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Stop time freezing in menus


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Hey all,


I was thinking of an idea for a mod, and was wondering if anyone would like to take time to look into it. My mod loadout consists of a lot of immersion/hardcore mods like Frostfall and Drink Eat Sleep Bathe, but I'm always looking for more additions to my list. Specifically, I've been wondering about the possibility of making a mod that prevents time from freezing when certain menus are open.


Such a mod would prevent the player from being able to put on their best armor when caught off guard, or use too many potions just because the game lets them. It would also make miscellaneous activities such as reading books pass time as well. For example, I was playing the Helgen Reborn mod (great mod!), and there was a part of it where I had to use the sawmill to saw 15 logs; it would have been nice to manage my inventory while the animation was playing through as opposed to doing that while time freezes.


I'm very new to modding, and know nothing about extensions such as SKSE that would likely enable this, but I feel as though there might be some way to implement it. Crafting menus, for example, don't stop time, and neither does dialogue. Maybe whoever attempts to take up a mod like this would be able to use that as a starting point.


In addition to this, MCM compatibility would be awesome, as it might allow the player to choose what menus stop time and what doesn't, whether it only limits it to the items menu not freezing time, or only the favorites menu freezes. Of course, the mod would have to be possible to make in the first place.


For fun, here is an interesting thread I found that discusses possible implementation of these mechanics:




(Please don't attack me if I'm not allowed to post a link like that)



Edited by cronosnake
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5 hours ago, ModEnjoyer52 said:

I used to have it working on 1.5.97. The older version is available still and I never had problems with it. Check on the files tab under Miscellaneous.

Oh great to know the older version might work! When it comes to mods I'm terrified of anything no longer being updated 😅

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