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Everything posted by azron

  1. yeah that's the main reason for it is to make a total conversion mod, and who's to say we can't go into a more "dark and gritty" angle in star wars, they've already been starting to explore that sort of thing. important part is to keep the jedi out of it, and focus on the average joes and the likes of, Black Sun, the Empire, etc,
  2. the way the weapon should function, taken from the starwars/gate mod thread, with a few revisions after having some experience using the G.E.C.K. E-11 Carbine Iron sights is a Scope, base damage 50 (each shot!) effective range: 300m (not sure what the Geck equivilent of that is in ranges) spread: little to none, rate of fire = to assault rifle clip ammo: 500 rounds projectile similar to assault rifles, except glowing red, effect on walls similar to assault rifle except for more smoke and some shrapnel that flies around, as well as black charring around the hole and a glowing portion in the middle that steams out, with smaller glowing and steaming bits around the main hole. the hole itself after cooling should resemble the hole made by an assault rifle only larger, about the size of a grapefruit give or take. weapon counts largely as a projectile weapon, no shell casing ejection animation, but it does not disintegrate the target at all, using the laser effect would be better suited to Star Trek weapons since Star Wars Lasers don't actually fire Lasers, click here for a description of how blasters work (taken directly from the star wars/star gate mod thread, though it wouldn't be a terribly even match to actually cross them over considering the sheer firepower and scale of star wars.) special animations and effects on the characters would likely be necessary, since a critical kill would turn the corpse steaming black ala greedo. it would be also nice if a fold out stock was possible, so that it costs more action points to fire, but it's more accurate and has longer range, so 100m range with the stock folded in, and 300 with it out. if at all possible, that since the effect of a shot can change based on the material it hits, so the marking on concrete is different from say wood or metal. if it impacts a hard surface, like say concrete or metal it would be interesting if it was possible to make it cause a combined frag grenade detonation and a short flamethrower burst, to simulate the superheated steam/smoke which used to be concrete and has been vapourized, as well as the heated shrapnel flying in all directions, so even a near miss can do some serious damage. Blasters can be nasty weapons. another awesome thing would be to add fire modes, so you can do single shots in Vats rather than strictly three round bursts to conserve ammo on targets that are nearly dead, and even better, to have a mesmetron like effect, only it would render the enemy target unconscious, maybe even set them to essential momentarily then unconscious, then remove essential so you can finish them off while they are still down, and they would stay down for a full game hour, thus creating a Stun setting, which I have only seen once in a Star Wars game, (Battlefront 2 mod that made the E-11 do a force push as an alternate weapon.) possibly power settings as well, so while it's on lower settings it only deals half the base damage and takes up only 1 round, on medium it deals base damage and takes up 2-2.5 rounds, on full it deals double base damage or more and takes up 5 rounds, Blasters have been seen in the movies having various effects on human or alien tissue, depending on the blaster and it's setting, they can either cripple a limb in one shot (Leia on Endor) blow a smoking hole in someone's chest (Standard blaster wound) blow someone's head off (a clone trooper at the battle of christophsis) or even turn someone into a crispy critter (greedo) not sure how much of this is possible, but if it's done than it would make the most realistic and accurate E-11 in video game history. a DL-44 as a Blaster variant of the Scoped .44 magnum would be awesome too. base damage should Prolly be higher but MUCH lower ammo capacity
  3. nah it's a model from Jedi Academy/Jedi Knight II, Quake is WAAAY too low poly for pretty much anything besides itself. thought I tried using Milkshape 3D, it didn't like the file for some reason, but It was several other 3D modeling programs that supposedly had .glm support, did download milkshape but it kindof got lost in the woodwork. the mesh loads up fine in Milkshape 3D, now not sure what to do... so many things I need to know how meshs are seperated/animated how dismemberment is handled how many polygons are in power armour like T51B and T45d Mesh format extention for fallout 3 so I can export it might it be quicker and easier to just give the .glm file to someone else? Milkshape says it has 72 bones, 89 surfaces and 4 LODs
  4. still need some help on converting a .glm mesh to a usable mesh, otherwise we won't be getting sandtroopers anytime soon.
