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About ilkhan8

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    United States

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  1. Out of curiosity, is or will there be a way to opt-out of any type of LOOT influence upon my games through Vortex? I have never needed BOSS or LOOT in all these years and never will.
  2. I checked it out and am not a fan of this 'telephone' layout lol I use a PC for everything and this is certainly not as conducive as the "old" layout. I understand that functionality, cleaning and tightening things up moving forward is and always should be paramount, but aesthetically-speaking....No Please.
  3. The way to insure you avoid the crashes and 'snowflake' meshes issue. Assuming the use of Win7... When installing the GOTY edition, all three discs will 'seem' to install correctly, but this does not occur. The correct folders are created on your HD but never are filled. Install the game in the following manner: ALWAYS run as administrator by default. 1. Install MW CD and eject. 2. Install Tribunal CD and DO NOT EJECT. 2b. Explore the Tribunal CD and copy everything IN the DATA FILES folder to the appropriate place on your HD. When done, eject. 3. Install Bloodmoon CD and DO NOT EJECT. 3b. Explore the Bloodmoon CD and copy everything IN the DATA FILES folder to the appropriate place on your HD. When done, eject. 4. Insert your MW play CD and enjoy your fresh, clean install that is now ready for your mods to be added. NOTE: Take this opportunity to first 'backup' / 'copy' the current folders before adding mods so you do not have to got though the reinstall again. I hope this helped many of you, as I wracked my brain to figure this out only to see just how easily something like this can be missed/overlooked. Enjoy!
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