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About 09jlardinois

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    United States
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    Fallout 4
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    FTL: Faster Than Light

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  1. In response to post #69232311. And for the next contest, can the prize plz be free tacos for life??? TACOOOOOS
  2. In response to post #69176941. #69192456, #69192726 are all replies on the same post. I'd love to help organize events for Ubisoft games (or any game that supports Shift+F2 or Photo Mode).
  3. In response to post #69166901. #69179571, #69184646, #69187881 are all replies on the same post. I would personally love to organize events like this for Ubisoft games. Their Photo Mode feature in recent games yields a lot of great results. I have quite a collection of great screenshots from these. I would do a Ubi-wide photomode contest. No prize, I don't have anything to give, but it would be fun. It would include games like AC: Odyssey and Origins, Far Cry 5, Division 2, and any others with photomode. It could also be extended to any game that has the Shift+F2 functionality, like Watch Dogs 2. Also, ajhardy, I feel your pain and second your eye-roll sigh.
  4. In response to post #69101401. #69102761, #69102896, #69102901, #69103056 are all replies on the same post. That makes a lot of sense. Sorry about the confusion. Also, if it helps for future competitions, the reason I didn't change my category after submission was I was afraid it would break the links. I wasn't sure how Nexus' link generation worked. And in hindsight, I just realized I could have edited my submission anyway... whoops.
  5. In response to post #69101401. #69102761, #69102896, #69102901 are all replies on the same post. Edit: BigBizkit and I were typing at the same time, lmao! It makes sense now. I have no reason to worry, my mistake. I feel relieved! And poor comment typing on my part. Original message (in reply to first comment). Yeah, I remember they added a category, but someone asked about it and they said that it wasn't required for this context, but would be for future contests. If they changed that rule halfway through, that's unfair. I also checked many, many times on whether or not I could submit one or more per game, and there was nothing written or stated that gave me any clue towards either answer, so I originally submitted one, and then I changed my submission to three. The rules never clarified how many you could submit, only how many could win in each game, so that was pretty unclear too. This really sucks. My submission all checks out information and link wise. It's pretty unfair -- I unknowingly disqualified myself because I was trying to do the right thing and submit my photos early on in the competition and not procrastinate. And it cost me, because the rules changed partway through without any notice. I had two weeks to update my submission accordingly, but no idea that I had to. Whatever rule changes occurred were not made known. It would have taken me less than 3 minutes to make a qualifying submission based on the changes, so difficulty or time is not a factor - it's just poor communication. I feel pretty cheated, to be honest. I guess that's the last time I try to be responsible and get things done early.
  6. So... what happened? I don't see the 3 Fallout 4 images I submitted... I triple checked that I followed the instructions. Did you change them halfway through? I submitted mine very early in the competition. Edit: I have email confirmation and everything.
  7. Flamma-damma-ding-dong, you read this in sing-song.
  8. I'm wondering where the correct place to put my post is. I want to crowdsource a list of common questions that modders have about audio recording, processing, programming, and propagation in terms of modding and video game development so I can answer them via in-depth tutorials in live streams on Twitch. This is, however, a generic question, and not specific to any modding community of any one game. Where could I post a general request for people to ask their questions about audio for modding and game development?
