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Everything posted by Deadmarsh

  1. I use flashblock add-on for Firefox. It blocks the add and when I click to play it it simply goes away and I can download. Minor annoyance, but much better than being forced to watch the whole thing.
  2. Suggestion related to tags: If a user has already disagreed with a pending tag would it be possible to show it in the same way as a tag the user has voted on (which is still pending). Ie. remove the possibility to click the red X symbol on disagreed tags like the green check symbol is removed on agreed tags. Another suggestion: "Updates recently" doesn't use the users timezone setting and also doesn't have the filter options like "updates today" has. Would these be possible to fix/add. Ps. There is no "Go back" possibility available on the page when the user suggests tags. The back button of the browser of course works, but it would be nice to be able to get directly back to te tags page you were on.
  3. You're welcome, might want to mention that refreshing browser cache might be necessary in the news post. Or as an alternative you might want to timestamp etc. the css file(s) when changes are made. Would fix most caching issues. Btw, when is "Track file" going to be fixed? Clicking it breaks the layout. I think I posted about it a while back in some feedback thread, can't remember which and I'm too tired to look for it now.
  4. Firefox, Windows, can't be bothered to post a screenshot since it's pretty obvious to me the new addition was not tested before it was added.
  5. Update: also happens at Dragon Age Nexus.
  6. The new Chat seems to not fit into the reserved area (number displays under the Chat outside the header bar). This results in all the rest of the content being crammed to the right half of my screen :pinch:
  7. Another small issue I noticed. When I click "Track File" it breaks the layout.
  8. Many thanks Dark0ne :)
  9. I think it's more complex and less appealing :) I liked that the images, endorsements etc. stuff was at the top I just wonder if the issues with will be fixed or are we stuck with it. Curretly there is too much stuff in width direction to fit in as it should on 1280x1024 resolution (and lower resolution). From the CSS I counted this width for the content in comments pages: Comment area padding + poster info + post + image box + "site" section + "latest news" section + padding 20 + 200 + 500 + 180 + 185 + 200 + 20 = 1305px and this doesn't even include all margins and paddings which increase the width need even more. So, is the current layout really designed for some specific resolution which is more than 1280x1024px ?
  10. I have the exact same problem as redwes. The comments simply can not fit well into the area reserved for them which results the post displaying below the poster information instead on the right side of it. This wastes a lot of space and looks like crap. My max width for the screen seems to be 1280 so I have no way to increase the resolution width. I really don't understan why the images, endorsements and options needed to be moved to the middle of the page on file pages. They were much better at the top. Now it just feels extra crammed when everything doesn't even fit in as it's suppose to :pinch: Ps. disabled all Firefox plugins and it didn't help. Same problem with IE. I think whoever desings these things for the site dropped the ball with this one. Most people are still using resolutions with 1280 or less width.
  11. What's with the new layout for file pages on Fallout nexus? For example on the comments section lot of space is wasted on displaying some user information and the post below that information when before the posts were on the right side of the information. Same with the tags section, before the pending tags were between confirmed tags and unassigned tags, now pending tags are above unassigned tags. I have to say this is not a good change...or maybe this is some weird issue effecting only me?
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