  5. that's a problem, star wars don't use lasers as weapons in the same way we do or Star Trek, the Fallout Laser effects are totally unsuitable for Star Wars modding, with the exception of a very select few weapons, but even then. be better to simply work with the Projectile weapons instead, Star Wars blasters fire in bolts, and those bolts carve holes in reinforced concrete walls designed to handle a Starship's exhaust the size of grapefruits or a man's torso! the way a blaster works is this. a laser beam excites stored Tibana gas, this is why the term laser is used to describe these weapons, but the naming convention is based more on the order of a gunpowder rifle, a gunpowder rifle doesn't fire gunpowder as it's primary role! though gunpowder fouling and such is a side effect, in a sense, the laser is more like the match in a matchlock, or the percussion cap on a percussion pistol. that reaction is then contained, and compressed into a small bolt, that bolt is then accelerated down the barrel. When the bolt impacts a target, the enormous amount of heat it carries causes the immediate area around the impact to vapourize almost instantly, this is true vapourization, not the disintegration effect seen in star trek which is NOT vapourization, in fact Star Trek not only uses the term Vapourization in place of Disintigration, but in place of the term "destroyed" even when there are visible remains or debris. :wallbash: The solid mater becomes a gas which is what vapourization is, nothing else, that gas rapidly expands and the pressure causes an explosion, spraying red hot shrapnel in all directions, the smoke you see in original trilogy blaster fights would be lethal to the touch, due to being extraordinarily hot, and in ANH, at least two characters were killed by just that or the shrapnel on the death star alone, an Imperial officer in the hangar observation room, and a stormtrooper on the chasm upper platform, several stormtroopers were wounded or killed by this effect as well during Han's escape from Docking Bay 94, Han fired at the wall behind the troops intentionally, in effect using his blaster as a grenade launcher. Stormtrooper armour is tough but it of course has weaknesses and limitations like anything else, the gaps in the armour are highly vulnerable to physical projectiles and weapons, and while the plating has excellent shock absorption (nothing short of a .50 cal would be able to so much as chip it. and even then it's more the force of the round rather than it's penetration that would prove fatal, killing the trooper wearing the armour, but barely putting a dent in the armour itself), they are limited in that instead of the shock being absorbed by your head, it will be by your neck, that's why the large rocks Ewoks were dropping on the troopers were causing injuries, akin to the neck injuries and even deaths that modern football players have endured when they have a head on collision and while their helmets absorb the impact away from their head, their necks aren't so lucky. of course with the sheer degree of heat and power that a blaster generates, the plating can at most only provide enough protection to make the difference between incapacitation and outright death. of course in video games the armour and even unarmoured characters can survive more blaster shots just like they can survive more arrows and bullets and so forth.
  6. such as? I can think of two major star wars mods that were never shut down off the top of my head. Galactic Conquest and First Strike. there are also tons of other star wars mods all over the place, but the main reason I've seen major star wars mods shut down is due to the modders losing interest in the project since it's takes so long. the stormtrooper helmets in that link just looked terrible, they were just too badly malformed, and the green eye lenses were only for the stunt helmets as I recall. anyhow, a great mesh and texture to use exists as the Hapslash improved stormtrooper/sandtroopers for Jedi Academy, they look really nice and would not look bad in fallout 3, especially the Sandtrooper, which not only has a nicely detailed texture but it also fits the "wasteland" look best. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d46/Perionterix/down5.gif *image fixed* the helmet here is possibly the best video game stormtrooper helmet i've ever seen, far better than the oblivion one, which had some errors in it such as the single black spot right on the back of the helmet at the top, while it's supposed to have two and not directly in the middle rear and was, like most game stormtrooper helmets, malformed. the mesh is in glm format though, not sure how to get that working proper for Fallout 3, especially for setting up the dismemberment, though Jedi Academy had MORE dismemberment than fallout 3 does, such as taking off hands, forearms and chest/abdomen, the dismemberment was always non-gorey, due to the whole cauterizing effect of sabers, so having the more gory effects in fallout 3 would be interesting, though I doubt the head explosion would make much sense, considering how durable the plates of the armour is against projectile weaponry, so maybe just the severing effect if it's possible to change the death effects depending on what armour is being worn. I think the hardest part is incorporating the Pipboy into it though.
  7. I think he means the Clones in episode 3, specifically those of the 501st, as in Darth Vader's Clone Troopers, note he also mentioned original Clones (episode 2). the only real difference between clone troopers in episode 2 and those in episode 3 is the helmet and colouration, so the phase 2 or MKIV clone helmet would be about the only thing different, with the 501st colouration scheme being just a skin and would not effect the protection rating, clone trooper armour would be somewhat restrictive, so your agility rating would go down and be harder to sneak with, the episode 2 clone helmet would increase perception by 1, while the episode 3 helmet would by 2 Stormtrooper armour would have maybe 1 point difference protection wise, slightly less, but allow you to sneak much easier, have extra rad resistance, and more agility, also the helmet would add 3 perception as well. Scout Trooper armour has FAR less protection, by multiple points, but does not restrict movement or impede stealth, the helmet gives a whopping 4 extra perception due to the built in macrobinoculars Mandalorian armour shouldn't have as much protection as clone, it is stated that troops wearing clone trooper armour, and the later stormtrooper armour, could walk through forcefields that would block or incinerate someone wearing Mando.
  8. E-11 Carbine iron sights is a Scope, base damage 150 effective range 300m spread: none, rate of fire = to assault rifle projectile similar to assault rifles, except glowing red, effect on walls similar to assault rifle except for more smoke and some shrapnel that flies around, as well as black charring around the hole and a glowing portion in the middle that steams out, with smaller glowing and steaming bits around the main hole. the hole itself after cooling should resemble the hole made by an assault rifle only larger, about the size of a grapefruit give or take. weapon counts largely as a projectile weapon, no shell casing ejection animation, but it does not disintegrate the target at all. special animations and effects on the characters would likely be necessary, since blaster bolt wounds can resemble flamethrower wounds. it would be also nice if a fold out stock was possible, so that it costs more action points to fire, but it's more accurate and has longer range, so 100m range with the stock folded in, and 300 with it out. if at all possible, that since the effect of a shot can change based on the material it hits, so the marking on concrete is different from say wood or metal. if it impacts a hard surface, like say concrete or metal it would be interesting if it was possible to make it cause a combined frag grenade detonation and a short flamethrower burst, to simulate the superheated steam/smoke which used to be concrete and has been vapourized, as well as the heated shrapnel flying in all directions, so even a near miss can do some serious damage. Blasters can be nasty weapons.
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