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Everything posted by azron

  1. So Cleansing Flame, the unique Flamer added in the Gun Runners Arsenal DLC, Normally is supposed to shoot Blue fire rather than the regular type, however for some reason It no longer does that, this problem has persisted for so long that I actually FORGOT that it was supposed to shoot Blue Fire. originally I thought EVE was the problem, but after deactivating that I found it made no difference, I loaded up my load order in FNVEdit to see if there were any conflicts with other mods that might be causing it. Nothing. . . So yeah I have no idea what could be causing this, all I know is that Cleansing Flame now shoots regular flamer fire. . .
  2. Coolness, what Trek mod project would this be exactly? the only one I'm familiar with was KDStudios' and last I heard it was dead :(
  3. Oh wow, Was checking on here to see if there were any fixes for a bug I had on Oblivion which I just got last week (I got both Fallout 3 and New Vegas on release, but was never hugely into TES but decided to give Oblivion a shot since the sale on it made it cheaper than a sandwich from subway.) I have to say I am both impressed, excited, and worried, from reading the comments I take it Druuler will be porting this to Fallout 3/New Vegas at some point in the future? would go great with the weapon/uniform packs for them! Also I can only dream of a TNG Enterprise or, more likely, Voyager (it's closer in size to the E-Nil / E-A) Possibly even have the capability for a minor starship battle ala Mothership Zeta?
  4. I'm not sure what's causing this problem but I recently got Oblivion off of steam with their -75% off sale last week, however after only a few days of playing (I disabled autosaves etc) My saves have all become corrupted, I use OBSE but when I load my saves OBSE fails to activate and the game freezes after 2-3 seconds after loading. It could be OBSE and Steam, it could be whatever I don't know.
  5. Roughly 10 years ago, a wonderful system in RPGs was made by a game called Dungeon Siege, I had hoped that this would revolutionize the way healing and other items would be in the Industry, but have not seen any other game that I know of use such a method, beyond Repair Kits in some games (NV repair kits not so much) In most RPGs made before and since, Healing and other consumable items worked this way. You have 150/200 hp you use a healing item that gives 75hp, you are back at full health and the healing item is gone. If you take enough damage to go down to 125/200 however, you will maximize the value of the healing item. In Dungeon Siege however. You have 150/200 hp, you use a healing item that gives 75hp, you are back at full health and the healing item is NOT gone, but is still able to heal you 25 You take 7hp damage, you use the item again, once again the item is still there, but is now only able to heal you 18hp Now I'm wondering if it would be possible/feasible, to script a similar effect to the various items in New Vegas, for things from Health, radiation, starvation and thirst. that way Caravan Lunches and MREs can be used multiple times so you don't have to wait until you are suffering from advanced/critical starvation to maximize their value. Obviously in Hardcore mode it would be trickier to have Stimpacks work that way, or any healing over time item since it will "wear off". However if there was a way to not have it "wear off" until after it has healed all the HP it otherwise would have (IE instead of healing 5hp per second for 15 seconds, it heals 5hp per second 15 times. so if you go back to full health by the 7th or 9th, it will still have x seconds worth if you take damage again.) I'd imagine even if this is possible it would require A) lots of scripting, and B) it would be incompatible with other mods that alter such medicines, foods and drinks. To be honest I'd be happy with one that works only for food and drinks to start.
  6. No, when I bring up the geck, before loading any files, it gives two weapons, Fists and GasTrap Dummy, I can open these fine, even create new ones. But the moment I load any files whatsoever, it will crash if I attempt to do it again.
  7. Theses are the error details if it means anything to anyone Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BEX Application Name: Geck.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4e0415d8 Fault Module Name: Geck.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 4e0415d8 Exception Offset: 0085e948 Exception Code: c0000417 Exception Data: 00000000 OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 4105 Additional Information 1: 54b7 Additional Information 2: 54b786789db243117c6065ae0dad0eb7 Additional Information 3: a9df Additional Information 4: a9df1f7ea0d15f2add9c7c9b5fe7a8fa Apparently I can edit Armour, misc items, ammo and books just fine, but if I so much as touch weapons beyond the object window the G.E.C.K. crashes.
  8. Just did, yep it's 1.4 and I removed the geck custom and geckprefs ini. hasn't fixed the problem
  9. i've never had a problem like this before, I don't understand what could possibly be causing it, at first I thought it was a bad mod I was editing, but even using vanilla NV, no DLC, no mods, it does the same thing. I can't understand why. I've tried reinstalling using the main bethesda site but that hasn't helped in the slightest.
