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  1. Yeh, it's pretty annoying that it's still a problem after all this time. I honestly don't think there is a fix though. There is a pretty lengthy thread about it over on the Bethesda forums with a lot of speculation and people way cleverer than me testing stuff out but no actual fix, so i've kind of resigned myself to the fact that we're stuck with it. One thing is for sure....as soon as i'm able, i'm getting rid of this damn radeon card cause that's the only sure fix i've seen.
  2. This has been bothering me lately too. And for me at least, it's a very recent thing. I'm not saying 1.5 didn't create the issue, just that i never saw it till the last month. Didn't there used to be some ini edit you could do to fix this? I seem to remember something about that, but i could be getting my wires crossed there. I never paid much attention at the time that the ini edit was talked about, cause i never had the problem then. I'm tempted to see if i can live with the slightly longer load time to be honest, rather than this mess.
  3. I was actually looking at that one earlier but noticed it needed a new save so that put me off. I've just done a few days worth of building in Sanctuary so not really fancying doing all that again lol. Having said that, considering i've not even left Sanctuary yet, maybe that will be good enough. Not sure if the minuteman scripts kick in when starting the game or when meeting Preston, so maybe i can get away with it. Worth a try anyway before i leave Sanctuary, and just reload if it doesn't work out. Thanks damanding!
  4. I really miss that mod! I've tried one other similar but it really didn't work...for me at least. I did send digitaltrucker an IM, but i'm not even sure if he's been online since.
  5. Seems quite a common problem after a quick google search. One post i found suggested this... If it's only affecting meditation you could try... cow akropolis 0,0 and for return coc arkmarket. Although that is just bypassing the problem, not fixing it. And obviously won't help if the problem spreads to other powers....but it's something at least. Maybe they can help you better over on the SureAI forums http://forum.sureai.net/viewforum.php?lang=en&f=208&sid=3c3f6d39418bcfbc6ae43dd0d8dc5968
  6. Hi all, hoping someone can help me with this cause it's been driving me mad for days. And i firstly want to say that i am a modding noob but i'm trying at least :D ha. So forgive me if any of this is obvious to you. So i've been playing Enderal, and have tried to add Lishari's armor as a playable set, which went ok, apart from the fact that in first person the arms are invisible. So i just have floating hands. I've been doing this purely in TES5edit cause i can't figure out how to get the creation kit to work with Enderal (but that's another story lol). Now... i'm pretty sure i've messed around with all the options in TES5edit, and no matter what i do, nothing affects the 1st person view. So my question is really, is there even a way to change this in TES5edit? If so, what fields affect that? Or is it more likely that it's going to need some tinkering in Nifskope? If that is the case, i'm probably going to have to admit defeat, cause i'm hopeless with Nifskope, unless it's a really easy fix. The thing that is confusing me about this is, i have this mod... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77073/? which i believe, although i could be wrong, is the same armor Enderal uses for Lishari (although there is an obvious difference in the shape of it). Anyway, that mod works fine in 1st person...So i compared all entries of this mod with the Lishari armor, and there is no differences (apart from the world model obviously), and therefore no reason (to me) that one has an invisible body and the other doesn't. This is why i'm starting to think that it's something that is changed in Nifskope, but i could be completely on the wrong track there. Hoping i am and it's in fact, much simpler! ha So if anyone could point me in a direction here, i'd really appreciate it! Thankyou!
  7. I was actually watching a video the other day (can't remember which right now), but it suggested that it happened when things were too spaced out. So say, all the beds were spaced over a large area instead of all together....the settlers would unassign from the beds and the bed count would go down. That lead me to believe that it was because they were too far from them, which would also seem to fit your senario. I must admit, the only time i've ever had it happen is in Sanctuary, and i spread everything over the full build area there. That's the only big settlement i build up really, prefer the smaller ones. Never seen it happen on a small settlement, so i'm starting to really think there's something in that explanation. Even if any of that is correct....it wouldn't help for your situation lol.
  8. ^This!^ It's like...seriously people! Put your knickers back on, for the 100th time, i'm not interested! I have to dump everyone at some far off empty settlement as soon as they reach max affinity, cause i can't stand them any longer.
  9. Northland Diggers has looooads of resource stations http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9710/?
  10. Coincidentally, I did kill Sarge before starting Old Guns. As for the fix that involves using console commands to assign a settler to the transmitter, I tried it but it does not work. Whenever I tell a different settler to go there, that settler will just stand still, and the original NPC still fails to sit down. Those were two seperate bug quotes sorry, so the way i read that was that, if he won't sit down cause you killed Sarge, then there is no known fix :/ How long ago was it? Can you not reload a save before you killed Sarge?
  11. I don't know the fix you've already tried but do any of these apply to you.... The Minuteman in charge of broadcasting Radio Freedom may complain that the transmitter is not being powered despite having power, usually after starting the Old Guns quest. This is accordingly due to the Minuteman becoming hostile to Sarge in the Castle tunnels and so should be able to be prevented by eliminating Sarge before Old Guns. Otherwise, this prevents use of Radio Freedom.[verified] Tuning into Radio Freedom after throwing the smoke grenade may cause the broadcaster to leave his post and refuse to return. [verified] To fix: Open up console using ~Select the radio transmitter (hex value should be 0009FF48[EP])Type: setpapyrusvar bAllowPlayerAssignment True.Assign any settler to the radio transmitter; this should force the minute man to sit down and start using it again.
  12. Omg, toilet roll on the right way round?!? Sold! Nah seriously though, i had seen that one of yours before and planned to add it further down the road. And i've just remembered one of yours i need to add to the list, only just added it today so it slipped my mind..... http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8122/? I loooove the light that comes off those! Thinking of adding your replacer one also now.
  13. My personal faves at the moment are... Workshop Rearranged = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16181/? Thematic and Practical = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16207/? Then on top of those... Do it Yourshelf = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14532/? Dino's Decorations = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16186/? Modular Kitchen = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17141/? Crafting Goodies = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14559/? Ms.Rea's Horticulture = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17445/? Ms.Rea's Unique Containers = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15146/? Northland Diggers = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9710/? Warehouse Shelves = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15289/? Invisible Furniture = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13343/? BYOP = http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13316/? (which i'll admit, i mainly use for the relaxation point marker.) Loads of other little decoration mods too, but seeing as i always end up going crazy with those types of mods, there's way too many to mention.
  14. http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation
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