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Everything posted by manmanman

  1. I know that happens when you have an enb installed. Did you install one? (You can check by going into your Skyrim main folder and checking for d3d9.dll). If you do, press shift+f12 during character creation to disable depth of field (the blurriness) and press shift+f12 when you are done to turn it back on.
  2. I get this bug occasionally. Usually, it's when I'm sneak attacking. Does it happen every time or does it happen on occasion?
  3. Okay, I fixed this so I thought I'd post how i did it in case anyone else gets it. Just go to the console and type "setstage DLC1RH08 255" without quotes.
  4. I've been doing the Dawnguard side quests (radiant) and I got the Dawnguard Rune Hammer. Then, I just got the Dawnguard Rune Shield and went to bring it back to Florentius, but he won't accept it. No dialogue option shows up for the quest, even though the quest marker is over his head. I've already tried removing the item from my inventory and adding it back in, resurrecting Florentius and disabling and enabling Florentius. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  5. I am currently designing a large faction/quest mod and I am in need of a banner/flag suitable for a guild of rangers. If anyone could help designing the texture or helping me find one, it would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hi guysSo today I was on the nexus and I found a mod called creation engine enhancer which adds to the game's engine. However, in the comments the author said he was making a directx 11 patch. Is this even possible? Wouldn't you need the original source code for skyrim?
  7. Sounds awesome! Looking forward to if this gets done.
  8. Okay, so its like 2 in the morning. Finally, after getting a copy of MW3 I have beaten the campaign. I reckon that was like the coolest ending to any game I've ever played - mercilessly beating the s*** out of Makarov. But the thing I thought is that, there is like no cliffhanger? Remember in MW2 how you throw the knife in the dude's face and then get saved by Nikoli? That's like, holy crap! What's the next game gonna be like? But in MW3 - its like wow, the story really wrapped up. Plus, nearly all of Price's allies are dead! The only one left is Nikoli. Do you guys think there is gonna be a Modern Warfare 4? If so, what would the story be?
  9. Damn elves. If that ever came about I am pretty sure a lot of guards would be asking me to shop shouting XD. Fus Ro Dah?
  10. There was mounted combat in Oblivion from the Deadly Reflex mod so I am sure it will be even easier in Skyrim. Great idea btw.
  11. those guys aren't all in bands, right? I'm pretty sure the one on the right is my brother's friend's lawyer.
  12. Wait wait wait. If you added a guitar, this website has tons of free guitar rennaisance and medieval music for download: http://www.jsayles.com/familypages/earlymusic.htm
  13. :D What about when you slash them, the fus ro dah animation goes on them. That would be cool...
  14. I think Bethesda didn't incorporate blocking into dual-wielding because then it would be ridiculously over-powered. Like everyone would use it.
  15. +1 That would be so great. The game also does have capabilities of writing notes by itself. (Such as how your name is written on assassination contracts). Then you would have it specialize depending on what the follower achieved.
  16. That would be so cool. What about having to purchase the right bait?
  17. "You can't say a game from 1990 sucks" Leisure suit larry sucks.
  18. *facepalm* If you want story, READ A F**KING BOOK!
  19. Hey guys. So I know the Creation Kit is not out yet (but let's hope Beth sticks to the Jan deadline) so this mod cannot be started in the current time, but I think it would be wise to plan ahead. I would like there to be a mod that adds the province of Black Marsh to Skyrim. I would be willing to help out (I have experience with the TES Construction Set for Oblivion) and I can design interiors and exteriors. I have made previous mods but I haven't released them because either I thought they were not worth being uploaded or they got lost when my hard drive failed. I have done some research and I don't believe that there is a team currently together readying to add Black Marsh. There are teams for High Rock and Elsweyr (I think, might have been fake) for Skyrim. If this mod can be put together, it will require a lot of new meshes / textures (as there are no swamps in Skyrim), a lot of people and a lot of hard work. Tell me what you guys think, and right up if you want to help out as well (put what you can do, what you are best at and what you cannot do). Thank you.
  20. That would be pretty cool. I'm sure its going to be done once the Creation Kit is released.
  21. Don't hate me if I am wrong but I believe there is a setting in the .ini that turns all gore elements off.
  22. I would like to see a Throwable Weapons mod for Skyrim. I knew it was possible in the Oblivion engine. Imagine the possibilites in the creation engine o_O. Killcam of weapons smashing into them?
  23. Lol, Jesus if you guys despise Skyrim and Bethsoft why not stop playing the game? Also, the Witcher 2 probably should have won best pc game - yeah I have it and holy s*** its fun! Why did Portal win it? Portal wasn't that amazing.
  24. Alright guys, If you haven't heard the news, Skyrim won Gam of the Year, Best RPG of the year and Bethesda raked in best Studio. I would just like to point out to IGN and many other gaming websites that rated Skyrim lower than others. In your face! Yeah I am pretty childish but watching Zelda: Skyward Sword and UC3 get 10/10 while Skyrim got 9.5/10 on IGN I was like WTF? So I am pretty happy for Bethesda and hopefully, they will continue to make such great games.
  25. Okay, so today I saw an article about what Skyrim could learn from Zelda: Skyward Sword. So I decided to look up the reviews on IGN. Now I had already seen Skyrim's review and was disappointed at the pathetic excuse those crappy critics slumped together. And the ratings? Presentation: 9!?!?!?! What the hell. So I was already mad about that. Then I click on Zelda's review. Everything is a 10. Ok, your corrupt-ness is starting to show through IGN. But seriously, Graphics - 10. WTF!!?!?!?! The graphics on it are like those from friggin gamecube's Windwaker! Somebody really needs to expose IGN for who the really are: A bunch of pathetic game noobs that take bribes and write crap reviews to make themselves feel important.
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