  10. As the description says, After buying and installing Old World Blues, suddenly building textures stop working, certain weapons now show up as red ! (such as the plasma caster) and unarmed animations no longer exist (instead of punching my character does something like firing a pistol animation) To make matters worse, the Old World Blues quest, radio station and level cap notification won't show up. My Load Order. Also I am using the WAR (Weapon Animation Replacers) mod
  11. While I love New Vegas, one thing they really dropped the ball on was casual dialogue and combat dialogue, Sure many people comment on the "Patrolling the Mojave Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" thing, But lets compare the kind of dialogue you normally find when... Fighting Raiders in Fallout 3 SPOILER: Major Swearing. To Fighting Fiends in New Vegas Needless to say I'm sick to death of the latter... I would like to see perhaps an RFCW type thing where if you have Fallout 3 and New Vegas it will replace the Fiend dialogue with Raider dialogue, I'm gonna be working on the ESP/ESM for that soon, but I would like some help in finding a simple installer for it similar to the Installer for RFCW.
  12. I know I haven't been banned, I'm guessing you guys are working out a fix for this since apparently I'm not the only one who has this problem, I think.
  13. Would be nice to have some kind of fix for it...
  14. I had this happen to me once myself, but I save frequently in different slots nearly every time, (there are 1,000 slots and I've never gotten to even half that on a single character, and I can always just move the save files out of the folder anyhow to free up space) so I loaded up a save just before the ambush and ran up to follows-chalk which prompted him to put away his gun and start the quest.
  15. That is bizarre, I wonder what could be causing it...
  16. Just wondering because I was gonna alt tab at one point, finger slipped and hit some other key, suddenly I got kicked from the chat and I haven't been able to get back on since. Is anyone else having a similar problem? I know the mysql has been being unreliable lately.
  17. A Special Casino called the "Jungle Gym" with a Jungle bush type theme complete with people in like leopard skins etc (and with the Civilization song from Fallout 3 though not from the files of course but a different, public domain mp3 file) The Boxing Arena could be the Jungle Gym's equivalent of the Brimstone/Gourmand/Aces Theater, I know that's even more work but hey, I figure the Vegas Strip should have more Themed Casinos. Shame a Ceaser's Legion Embassy & Casino as The Ceaser's Palace wouldn't really fit with the Legion's MO (Who consider the Greed and Debauchery of Vegas an affront, think Nipton.) It just seems like too good an opportunity to pass up to me.
  18. Oh wow, a Talking head for Cass's dad from Fallout 2, that's really cool. I can certainly see that for something like the Mark 2, which oddly enough looks more leathery than the plastic/polymer look of the Mark I, maybe switch em since i'd imagine plastics and polymers would provide more protection than leather.
  19. I've been Given the go ahead to post a Request in here as well as for the Fallout 3 mod requests forum without it being considered spam. I noticed when playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas that none of the armour resembles one of my favourite suits of Armour from the old games, and over the months, and years since it's release I was somewhat surprised that with all the Classic Weapons and Armours making a mod appearance, the Classic Leather Armour was nowhere to be found. The Leather Armour in Fallout 3 and New Vegas more resembles the Leather Jacket, in the Road Warrior way, even the alleged "Classic Leather Armor" would be more accurately titled "Classic Leather Jacket". However, the Fallout 3 Equivalent to the Leather Jacket in game play rather than appearance was the Tunnel Snakes outfit, not the Leather Armour. This is what Leather Armour from fallout 1 and 2 looked like in the Inventory screen, although a fair bit of it is plastic and polymer rather than Leather. http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/8/87/LAMk1.gif And the Mark II http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/7/71/LAMk2.gif "This leather armor is based on pre-war armor designed for Motorcycle Football and other dangerous contact sports. It is likely that the simple construction techniques required to produce armor of this design made it a popular choice following a nuclear disaster. It provides moderate protection, and the light construction makes it easier to dodge attacks while worn. Unfortunately, it provides little to no protection against explosions or Plasma attacks." How it looked on an In game Sprite, Ironically the Thumbnail on the page is actually larger than the image itself. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Larmors.gif Another http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Npc_leather.gif Female example http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Leathergirl.gif Concept Art from Fallout 1 featuring the armour http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051025215555/fallout/images/thumb/1/12/Leather_concept.jpg/365px-Leather_concept.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20071006023630/fallout/images/e/e1/TITLE.GIF I'm thinking In Fallout 3 and New Vegas it would look something like a cross between this http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/b/b9/Nv-legion-armor.png and this http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101110003213/fallout/images/c/ce/RangerPatrolArmor.png as a starting point. Now I know that Classic Fallout 1 and 2 Combat Armour is available (even the brotherhood variant), and for that I am very grateful, now I would very much appreciate someone able to make this armour into Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Stat Wise I imagine this armour to be the best Light Armour one can get, before getting into medium and heavy, since it is already borderline.
