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Lady Azura

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Everything posted by Lady Azura

  1. How's my favorite CHUNK of cheese doing? XD
  2. *Gives a peek*

    Thank you ^^ concerning life - so far so good - happily in love.

  3. College started, I'm screwed O: brace yourselves, finals are coming!

    Hope you're not having the same issues O: XD

  4. ;D

    I do my job with 100% efficiency and I never, ever leave a mess. *-*

  5. Mercenary visitor.rawr.

    *waves back*

  6. Oh, I just might be ;O
    1. CheeseyBall


      I have...no clue what that song is about xD
    2. Meeps


      Lol Finnish music =)
  7. Nothing much, although I'm getting ready for college..my very first year xD I'm kinda anxious. :3
  8. Hello you sweet sheep.Sheepy sheep.

    What's shaking :D

  9. Just givin' a peek muffin!

    how's it going ? ^^

  10. Ukraine was epic.Reactor no.4 even more.Bip-Bip.
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Lady Azura

      Lady Azura

      But they still had a parade held ><


    3. CheeseyBall


      Dreadfully interesting subject. :3
    4. Meeps


      Your trip seemed to be very interesting in there
  11. Weeeell, imamo 3 obavezna predmeta iz kojih smo pisali test državne mature.Dakle, nije matura poput one dobre stare gdje usrana matematika nije bila obavezna >< majku im...

    Dakle, matematika, hrvatski i strani jezik po izboru.To moramo proć inače, adios!

    I uz te obavezne, po potrebi fakulteta koje smo prijavili, biramo izborne.Neki faksevi ih čak ni ne traže, tako da nekima i ne trebaju.

  12. Hahahhaha xD dakle slično kao ja.

    Samo što ja sa svojim curama sjedim za šankom i smijem se kopijama Seke Aleksić i ekipe xD veselo moram priznati.

  13. Ma evo me!!!! xD

    ja sam stalno tu, samo cirkuliram...

    Nadam se da ti ide u životu, dok ja molim Boga da prođem maturu iz matematike.

  14. Saw you givin' a peek ;)

    helloooo stranger m/

  15. PP looks weird because it's not full version xD That one is within about me section.

    Ah, that's why I get a lot of attention recently xD

  16. Yes I thought I should show off how I look after exam xD

    the thing you see is my angry/tired/bloodthirsty face xD

    But ofc, I don't look retarded all the time.... :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lady Azura

      Lady Azura

      Yes, I have a good insight in all the lyrics ;)


    3. VisseNekku5746


      Lol, good. :) Just so I know that you know what you're talking about
    4. Meeps


      Nice you like the Finnish band Turmionkätilöt =)
  17. Well I surely hope I'll pass xD I must! Otherwise, I might as well jump of a cliff, because if I fail, I'm screwed.xD

    Thanks for having faith in me ;)

  18. It's just that I have to pass all my finals in order to get into a decent college :)

    And well, that's kinda my priority now.

  19. Hey you :D

    an urge showed up and I had to give you a peek.How are you doing? :D

  20. Going to Chernobyl this summer.With my cousin and the rest of his crew who're collecting plant and soil samples from the fields around the power plant.Any advices?xD besides that one I should keep my Geiger's counter up and running.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lady Azura

      Lady Azura

      I know everything, I've been trained.

      But the thing is THERE surely is a risk.Pripyat and Chernobyl are quite interesting places but the fact they PAY much tells something.And that someone doesn't want to do the job him/herself.

    3. TreborMarg


      You've been trained? Not by me you haven't =P


      Well, at least you know what you're getting into, but I still say the best advice is to stay away from there unless you had no choice.

    4. Lady Azura

      Lady Azura

      Yes, I'm well aware of the possible consequences, and I do know how to prevent all those difficulties.

      And there's always a risk.

      I'm going there with a professional though and everything should be just fine.The thing is, they offer good money.

  21. Tako mlad, a vid već u k****.

    Moje sirote kose oči se u zadnje vrijeme naprežu samo zbog faking fonta -12...koji je eto, ocijenjen kao idealan za udžbenik iz psihologije.Bokte slova su im 5 x 10 na minus šestu -.-

  22. Actually, žena s lukom i strijelom xD

    Kad je riječ o vatrenom oružju onda je streljaštvo.

    I ovo je dovoljno gadno ako fulam.

  23. Man you have no idea xD

    neka, počelo je streličarstvo opet....malo zabave u mom životu xD <3

    Sada barem nemoram tražit opravdanje što po susjedstvu lete mrtve ptice.

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