapons, however, there are (usually) 2 'skins' that are for displaying blood spatter. You will end up needing to import your .obj mesh 3 times... once into the visible mesh, and once each into each 'blood' mesh. You'll be able to just apply the bloodmesh's displaced properties onto your mesh version and it will work. Your mesh does not need to be resized or anything for the blood mesh versions. GL. LB *Make sure you have the latest version, RC6 or greater.
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