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Everything posted by Twin2kaay7

  1. Recently I got into the enb series and started to install them right away. After installing the enb-series (v0252) which I had no problems with I tried to install a preset. For this I chose the Grim and Somber preset. The problems began when I tried to edit the skyrimprefs.ini and notcied that a line (probably even more!?) is missing. i have freshly installed skyrim and never editted the ini-file before , why is "bDrawShadows" missing? But as shadows are on by default i carried on and changed all the lines I could. [here would be a screenshot but I don't know how the image-function works what is URL besides a Webadress?] Atfer that when I was finished with my installation I ran the game via the SKSE launcher. But this time the black window that would usually only be open for a second or so didn't disappear. Instead it displayed an error message: "couln't inject DLL.". After pressinf the "OK" button the skse-launcher closed. [here would be a screenshot but I don't know how the image-function works what is URL besides a Webadress?] Why is that? What went wrong? WHY did it go wrong? and how can I fix it? I would love to play skyrim as I have never done so. But i wouldn't wanna start without an enb to make it look beautiful :sad:. Help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Hello , I have a problem when installing ENBs. As I am not very good at explaining and ths site doesn't support too many or to big attachments I had to move my question to my personal site ----> http://jakub.chmielniak.de Bear with me on my adventure as I install an ENB the wrong way! NOW WITH SCREENSHOTS HOLY SHIPPP!!!!!111!!
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