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Help with script compiling


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I hope I'm asking in the right part of the forums...


I had an idea of something I wanted to try in Skyrim, and after reading through several similar topics, and finding the commands I wanted in the creation kit wiki and SKSE, I wrote a small script. However, there seems to be a problem with one part that, well, as far as I can tell, shouldn't be having a problem.


Scriptname PassPlayWUpdate extends Quest  

import ActorBase
import Game

ActorBase pActorBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
float NewWeight

Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel (int aiNewLevel)
NewWeight = (aiNewLevel * 2)




It keeps flubbing on the line "ActorBase pActorBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()", with the error " no viable alternative at input 'Game' ". I've read through various vanilla scripts and I'm pretty sure they use the same syntax I used. Knowing me, I'm probably missing something obvious, but this has me stumped. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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I hope I'm asking in the right part of the forums...


I had an idea of something I wanted to try in Skyrim, and after reading through several similar topics, and finding the commands I wanted in the creation kit wiki and SKSE, I wrote a small script. However, there seems to be a problem with one part that, well, as far as I can tell, shouldn't be having a problem.


Scriptname PassPlayWUpdate extends Quest  

import ActorBase
import Game

ActorBase pActorBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
float NewWeight

Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel (int aiNewLevel)
NewWeight = (aiNewLevel * 2)




It keeps flubbing on the line "ActorBase pActorBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()", with the error " no viable alternative at input 'Game' ". I've read through various vanilla scripts and I'm pretty sure they use the same syntax I used. Knowing me, I'm probably missing something obvious, but this has me stumped. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

I think it's because you only need to do Game.GetPlayer() if you don't import game.

Not 100% sure though, for better or for worse I haven't gotten into the habit of using imports.

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No need to import.


Scriptname PassPlayWUpdate extends Quest  

float NewWeight

Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel (int aiNewLevel)
	ActorBase pActorBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
	NewWeight = (aiNewLevel * 2)
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I ended up looking at another script right after my post and ended up with this:


Scriptname PassPlayWUpdate extends Quest

Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel (int aiNewLevel)
float NewWeight = (aiNewLevel * 2)



It compiled just fine, no errors. I think I've found out how to implement it too.  Thanks for the help though!

EDIT: Actually, not having much luck implementing it. Time to experiment!

Edited by SpaceKGreen
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You could save yourself a few moments of parsing by not calling game.getplayer() all the time but rather setup a property such that your script example in the last post would be




Scriptname PassPlayWUpdate extends Quest

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel(int aiNewLevel)
  float NewWeight = (aiNewLevel * 2)




PlayerRef will auto-fill with the appropriate reference used by the player.


As far as implementing, no clue. not used that particular event before.

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