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Status Updates posted by AncientSpaceAeon

  1. How can I view older topics I made?
    1. antonkr


      You can try view my content button
    2. Deleted54170User


      Or type, "Ancient Aeon" into the search section of the Forum area, and O.O
    3. Deleted54170User
  2. Black hole ? Ouch, that's bad.
  3. Can't sig the sig ?

    Use a laptop ? Push the screen.

    Don't use a laptop ? Back away from the monitor.

    Still can't see it ? I remember what Monolithic said about something so we can see the Joker, I forgot the word.

  4. I don't make that sig.

    Shame on me.

  5. RDA ?

    Resources Development Administration ?

    (from the movie Avatar)

  6. I voted for you. (also give a 5 star rating)
  7. Your recent comment scared me alot.
  8. Rating them . . .


  9. Halo fan ?

    Why do you accuse me for being one ? I don't even own Halo !

  10. So . . . You gives signature for free, but you don't have a rating yet, only a few kudos ?

    Here's a 5 star rating and a kudo !

    (vote me ?)

  11. So, I gave you a kudo. Now will you vote me ?
  12. Being so active lately ?

    Welcome !!!

  13. Thanks for the present !
  14. Happy New Year (and decade) too !
  15. Happy New Year.

    Not yet.

  16. Facebook ?

    Welcome !!!

  17. Merry Christmas, too.
  18. I never seen a ninja with a dragon.
  19. YES !!! I'm 13, an ancient username doesn't change that.

    Adding you as friend . . .

  20. New moderator eh ? Or maybe it's just an error ? Or maybe I should congratulate you ?

    Allright, congratulations !!!

  21. Isn't [email protected] is a email account ?

    Why you said it's your website ?

  22. I like calliton's comment : you're SANTA. lol
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