  20. I noticed when playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas that none of the armour resembles one of my favourite suits of Armour from the old games, and over the months, and years since it's release I was somewhat surprised that with all the Classic Weapons and Armours making a mod appearance, the Classic Leather Armour was nowhere to be found. The Leather Armour in Fallout 3 and New Vegas more resembles the Leather Jacket, in the Road Warrior way, even the alleged "Classic Leather Armor" would be more accurately titled "Classic Leather Jacket". However, the Fallout 3 Equivalent to the Leather Jacket in game play rather than appearance was the Tunnel Snakes outfit, not the Leather Armour. This is what Leather Armour from fallout 1 and 2 looked like in the Inventory screen, although a fair bit of it is plastic and polymer rather than Leather. http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/8/87/LAMk1.gif And the Mark II http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/7/71/LAMk2.gif "This leather armor is based on pre-war armor designed for Motorcycle Football and other dangerous contact sports. It is likely that the simple construction techniques required to produce armor of this design made it a popular choice following a nuclear disaster. It provides moderate protection, and the light construction makes it easier to dodge attacks while worn. Unfortunately, it provides little to no protection against explosions or Plasma attacks." How it looked on an In game Sprite, Ironically the Thumbnail on the page is actually larger than the image itself. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Larmors.gif Another http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Npc_leather.gif Female example http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Leathergirl.gif Concept Art from Fallout 1 featuring the armour http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051025215555/fallout/images/thumb/1/12/Leather_concept.jpg/365px-Leather_concept.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20071006023630/fallout/images/e/e1/TITLE.GIF I'm thinking In Fallout 3 and New Vegas it would look something like a cross between this http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/b/b9/Nv-legion-armor.png and this http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101110003213/fallout/images/c/ce/RangerPatrolArmor.png as a starting point. Now I know that Classic Fallout 1 and 2 Combat Armour is available (even the brotherhood variant), and for that I am very grateful, now I would very much appreciate someone able to make this armour into Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Stat Wise I imagine this armour to be the best Light Armour one can get, before getting into medium and heavy, since it is already borderline.
  21. I would suggest making Vault 21 an actual Casino, and also adding in a new Casino like say, the "Jungle Gym" which would be jungle themed obviously and have the main floor show type deal be a boxing ring ala Fallout 2, have a Thorn like pit fighting thing only with Boxing gloves and when someone gets KOed or Killed the match is over.
  22. Not sure how shields would work in New Vegas, I mean sure they were in Oblivion like crazy, but beyond that it's hard to say. I can see Brotherhood using shields similar to that of a Zaku II, Zulu or Starcraft II Marine, But they would prolly wind up being just some kind of bonus to DT. Riot shields for Ceaser's Legion would make a great deal of sense though, but they lack the cohesion and AI to really make them count (being in formation, using the curvature of the shield to make a striking opponent fall off balance then be stabbed by one of the legionares (the one adjacent to the one who's shield the opponent struck )) Another problem is that Legion use regular throwing spears, not javelins much less the Pillum, which should autocripple whatever part of the body it hits, even if it hit someone's shield, or at least encumber them in some fashion. Also Ceaser's Legion seems to lack even the most basic artillery, while Roman artillery is legendary. That way Ceaser's Legion can at least pretend to have tactics similar to the real Romans. In fact, aside from the Legion's access to firearms and such, their "Roman" like weapons and equipment are vastly inferior to the real deal.
  23. Why don't you just change them to functioning as 2handrifle class?
  24. In iron sights it helps your accuracy outside of V.A.T.S. tremendously with weapons that have little to no spread (BB-gun, Pistol, Hunting Rifle, Laser Rifle, Lever Action Rifle) especially at low skill levels. You will notice the weapon drifts side to side more the lower your weapon skill is, with some weapons this drift has little to no affect on accuracy (Shotgun, Flamer, Tri-Beam Laser Rifle) but with others it makes a huge difference, with the low/no spread weapons, just use real life sight aiming techniques, that is, wait until the front and back sights are lined up before you take your shot and you should hit the target, I personally feel that the Hunting Rifle has the best sight out of all of them, but the Lever Action Rifle/Lincoln Repeater/BB-Gun isn't bad if you pay attention to the nick in the crossbar. RH_Ironsights Makes such weapons some of your best friends, especially at the lower levels. The Lever Action Rifle if you have Point Lookout becomes excellent later on, uses 10mm and deals Lincoln Repeater level damage, and uses the same sights. It doesn't really help Assault rifle aiming that much though, between the recoil obscuring the sight (which on both assault rifles suck anyhow, sorry RH) and the spread of the weapon you don't really gain much accuracy shooting 1st/3rd aim/hip it's all pretty much the same, also the Plasma rifle has much more spread than I'd like, the best Automatic sights are on the 10mm SMG, and 5.56mm Carbine (RH mistakenly labeled it an SMG) the H&K MP5 series made compatible for RH_Ironsights also have excellent sights. I've never noticed any change in spread depending on running/walking/standing/crouching etc or changing depending on the duration of your firing the weapon, so it's not like in the Battlefield games that have the variable crosshairs and muzzle climb, there are no "short controlled bursts" in Fallout 3.
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