  9. Okay question successfully answered, and mod has been made now. Called Quieter Draugr Shouts. For anyone else new to modding Skyrim who wants to know the steps I had to take: Checking the Creation Kit as they said led me to CrDraugrVoice as well. I found that by... 1.) Doing the Use Info thing. 2.) Following the info from that to VoicePowers thing which took a lot of time to track down the proper ones. In the end, I ended up downloading BAE (Bethesda Archive Extractor) and extracting the contents of "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa" found in the Data folder. Don't worry if yours doesn't say en0 at the end. 'en' just means English, so yours will be whatever country / languages you're using, and the 0 just refers to which language version. So for Spanish, it be 1, 2, 3, 4... etc based on Mexico, Portugal, Spain, etc. I think the number also correlates with your Region code in your registries. Don't worry about that - just extract the "Skyrim - Voices.bsa" with BAE. Then you get a bunch of XYZ.fuz files. Use the program Unfuzer to extract BOTH the '.lip' and '.wav' files from it. If you use a program other than Unfuzer, you will get '.xwm' files instead. XWM files are WMA files encoded with Direct X. There is a program you can use to decode and re-encode but you don't need that because Unfuzer does that for you. The reason some people might not use Unfuzer is because it flags your antivirus. Don't worry, I study cyber security and Unfuzer is not dangerous. The type of flag is raises is called a reputation flag, and it raises the lowest possible of those. A reputation flag simply means that not many people use this file. Which is obvious, because out of the billions of antivirus customers, what percentage do you really think mod Skyrim's voice files? Not very many. So it has low usage, so it sends up a reputation flag. It doesn't mean bad reputation, it just means not much is known about the file. It's new to the community. It's overly cautious, in a sense. Unfuzer is safe. If you don't think it's safe, there is a free website that uses 50+ different virus scanners and persistent file data tracking to build file reputations and scan for viruses called Virus Total. Upload the file and scan for yourself. It's clean. --------- Back to business. Use Unfuzer to extract the lip and wav files from the crdraugr folder. Now I just edited the wav files as I saw fit and used Unfuzer again to but BOTH THE LIP AND WAV files back into fuz files. Then I added them to an archive as normal. The "thundery" parts of the shouts are the wav files at the bottom - the ones with a 3. I think there's 8 of them. BUT if you only make those 8 quieter, the shout will sound weird because the first two words of it will be loud. So I processed all of them instead. And that's about it.
  10. This was immensely helpful! Thank you so much! I'm going to look for them right now and I'll post the list when I find them. I loaded Skyrim, Update, and Unofficial Update as masters. Didn't think the DLC's would matter for this. Thank you a million times a million! Edit: that UseInfo thing is handy! The CK tutorials never mentioned that. Great tool.
  11. Does anyone know the name of the Draugr shout files and their paths? Or instead, could someone help me learn how to find the filenames and paths of Skyrim resources? I want to replace the Draugr shouts with something that doesn't piss off my neighbors. They are excessively loud, and I haven't been able to find a mod for Special Edition that softens them up a bit. They sound epic, and that's great, but at 10:29 PM I'd rather not have the cops at my door. They are too loud and I'd like to fix it.
  12. When my neighbors knock on my door and threaten to call the police because they keep hearing "a loud, echoing 'reek- ho- HAAA!' ", then that is the proper time for Bethesda to stop making games, or start playing by the audio engineering rules that the rest of the professional world uses.
  13. Searching has yielded nothing. On the forum, Google and Creation Kit object window. Anybody know where to find the deafening, ear-bleeding Draugr shouts? I want to make a mod that does Bethesda employee's jobs for them and makes the audio within audio engineering standards (a.k.a. not as loud as a freaking fighter jet.) My neighbors are angry because of Draugr, and Bethesda has never heard of "audio etiquette", so now I have to do their jobs for them. TL;DR Skyrim with voices that are actually intelligible means Draugr shouts collapse buildings, neighbors mad, wanna make quieter bcuz Bethesda is incompetent and shouldn't be in business. Also Google has been unusable in the last 3 years because "let's predict everything everyone ever does" makes for bad search results. You aren't smart enough to predict properly, Google.
  14. Hey I'm back. No Need to Read: Long story short, Google is useless and my brain works too quickly for the internet apparently because I get flood control trying to search on the forums and CloudFlare blocks everywhere. Unrelated: do humans really take 5,000 years between links to process information? No, CloudFlare, they don't. I can open 15 links and decide if I need them with a 0.003 second scan of the page. It's not spam, it's normal human thinking. Anyways, I'm making a potion whose effects only work in daylight or near bright light sources. Using conditions with GetLightLevel doesn't seem to be working as expected. Is light level reversed? (0 to 150) As in, is 150 dark and 0 full light? Because my testing says so, but that doesn't seem correct since other sources on the internet say higher is brighter. Does ENB affect this? ----- conditions are as follows: GetLightLevel >= 100. forced weather 81a (fully clear) Time set to 12:00pm noon. No effect. Doesn't work.
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