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Lady Azura

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Everything posted by Lady Azura

  1. Thanks for add :D


  2. Long time no see :D Kako smo?
  3. And there you go, into the green light xD with alienz...

    it's how they stalk u *O_O* through Nexus.

  4. No biggy, girl :D The pleasure is all mine :D
  5. You ish being stalked xD
  6. I like when people click my eggs.PLEASE CLICK MY EGG! XD :3
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. CheeseyBall
    3. LaughingVampire
    4. Lady Azura

      Lady Azura

      RIP egg xD seems there weren't enough clicks.Died long ago.Poor thing.
  7. Long time no see...but I'm back with some new artworks that kinda helped my engine going... So, my puffy heaven, as it was few months ago xD : http://i51.tinypic.com/2b876a.jpg Aaaaand a billboard I've done for school on one occasion (not really much of a sight but so much work and love was put into it and I just adore it) : http://i56.tinypic.com/syw4nr.jpg
  8. Hey girl and thanks for add :D<3
  9. Then just sick looking frankenstein sheep will do xD <3 any sheep you make will be pretty much perfect.
  10. Thanks for teh add :3

    Much appreciated :D

  11. Sheep with tentacle(s) would be awesome xD <3<3

    Hail sheep army. m/

  12. Thanks for adding meh :3 <3
  13. Guess who's baaaaack :D xD I apologize for my absence, I had some family issues that needed to be solved.


  14. Was good, but pretty exhausting (in a way) xD

    Had to keep my little nephew away from troubles since he got a little sister in Christmas time.And you know how kids get when they miss their mom, he drained my strength completely xD

  15. Merry Xmas to you too, now that I've finally managed to chase away my dad.I'll never understand that need for hanging over my pc if there's one more in the house. xD *munching on xmas cakes* omnomnomnomnom
  16. Thank you :3 ^^ my friends on the other hand, eat my cakes every Monday (they believe it brings luck too xD)
  17. How 'bout now? xD they say the third time is a charm..who knows maybe peeking to your profile brings me luck xD
  18. The dialogue between a dead man and a priest :D <3 and Juliette.
  19. I like Tolkien, But Marquis de Sade is kinda my favorite, due to his tries to make people look wild and weak at the same time.<3
  20. I enjoy classical music more than breathing I'd say...<3

    I've also been to several balls that included dancing all night long, to the sounds of Paganini or Tchaikovsky (my two fav composers)

  21. My god you're a poet! xD

    Now that was intriguing :D <3!

  22. Oh, kako smo? :D Ajmo bojkotirat Božić..vidim kako se licemjerna bagra okuplja na ulice polako.
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