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Spies of the Commonwealth


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OK. Was looking through another forum and in response to that and theories regarding the Institute spying on people of the Commonwealth I thought of a possible quest mod that would be interesting.


As we all know, Tinker Tom is just plain nuts, but a genius. NO, I do not believe that there are nanobots or whatever in our bodies. Given the energy shortages, and the Institutes' goals of basically replacing humanity with synths, creating and producing sufficient mic-robotic spies to infest the food supplies would not be cost effective, and more than likely, impossible. Airborne spies would go everywhere, including animals. Too much in wasted resources. The Institute wants surface dwellers gone. Period. To them, surface dwellers are more of a virus than a commodity.


My idea is a quest line that the protagonist uncovers a coordinated plan by the Institute to do three things: Spy on the Commonwealth; use that information to sow discontent such as sending synth infiltrators to growing settlements and reeking havoc; slowly poisoning the Commonwealth with drugs that would make people infertile and/or cause genetic anomalies in their progeny thus limiting or ending their progeny's lives prematurely. Such an effort would be easy and would be hard to spot as it could be blamed on radiation poisoning.

You simply add the necessary chemicals to the water supplies, such as the large one in Diamond City which is a hub for travelers, traders and the like.

Traders may buy the water to sell throughout the Commonwealth. The Institute is playing a long game and basically eliminating future generations of humans is very cost efficient as their scientists can manipulate the genes of plants, etc., so including drugs/chemicals into the water would be an easy task.


A three pronged attack, spies, unrest in settlements to make sure they do not grow, and eliminating future generations of human citizens of the Commonwealth would be very easy and cost effective and would limit exposure of the Institute to the Commonwealth, that is until the sole-survivor shows up and catches someone trying to poison the waster supply in Diamond City, leading him on a quest to uncover who exactly is responsible for trying to poison the water supply, and leading to the full idea of a three pronged attack on the Commonwealth by the Institute.



This fits within the lore given that when the Commonwealth was trying to form a provisional government, the Institute sent in an infiltrator to kill the leaders.



It would be an interesting quest actually to catch a synth who is poisoning the water supplies, tracing him/her back to a group of spies, both human and synth, thus lending credibility to Pipers concerns about synths.


Just an idea mind you and frankly, not sure that it would work within the game limitations, but a little bit of intrigue and investigation by the protagonist using only notes and interrogation versus map markers would be an interesting addition to the Commonwealth story.



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