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Tell me what Archetype I should roll.


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I'm extremely indecisive and have always played a female assassin/thief type, so please exclude that unless you have a twist involvd.


Tell me what Archetype I should play!


No limits on Archetype, no "only main types", i.e can be spellsword, bard (im a classic roleplayer, so i know how to play any sub-class/how to RP it).


My game is Heavily modded so there may be some incompatibilities. You can include Race/Mod for said race as well. (M/F) too.


Halp me XD

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/me rolls...


Female rogue/warrior with strong one-handed and blocking skill.

Female bard/warrior with good light armor and two-handed.

Female merchant who excels in hiring mercenaries to do her dirty work.

Female rogue/farmer looking for a companion/love interest <-- this would be a tough one to pass up, IMHO.

Male mage/warrior who mainly collects books.


Random doesn't always give you what you want, though.

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I played a male Orc shaman once. The armor I used was from luddemanns armory, which you can find here:



The shaman looking one.


Although this may not be your type since you played a female thief, at least it's something new. I usually play a Khajiit Hunter/Thief.

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I always play a Nord Male Assassin/thief that kills with a bow (basically a Sniper), that collects books and is specially obsessed with anything Dwemer and Daedric Artifacts (He's sort of an Antiquarian). So, not realy that different from what you're used to.

Lately i've been thinking about playing a male Orc,Heavy armor, Mace and Destruction magic, sort of an War Cleric, maybe you could try that.

Edited by bartleby1407
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I've been rolling as a mage since Oblivion.


I've played with assassin/warrior/hunter archetypes, but those ain't as fun as mage.


Warrior basically becomes a god at some point (especially in vanilla game. Fully smithed armors ftw)

Hunter becomes invisible.


But mage is always as fragile :biggrin: Especially as I don't use ANY skin spells. I hate the effects.

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If you're someone who enjoys Role Playing but you haven't tried other play styles, then you should consider playing a series of short games with different characters to expand your range of experience and inspire you to broaden your range.


1. Brute - Heavy Armor, 2-Handed Weapon, Smithing. - Orc, Redguard or Nord works great, but any race can. Heal using food & potions. Avoid magic because it's for the weak. - Do the Companions Questline Only.


2. Arcanist - No Armor, Magic, Magic, Magic. - Altmer, Dunmer or Breton works great, but any race can. Do everything with spells. Avoid physical contact. - Do the College of Winterhold Questline Only.


3. Predator - Light Armor, Single Dagger only, Illusion (Invisibility and Calm / Fear - More fun if they run) and Stealth. Argonian or Khajiit works great, but any race can. Do Namira's Daedric Quest ASAP then eat your victims. - Do the Dark Brotherhood Questline Only.


4. Soldier - Any Armor, 1-Handed Weapon and Shield. - Any race works great. Heal using food & potions. Embrace the philosophy of a side in the Civil War and Do the Civil War Questline - Only do as much of the Main Quest as necessary.


5. Paladin - Any Armor. Melee weapons only, Restoration (Healing and Turning Undead). - Imperial works great, but any race can. Help everyone, Do any Divine Quests you like and The Main Questline Only.


6. Witch - Any Armor, or None. Conjuration. Destruction. Alchemy. Heal using your own potions. Conjure Daedra / Undead to attack your enemies and Blast them yourself as well. Dunmer works great, but any race can. Do all the Daedric Quests Only.


7. Vampire - This probably requires a good Mod and / or Dawnguard to work properly. Hunt, feed and plot to rule the world.


If you try out as many of those as you can be bothered to, you're bound to have some great inspiration for a full playthrough and you'll know more about how you enjoy playing most. Or maybe you'll end up like me - enjoying every playstyle for it's own merits and switching between them whenever you feel like it. :)

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